Well, here I am, and when the heck is Sunday morning anyway?
Is it alright witchooguyz if I just show up and post? I don't really have a schedule anymore because I don't really have a job anymore. Well, I do but I don't. :duh:
Okay, okay, I won't get started, because you all realize by now that I'm really 17. :sm_angel: I'm basically like Ashton Kutcher's "Michael Kelso" character in "That 70's Show," except I can kick the crap out of Hyde. He wouldn't push me around the way he does Kelso. I am as stupid, clueless, humorously idiotic and all that other stuff though, so I won't get started.
I decided to treat myself tonight and reached into Desk Top III (like Air Force I) and grab the very large Perdomo Reserve X that's been in there for a while, at least half a year. If it hadn't been there at least half a year, I wouldn't have the courage. And if I wasn't half in the bag from bourbon and unmentionables, I wouldn't have the courage to smoke a Perdomo Reserve X either. I fell in love with the "A" size many years ago, but every other size seems to kick my ass.
Where was I going with this post anyway? :duh: :sm_angel: :cryinlaugh: :duh: Oh right, I'm smoking a Perdomo Reserve X on a Friday Knight in Pleasant Valley Sunday and I've had a tasting of two of my favorite bourbons in the past few hours. Oh yeah, I walked up the hill with 50 pounds of groceries hanging from my arms in 14 1/2 minutes, beating last week's record by half a minute. Nice workout. I think 50 pounds is close to, if not the most amount of groceries I've come up the hill with since I've been living here.
Hey, an old man's gotta do something for exercise, y'know?
Passover was recently. There aren't many of my half people (Jooz) in Fishkill. I observe my Passover (as taught by the late Herbert W. Armstrong) one day earlier than traditional Jews do. Armstrong was the late Pastor General of the now very exploded Worldwide Church of God. After his death, the members and officials factionalized into many groups and individuals throughout the World. The "Church's" official position now is that Armstrong was full of crap, his teachings have been pushed aside, and it's "everybody into the pool," meaning do everything and observe everything Armstrong said not to. His teachings are now referred to as "Armstrongism."
In nearly 27 readings of the entire Bible, four different English language translations, I really find little, if any fault with his teachings. What-the-heck-ever. :roll: I'm a hermit, I stay home and mind my business. Just don't come on my property.
Anyway, when it was time for me to observe the Judeo-Christian "Armstrongian" Passover I DIDN'T FIND ANY MATZOH DOWN AT THE A&P ON ROUTE 52.
:argh: :fineprint: :cop: :argh:
So, I'm checking out this afternoon, shortly after 1600 hours, and the cashier asks me if I WANT A FREE BOX OF MATZOH!!!
I looked at her as if she had seven heads, observed that she was kind of hot for 16 or whatever she was :duh: , busted out laughing and asked her if she was serious about a free box of matzoh and yes, I'd take one.
So she yells over to another girl "free box of matzoh" and the other girl brings over a CASE of matzoh.



Hey, wait a second, oh never mind. :dunno: :dunno:
Well, that's how I was able to break my record and earn this fhine, fhine, ptttttttttttttemium cigahhhhhh. It turned out to be several boxes of my favorite matzoh, weighing five pounds net, or about five and a half or six pounds in consideration of boxes and plastic wrap.
Hey, Shakespeare on acid couldn't make this stuff up. There's plenty of my other half people up here (Puerto Ricans), but no Jews.
WHERE'D THEY GET THE MATZOH after PASSOVER. :duh: :duh: :banghead: :duh: