What Did You Smoke Today

Hey Marty,

It is a Partagas Serie D No. 4., its a robusto and hails from the country of Cuba.

Also, there is a PSP2 which is a Partagas Serie P No.2, a torpedo.

Cool! Thanks for bailing out the resident dum-dum.

I'll catch on to a lot of this stuff, sooner or later.


Perelman's also has a Habano edition. It is also very informative.

Yeah, I knew that but it didn't occur to me to look there.

I remember early on when I was just beginning to log in to the forum, someone pointed out that they didn't see why I was curious about Cubans when there were so many other fantastic smokes out there that were legal. I guess from that point I just sorta forgot about Cubans.

The habanos that I have smoked have been outstanding with the exception of a few. They are definately worth trying. The flavor profile is different from non-cubans. You can check out : cubancigarwebsite.com to learn more about them.

Thanks for the info, my friend. I really appreciate anything new that I can learn about this topic.

The only experience I've had so far with Cuban cigars is the shirt-pocket-full of them I bought in Mexico last January. But I was told on this forum that the chances that they were actually Cuban ranged between slim and nil so my knowledge of them is obviously very limited.

I DO still have a Bolivar I bought on that trip and I've been saving it to smoke with my step-son for whom I bought a second Bolivar at that same time. At this late date, however, I obviously have my doubts as to whether those cigars are Cuban or not.

The story of how I got those cigars back into this country is kinda comical and I'll tell it if someone asks but won't take up the space here.

Have a great evening.

Next time you are on Skype, I will ask you. i am always up for a good laugh! :D

You have a great evening as well, Marty!

Dustin, my friend, you're an okay guy. I'll try to get in on Skype as soon as our times coincide.

Tonight I had a Punch Deluxe Chateau "L" and it was great. We had our first rain since about March and I took a snifter of Baker's along with my cigar out on my patio. It was wonderful. The patio remodel is complete, the rain was falling lightly - a good soaking rain that we need desperately, and all is right with my world.

The Punch started out kinda mild in the first third and, as it burned down, the flavor increased beautifully. As you've heard me say before, Molto Bene.

There's a cigar event happening tomorrow at a B&M about 60 miles from here that I'd like to try to attend but may not be able to. The Gurkha people will be there with freebies, etc. and it sounds great. I've never been to one of these and if I miss tomorrow's, I'll damned sure make the next one. We don't have very many places here in No. California that host these things so it's a "must-do" for me - - if not this time, then the next for sure.

Catch ya next time,

jlmarta said:
Dustin, my friend, you're an okay guy. I'll try to get in on Skype as soon as our times coincide.


Keep that impression, Marty, and don't believe ANYTHING these guys may tell you about me! :sm_angel:

Tonight I smoked a Zelo de Cuba Lonsdale. Yeah, I know......laugh if you want to. It was pretty darn good. My son had a Victor Sinclair Robusto that was pretty good, also.

We had dinner at his place with cigars and dessert on the patio.

So far, those Zelo de Cuba's have been surprisingly good for a cheapie. I shouldn't tell everybody that 'cause now the price will probably go up on 'em.

I had a DPG Casa Royal this afternoon. Not sure what I think about it. It is definitely not like most his other assortment. I would go for a JJ or Cuban Classic before I reached for another Casa Royal.

On another note, my B&M just picked up the Jesus Fuego line. Anyone tried these yet? Any thoughts if you have? I was told the Gran Reserve was wonderful, the delirium was good, and the natural was so-so.
J. Fuego Gran Reserve Corojo #1 good smoke, Nice medium body smoke, I think it will be better with age, there just was not much to it.
The price is a bit high for the product, IMHO
Had a 5 Vegas Miami Shaggy Toro the other day, it was very full bodied and bruned well but I think I like the PC better. The smaller cigar just had alot more pepper and spice to it, this size was a little flat. Today while cutting the grass I had a Puros Indios Aged Pyramid. It was a nice smoke for the price. Very woody with a decent burn, it was a little on the loose side though, but a nice yard gar for sure.
My cat and I went out on the patio today with a Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 and a cup of coffee. It's a windy, blustery day and the temp was around 62 degrees. Fall must be on the way here in Northern California. Thank goodness the patio is fairly well protected from the wind.

The cigar was very nice - smooth, easy draw, even burn. It's rated as "medium bodied/full flavored" but the first half of it would be more "medium/medium, I think. The flavor picked up in the second half and, all in all, it was a good smoke.

I've got an Arturo Fuente Seleccion Privada No. 1 lined up for next time. Ought to be a good one with a name like that.
Had two yesterday, Oliva Serie V Ligero (pretty good but heats up quickly), and a La Unica #400 (pretty good as well) Great cigars to burn while sitting on a boat on Lake Murray... :)