Well, that's the most salient point. Regardless of what one thinks about certain members of the HCF, or the personal differences that have arisen over the years to tear certain fibers asunder, they ALL have their talents, as well as their great sense of loyalty and outgoing concern. Does anyone remember when CC told us about the last time his house almost slid into the river, and the next day there were ten guys there to heave huge stones, mix concrete, work the wheelbarrow, etc.?
All because the HCF has actually done something far more important than arrange casual cigar related meetings. They create and maintain an overall, far reaching network of good will and outgoing concern, worldwide at this point, checking up on each other, and helping where necessary, and even where not. They also collect big money for worthwhile charities whenever one of their "sit-downs" is held.
And certainly, regardless of whether or not you appreciate the way certain people behave or speak to you at times, one should never throw the baby out with the bathwater. One will probably find before going to their death, that even the people they love the most in the world, can also vex them to the depths of their soul at times. Nonetheless, they all have their abilities, and just take a look at the abilities of the collective principles of the HCF.
They organize well. They have people to work the blocks of time necessary to design and put up a web site, they select and manage forums very well, there is a collective charisma among the group that performs the function of "driving interest" EXTREMELY well, vital to the function of the endless discussions held in chat rooms. If you're not informative at all, and boring to boot, your web site won't last long, and the HCF is plenty informative and never boring.
So, that's the deal. Without the HCF and their home, we have to find something else just as interesting to do with that part of our day that we spend visiting and communing with them.
And I really don't feel like it. I want them back, and I'm hoping The Lord will enable the nomadic-like HCF to find a permanent and eternally well-functioning home, so we can go back to their club when we feel like making that scene.