Good Morning, Vietnam!!! Okay, so it wasn't quite Vietnam around here, but we got slammed with one of the heaviest rains since I moved up here and some very high winds all day yesterday. Good thing we have old, strong trees around here. I know some other nearby areas didn't fare too well. I called for a taxi to go to work last night, and the guy laughed. I didn't figure I was going in because the firm has made major cutbacks, and I'm no longer "automatically" booked.
The supervisor said she did in fact need me, then I call the taxi company, and they're back down to one driver on weekends, because some new guy didn't work out. Then the other guy is driving around in half a hurricane and running late to all their appointments, downed trees, power lines, the works. So, I stayed home and got some work done around here. The rain stopped overnight, but it's started up again, very steady. The winds aren't as harsh and thankfully, because I was afraid we'd lose power and it's still possible. I have to go on Metro-North's web site and make sure the tracks didn't wash out, otherwise no matter how early I call, I might not make it in tonight either, IF they need me.
Just to stay on topic, I just pulled a 5 Vegas Corona out of Desk Top II that Michaelsean sent me a box of a while back. They were good right away, and as they age, they've been getting even better.
Good Morning, America!!! We've got a really wet weekend here in the Northeast. Makes the trees, flowers and young folks grow. Soon hopefully I'll see the backyard woodchucks. There was some kind of animal on my front doorstep this morning around 4 a.m., shortly before I went to sleep. When I went to the basement window to look out, it left the step and went away. I was so startled I didn't have a chance to see what it was. It could have been one of the neighborhood cats that comes around to hang near my house, or it could have been a fox. Yes, we have cats pretty close to the size of foxes around here, easily 20-24 pounds.
They're males that come around seeing if my Maxine is available. She ain't. She's old, fat and fixed. Sniff around guys, but get your kicks on Route 66!!! :cryinlaugh: :neer: :sm_angel: