Sunday Morning Smoke

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she is a piano player , on the Whindom Hill lable , kind of classical, kind of new age ,eay listening, cigar smoking music , not jazz but close. Enjoy, Vince

You speak so fondly of the Fuentes Don Carlos #3 that I walked to the harbor tobacco shop on Sunday (after calling them -- yep, they have DC#3s and DC#4s) and bought one.

After reading all of the "Bloofingtons" regarding the "shock and awe" effect of DC#3s, I made sure my will was in order and life insurance paid up. My wife, noticing my unusual flurry of activity on Sunday morning, inquired as women often do, what I was up to.

I printed out a complete copy of the Sunday Morning Chronicles (starring Bloofington and Vince with a supporting cast of many fine smokes), and Bloofington's description of what Don Carlos #3s consumed early in the morning could do. Additionally, just to be fair, I printed out Bloofington's piece on washing clothes, smoking cigars and watching reruns of All My Children, while walking around the house au natural.

She read that too (also Bloofington's master work on why you should never let women in the house...ever!)

When she stopped sputtering (and laughing), she launched into what I can only describe as one of the longest speeches I have ever heard her make. My wife is French and when she goes off, although she speaks perfect English, she reverts to her mother tongue; kind of like a Ricky Ricardo clone from I love Luci fame only better looking and with blond hair). When this happens I am more or less reduced to saying things like "Oh yeah," or "Well, that's easy for you to say."

After all was said and done . . and then said again, I will burn my Fuentes Don Carlos #3 stick, to my heart's content on 2 conditions:

1. I will be sitting about 20 feet behind our house next to a small pond where the local sea birds (aka scavengers -- who don't seem to have a sense of smell or of anything else for that matter) hang out; and

2. My 2 young daughters will have the garden hose ready just in case the DC#3 causes me to explode or vapors from the smoke peel paint off the house.

Nonetheless, I will try the DC#3 first thing tomorrow morning with my morning brew of Peet's Arabian Mocha Sanani.

:mrgreen: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :mrgreen: :cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :pumpkin:

And thanks AGAIN for another reminder about the Yemen Mocha Sanani. I've GOT to go on Peet's web site the next time I buy beans.
Cian, the DC #3 is not that strong ! trust me, it is a wonderfull Morning Smoke, I start most days with one, it has plenty of flavor is is the right size for my morning drive to Pittsburgh, But now I dont have that drive every morning but I still enjoy the #3 , I worked downtown Pittsburgh for 7 years, but I havent had to go into town since 1999 for work, I go but not to work anymore & I dont go every day , it is a fine smoke & has a great taste that matches very well with coffee , I dont have them with whisky, not at 5 or 6 am anyhow , & if I am still up at that time I should be on my way home & have had enough whisky by then! Also at that time of the day if I am on my way home I should be smoking a CAO Churchill or a Davidoff Doubble R , something that has a kick to it hahaha , but they all go fine with coffee , since last Aril 8th I have lost 150 pounds & I find I am drinking a lot less whisky & a lot more coffee, not that I stopped sipping single malt, I had one tonight with a Fuente Canone (8.5x52) I would have had a Masterpiece but I grabed this instead, it went very nice with the Macallen Cask Strengh & the Kenya AA, made in a Freedom Press pot , I am sitting here with the Moody Blues on the CD player & the end of the AA , no more whisky tonight .
We had a wonderful day here in the Burgh, 72 F low humidity & a bright blue sky, better than the 4 inches of Snow we had Sunday !, I got a little sun & smoked some fine cigars today, a DC #3 at 8 am , by 10 I had made breakfast for my wife & myself, & put on a pot of ham & bean soup , it cooked all day, just fantastic at supper, had to get rid of the ham bone from Easter , it made a great stock & all the ham fat just melted into the soup, TONS of flavor, 3 different dry beans, red kidneys, white northern & black cuban , lots of garlic & veggies, a bit of tabasco , a bag of yellow split peas & a bag of red lentals , there was some spagetti sauce left over from yesterday & it went in as did the last of the escalopped potatoes , sort of fridge fall out , all the leftovers got recycled into the soup. Nothing gets tossed out, you make some thing else with it ! , left over bread becomes desert the next day, bread pudding or it gets ground into bread crumbs to coat the chicken or fish, I grew up working for my Grandmother at her Supper Club, learned at at early age Dont screw with the bottom line on the ledger sheet, MAKE MONEY!, so that what I have done all my life, I make it & Spend it !, well I am out of coffee & the CD needs to be changed, so I guess I am down posting for tonight ! , I never know what I am going to say till I sit down at the keyboard & I am out of time ! Enjoy, Vince
". . . sort of fridge fall out , all the leftovers got recycled into the soup. Nothing gets tossed out, you make some thing else with it ! , left over bread becomes desert the next day, bread pudding or it gets ground into bread crumbs to coat the chicken or fish, I grew up working for my Grandmother at her Supper Club, learned at at early age Dont screw with the bottom line on the ledger sheet, MAKE MONEY!"


Grandma's always right! It wasn't just about making money. Our grandparents grew up knowing that any kind of waste, especially a waste of food was sinful. That generation, for the most part grew up without enough food and forget about EVER having enough money. The wonderful dishes that can be made with leftovers are a great testimony to the spirit of the people that forged a large part of this nation's current social infrastructure. Vince learned well, he paid attention to Grandma. They knew their stuff, our Grandmas.
Grandma Knows best, I learned a lot from Both of my Grandmothers & its a different lesson I learned from them, My Mothers Mother, taught me to cook, My Fathers Mother tought me to Sew & get along with other people, I was the oldest grandchild on my Mothers side but #4 on my Dads side, so I had older cousins there , & a Great Grandmother on both sides one spoke German & the other spoke Italian, niether spoke English, so I learned to talk to both of them, by the time I went to first grade I could speak German, Italian & English, but after they died , no one spoke German or Italian any more & by third grade it was all lost, for sure if you dont use it you will loose it ! man I got to cook in both homes & learned a lot of ethnic dishes at an early age, German home cooking & Italian professional kitchen styles , it was a grat childhood !No wonder I ended up over 400 pounds ! & even at 6'2" 417 pounds is just way to much, so now I have lost 150 total pounds & on this Friday 8 April 05, it will be one year since my Gastric by Pass.
Went cigar shopping for the shop today, $2400 Plus , & more to order over the phone this week, should hold us a week or so hahahaha , I wish business was that good hahahaha !
we had an other great day here in the burgh today, got a little sunburn on the face , time to get out the wide brim hat .
still havent seen ole Angus yet this week, he must be " Busy" we know that he is Bullish on making big money & between the Bulls & the Bears, , My Money is on Angus !, Ahhhh what a life !!!, when I die I want to come back as Angus !
Time to get in the shower & go to bed, up early in the morning for my coffee & Don Carlos#3 , then back to bed till 9 ! hahahah Enjoy, Vince
Vince & Bloof

I followed Cian's advice and started reading THE SUNDAY MORNING SMOKE starting at page 1. I've been on the Southbeach Diet for six weeks. Have not cheated. No booze,pata,bread and so on.
Have gone from 251 lbs. to 225 lbs. Diet is not hard if one has a little willpower.Being in my late 50's- this diet and managing my weight is important.
Your 5 pages of food, wine and cigars was more than I could handle.
As I write this reply, I am enjoying a nip of Ardbeg 17 year old.
For those who enjoy Islay malts- this is my favorite. After six weeks on the wagon- this Ardbeg is better than I remembered it.
glad to see you have lost some pounds, but sorry you fell off the wagon, right now it is one year & a day since my gastric by pass, & I am down 150 pounds, tipping the scale at 267 today, about 50 pounds to go give or take 20 ! , I have a glas of Macallen cask strenght in my hand right now , am on my third cigar of the day, DC #3 this morning, with coffee, a Hemmingway Classic with lunch & now I have a Camacho SLR rubusto , & the scotch, breakfast was one egg & some ham, lunch was a cup of soup ( ham & bean) & I have no idea what we are going to have later, some thing with ham for sure, I had a huge ham for Easter, & am taking it out of the freezer a little at a time till it is GONE, with just the 2 of us I got to learn to cook less !!!! , it is a wonderful day here in the burgh & I am waisting time here on the computer, back outside to start a new cigar to go with the scotch ! Enjoy, Vince
Sunday morning 11 AM: Good morning to all you cigar smokers & familys, Bloof , it seams like our Sunday morning ramblings are getting a fan audiance , looks like I better start putting on pants when I write hahahaha ! I was up at 5:30 am this morning , it was a wonderful sunrise here in the Burgh, I had my customary Don Carlos #3 with a mug of Kenya AA , went back to bed at 7 got up at 9:30 to make breakfast for the Boss & my self, got a few windows open all ready & will be cooking some Beef today .My daughter called when we were having breakfast & she & the Boys will be here after lunch , so I have to get my computer time in before they get here , they think it is there computer & I just let them keep it here ! hahahaha !well that how I convinced my wife we needed a computer !

One year & 2 days ago I had a gastric by pass, as of this morning I am down 150 pounds , right now I am 267, with 50 or more to go ! I feel great, & would do it again if I had to !

I have some yard work to do this week, I hope I get to it , but my adgenda is kind of full, it might need to be on hold till next week !, one of the things I must do this week if I get a chance is start the news letter for the Procasternaters club, I was elected president back in 1996, I havent made called my first meeting yet, but I will get to it soon.

I do wonder about cigar smokers, with all the strife & war in the world, why dont we just put a cup of coffee & a cigar in the world leaders hands & get down to the task at hand, & get to enjoying the smoke with other, , The American Indians had the right idea, the Peace pipe , just take a big hit on the pipe & every thing will be fine!!! Add some single malt scotch , you have a party, no one wants to fight with a ciar in one hand & a drink in the other, even if its only coffee !

The motorcycles are out in force the past few days , I want to ride to the Wall in DC this May with the Beaver County Chapter 862 Viet Nam Vets of Amercia , I sold my bike to my Brother a few years ago & never replaced it , so I checked out some rental shops, Dammm , cheeper to rent a Corvette than a HOG , looks like I might need to change my plans for the end of May.
time for me to get in the kitchen & start prepping for supper, got to get it done before the grandsons get here & want to HELP ! Enjoy, Vince
Morning all,
Well, I didn't have a cigar on sunday, but I had one on saturday evening. It seems that my brother RazorKing snuck over to the cigar shop in Rochester friday nite for a cigar and a drink with Vince.
Fortunately, he bought a cigar for me. The JERICO you recommended was darn tasty Vince...thanks :D
I am glad you liked it, I met the maker of the Jerico cigars last Oct. & have been smoking them on a regular rotation ever simce , right now I have a 15 cigar rotation that I am enjoying to the fullest, & there are a few new ones that get plugged in evey now & then. We are having a Cigar Crawl the 21st of May, check out the web site, for more info about it, this will be the 7th one , it is an all day Party. check it out, the bus is filling up fast. Enjoy, Vince

You were right. The Fuentes DC#3 is a pretty good stick. Big clouds of smoke and it got better as it went along; really nice finish at the end.

My only negative comment would be the price. I paid $9.50 for a single. IMO that's pretty expensive for a non-Cuban smoke. One of my all time favorites (Padron 3000) non-Cuban costs half of that.

Hi Vince, thought I'd chime in and Thank You for the recommendations on Friday. As you can see my brother enjoyed the Jericho, should have bought two! He's itching to come visit, I may have to drag over sometime this week.
The Nicaraguian National didn't quite do it for me. Those are giveaways now. I did enjoy the Hoyo Maduro.
I'm holding off to smoke the corojo this week.
When are your new boxes coming in :?: :D
Are the other guys from Friday night on this forum also?
Thanks Again!
I am sure the other guys dont post, hell most off them cant make a sentence when there talking, never mind having to type it out !, Uncle lou will post on Cigar afficanado at times, but right now his computer is in the shop, Doug gets on but I dont know what forum he is on if any, & I dont think you met them anyhow, but I could be wrong, I did have a few to drink Friday night .
As far as the price on thr DC #3 we have them for 8 bucks a stick, , @ 9.50 that is a little high, we are high ourselves , but if I drop the price to many people buy them & there is none left for me ! hahahaha !
New shipment is scheduled for Wed. but I dont know what time it will be there , so maybe Thursday morning will be a good time to stop & check it out .
BTW I did call 2 of the 26 guys in the procrastinators club, both were busy this month so I will make a few calls next month to see if we can get enough for a meeting hahahah ! Enjoy, Vince
Well technically it is stuill saturday night, & the title is sunday morning, but I will not be home in the morning, so here is my "Sunday Posting " just a bit early
Saturday 16 April, 11:27 PM
It was a Busy day here in the Burgh, the weather was super, not a cloud in the sky, 72 F low humidity, & I was able to get the grass cut, for the first time this grass cutting season, IT Sucks, bring back the cold & snow, My wife shoveled the snow, & I had the Qtr.Deck to hide in & have a fine cigar , now I have the grass to contend with , oh well the first snow is just a few months away !
Not only did we cut grass, I got all the other yard work done, the lawn chairs are out on the back Deck, the wind chimes are up & the hummingbird feeders are ready to go , & on top of all of that I got 10 cigars in today , started out at 6 AM with a Don Carlos #3 like I start most days , Bacon & eggs for the wife , I had a slice of toast & one egg , an orange & banana for lunch & supper a grilled cheese with ham, & I am full ! , I must have had 4 pots of coffee today & a quart of water or more, man I am "floating" I just finished up my last smoke of the day , Chuesta Rae, #11 maduro , I had a great day, cigars ,coffee & yard work, well as Meatloaf said, 2 out of 3 aint bad !
I will have the day all to my self Sunday, I have to take my wife to her mothers early in the morning, they are going with our daughter & grandsons to some dance compitition, I will spend the day at the cigar shop, I should get there before 11 AM with a pot of coffee ready to go, & a fine stick right out of the humi, , a chair out side & the Sunday paper, I will be set till the bladder is full ! hahahaha , I dont have to cook Sunday supper , I dont need to anything but take care of My own needs ! hey maybe a trip to the "gentelmans club "hahahaha
So now it is time for me to get off the computer & get some sleep, up early to take the Boss to her mothers , Perkins for breakfast , so I dant need to cook all day Sunday, Dammmm I like a day off !!!!
Enjoy, Vince
I never made it to the "Gentelmans Club" but I did have a great day at the cigar shop, 10 fine smokes & a few quarts of Kona Coffee , ahhh yes it was a GREAT day here in the Burgh , from a Don Carlos #3 to a Cuban Monte #2 torp. & every thing in between, , lunch was a meat ball splash, ( meatball sandwich with out the bread ) , , sipping Kona all day with a fine smoke on a perfect day here , nothing could have been better , well maybe sales could have been up but then I would have been busy, & not enjoying the day, so I guess it was a fine day as it was. , got to play a little gin rummy, & some dominos with customers , Dammm I wish the younger generation would learn how to count to 21 with out having to pull down there zipper ! , my 9 year old grandson can play dominos better than some of the 25 year olds who think they can play . we set up a table on the side walk in front of the store & play away, if you ever get a catalog from Mikes Cigars , check out the paintings of life in old Cuba , lots of domono players , its to hot to do much more than sit & slap the bones on the table ! it is a great game I have been playing it for years but I would rather play Pinochle, but none of todays kids know how to play, they think its an old mans game, well maybe it is , but I grew up playing Pinochle & played a lot in the Navy, well it is part of me & a great game to smoke a cigar with as well as texas holdem , but I like PINOCHLE the best , double deck, no 9's , no widow, with a partner, cant be a better game to pass the time in my estmation. , so lets make a pot of Kenya AA today, fire up a dbl.Corona & get busy with the pasteboards (cards for all you under 35 crowd) or Dominos , I am not opposed to them at all, but if we cant get 4 for pinochle , Gin Rummy will due !
well I have a little yard work to get finished before I get out to the cigar shop , time to make dust in the yard ! Enjoy, Vince
Yes, on this, the first day of my "weekend" with my new schedule, here I am recovering from a very hectic and productive weekend work schedule which commenced with my arrival at the firm just before midnight Saturday night and ended with my just before midnight arrival at home last night. I saw my chiropractor yesterday and I sure did need it. Enjoying my first coffee of the day, and the beautiful spring weather that continues to dominate the Northeast. Rush is on the radio, just took my asthma medication, time to feed the hippo cat, and I just might smoke a cigar today.

It appears that it may roar to near 90 tomorrow, but that's the day I've selected as "get it done now or else" for springtime yard prep, so I'll be sweating and grunting tomorrow, but I love manual labor, and all my neighbors have already done their yard prep. Let's see if we can gain some perspective for a moment though, put aside the PopeMania and everything else, pause and remember the 10th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.

And I'm not convinced there wasn't an Arab connection there. I don't think I ever will be. Hmmmmmmmmmm, it's just too beautiful today. What cigar should I smoke, on this, the first day of my "weekend?"
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