Sunday Morning Smoke

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Good Morning , it is Sunday 9/29/13 , a wonderful autumn morning , the sun is out , the sky is blue & it is 59° F here in da Burgh. A bit of a sad note this morning & a smoke one for Jeff Kim , who passed away , I had never met jeff face to face , but we talked on the phone a few times & via e mail & this Sunday rant , even before I ended up here on Cigar Forums with this rant I post almost every Sunday, it started one Sunday morning a long time ago on a different forum but stuff on the internet gets sold & thing change & I have been here for a long time , Made a lot of new friends & Jeff Kim was one of them , he had a lot of health problems & it all caught up to him, ,,, so SMOKE a Fine old Cigar , & make it for Jeff. . Thanks

OK on to todays BS, Bacon & eggs with a side of red grapes was breakfast, & I have ribs on the Q should be ready about 4PM , there will be baked potato with sliced onions & a baked peach, just like a peach pie with out the crust , & some cheese bread made fresh later today, , haven't decided if they will be dropped or rolled out & cut, ,I can make up my mind when its time to put them in the oven.
Don't for get today is coffee give away day at most of the national coffee shops , so plan on heading to Dunkin , $tarbu¢k$ & any shops that will be giving away free coffee , hey if its just an espresso size shot of coffee , so what , its Free, & isn't that what every one wants FREE stuff paid for by some one else & y don't need to pay for anything , lets get more like the Utopia that Nikita Kruschef said we would have when he banged his shoe on the podium at the UN , you will all live under Communisium , maybe not all at once but given a little taste here & there soon you will be reciting out of Mayo's little red book. ............ the roll of the government is to PROTECT the people not run their lives, What the house & senate are doing is killing the USA , kicking the can down the street, bouncing the bills back & forth with changes & re-voting on the tiny change , taking up time never attempting to start the pumps as the ship of state takes on water,, its like the committee appointed to buy a flee & tick repellent for the dog was voted down , by the flees & ticks ....... it is a SAD time here in the USA , once the greatest country in the world, it looks like we will be fallowing in the foot steps of the Roman empire, the rule of Kahn, the Ming Dinisety, the age of the Inca & Myans ,the Sun never setting on the British empire , we will be heading for the scrap heap of history & from being the bread basket to the world we will be looking for hand outs ourselves ..... have any of you seen photos of Detroit or was it Afganastan? , hard to tell in many of the photos, Michigan is home to more Muslims than any other state & we Paid to help them Move here with our tax dollars, I guess the unions needed help getting the government to up the ante on the free stuff from the state, so they imported democratic voters, from Pakastan , dammm I thought you had to be a citizen to vote how did they become citizens so dammmm fast? Right now I am so DISPLEASED with our government...
The tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants & patriots from time to time , I don't remember who said it , Madison , Jefferson , Monroe, Franklin ? ( right now I am to dammm lazy to look it up to see who said it) ,I wonder if its Time again ? I don't have the conviction at this time to do much more than "BITCH" about the state of the union , I have worked a LONG had time to get where I am today , I don't want to have to defend what I have , but if push comes to shove ....... ,I am to old & slow to fist fight , But my trigger finger works, the eye sight isn't as good as it should be , But a shotgun only needs to be pointed in the general direction ..... add to the to do list ... get a extended loading tube for the 12Ga., or a nice drum magazine shot gun... hummmmm.
dammmm lets get back on track , todays coffee was a Sumatra roasted to a first crack mixed with a darker roast of the same coffee , about a 50/50 mix, , the kona is in the press pot & will be getting its hot water shortly
yesterday we went to a Mexican Diner on the out skirts of Youngstown Ohio , the food was wonderful , & I was STUFFED , no one was able to finish what was on the plates , & the Margaretta wasn't shabby ,,,,, caught a quick buzz & sat back & enjoyed the meal, about an hour after we stopped eating had plenty of coffee & a few sweets we went to a local cigar shop that I have been to many times in the past , got to enjoy the idea of being waited on & not being the waiter , it was nice, picked up a few sticks I didn't have & there was a special on Oliva , buy 10 get 5 free.......... , I wanted to get the Oliva "O" maduro perfecto , but all they had was the natural, so I did get a few of them & some maduro Robustos , a few pitite Conn. Coronas & got 5 free Conn. Torpedos , no complaints here , & topped it off with a few Zino low riders & a set of VSG'S, belicosa . it was a nice day , ....
Now its time for the hot water to meet the kona & I have a cigar to clip & light .... Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday the 6th day of Oct. 2013 & a heat wave here in da Burgh , I have had the A/C on since Tuesday , the humidity is up & it is like an August morning today ..... we will pay for the wonderful weather ,,, this winter I look for a lot of cold days & nights lots of snow & freezing temps, maybe its time to move south ! , BUGS, snakes , cutting grass all winter & lots of BIG storms out of the gulf, maybe I will just stay here & toss on an extra blanket
Not much going on here , the Steelers are taking over the loosing style of the Pirates & the Pirates are winning for the first time in 21 years !
with the grandsons being busy with school & out of the country I haven't been able to do much with them..... but the youngest was selling candy for a fund raiser at school & I was roped in to 5 bars of chocolate, .......... dammmm good stuff !
the wife & her sister are out visiting thier mother , & I am relaxing till they get back......, they left early this morning & I had a few slices of grilled tofu for breakfast, , with a small pot of tea,,,,,,, now its time for the coffee & a cigar.
I have a set of T Bones in the fridge sitting in a light garlic marinade , some yams to all get the roasting of there lives on the grill, along with a baked apple & some spinach salad , I think we might have a fine Sunday meal. , the Kona is ready , the Don Carlos #3 is cut & ready to fire up, and I might even have a weee dram this morning to ward off the chill of October hahaha
Enjoy, Vince
Good Morning , it is Sunday 10/13/13 a cool clear day the trees are starting to drop the leaves here in da Burgh, not much color yet but the grass has a blanket of Brown reminds me of a dream I had about the OLD Soviet Union, where everything is colorless & drab, even the expressions on the face of the people drab & colorless, it is what I see in our Future if we stay the course of Socialisum we are headed for, Social Engineering just will not work when you have a people dedicated to WORK for a living , & when they get taxed to death to pay for the LAZY @$$ who is willing to take the healthcare , food stamps & cash @SST@NCE & free cell phone& God knows what else, they Vote for a living & the sooner we all wake up & start to WORK for a living the better off we will all be , the USA was founded by people who worked for everything they had, we didn't have GOVERNMENT help with food & cash we had the church & the community to take care of widows & orphans ,or if a man was hurt or to sick to work people helped out till he recovered, BUT you did it for them out of respect & knowing they would do the same for you if the roles were reversed , TODAY , I don't think half the people even want a JOB . Sure I retired after 40 years of working 2 jobs at a time & picking up the odd job here & there any time there was a dollar to EARN , I was there & I am still in the "WORK" force today , 11 years since I retired & still working , not as many hours as I did when I was a lot younger But I stay active & EMPLOYABLE , Not that I need a job for the income, I need a job to stay out of the house & keep away from my Lovely wife of 43 years , absence makes the heart grow fonder & & if we are in the same room for an extended amount of time we will end up fighting about some thing no matter how trivial, she is "ALWAYS" right.
OK back to the Sunday morning smoke , I just get carried away & end up on a rant about BS & never get to the point, ,,,, now what was that point ?
Breakfast was a HOT pepper stuffed scrambled egg with 5 cheeses & some bacon , Pumpernickel toast & Indian Monsoon coffee ,my lips are still on fire , cant wait for the passing of it all soon..... Preparation H cream get ready ! hahahaha
The Stink Bugs are a force to deal with , when I was a kid we had Japaneese Beetles & soon they were managed buy hard work and developing traps & sprays , who knows what damage they did to the enviorment , the bugs & the stuff used to get rid of them , well I hope some one comes up with something to stop the stink bugs, I have traps all over the trees in my yard, & I have sprayed my entire home on the outside , & the inside of the exhaust fans in the bathrooms , & still the dammmmm bugs are getting in , I need to sweep the deck every morning to clean a path off the deck to go get the morning paper from the end of the drive way...... why cant I get it tossed in my door like I did when I was a kid with a paper route ? NO one wants to work ! , ......
I haven't talked with my grandson for a week or so , he has sent some emails but we haven't had any face time via computer , or I phone or what ever the h3ll its called ,
he seams to be in GRAND Spirits from all the photos he is posting , I think he is getting one GRAND education , & so lucky he is in a home that has all the means & time to allow him to enjoy himself & soak up the local environment & customs .
#2 grandson is enjoying being an only child hahaha, now he has all the chores that the 2 of them split , he will be turning 16 in January & the driving lessons will start then ,,, it will be nice to get a driver back, ,that way I can drink coffee & smoke a cigar & not worry about the gas, brake ,steering & other people on the road, just sit back relax Brubeck on the CD player & a nice drive down the country roads & let the kid get used to driving with out getting yelled at by his mother or father , I don't care if he missed a turn & we need to turn around to get where we were going. , So what , No harm no foul , I will keep him off the interstate as long as I can staying on the back roads with little traffic, so he cab get used to driving , & then slowly adding a little traffic to the mix & getting him in town , & learning to PARK between 2 cars , on a busy street at rush hour ! hahaha .
The shop has been holding its own, the inventory is climbing & the sales are lagging a bit since the inventory is so diverse & we have so much new stuff, that I think the sales should go up , But the customers are just buying better smokes & leaving the Dog rockets on the shelf, Just the reverse of last year when the guys started to buy the cheaper sticks, so now I have dog rockets sitting the top shelf selling ..... ,I have the prices set at the MINIUM point that the contract allows me to sell them, I make more money on some of the dog rockets that I have the price jacked up on that I do on the "Imported" Hand made on a Island south of Miami Cigars that seam to find there way to the shop every now & then. (Nothing in stock right now) , but I do have a line on some Partagas series D #4's , who knows if it will come through.
since the weather is nice today we are skipping the Hunk O Beef pot roast & going with a bacon wrapped filet , baked potato, grilled egg plant & watermelon for dessert ,she likes her Beef that's for sure, I wanted to go out to the Pigs to Peaches BBQ joint , But I was OVERULLED , as always
So I nhave a nice selection of Cigars for today the Don Carlos #3 was as good as it gets & the pot of Kona is about 3/4 of the way done , the monsoon was fine coffee with breakfast but nothing beats a Don Carlos # 3 & a pot of Kona , I don't want a scotch with that pairing , I am happy just the way it is , Scotch later today ! , I have a Padron 1964 anniv. Corona in maduro that will be heading to the ashtray some time today & a Bahia maduro torpedo after the Sunday Supper , & who knows what else I might dig up from one of the humidors.
Yesterday was a buddy's 60th Birthday & retirement party, , LOTS of single malts & cigars were consumed , a bit of food & a good time was had by all. ,,, ahhhh to be young again & ONLY 60 hahaha !
time for me to get out on the back deck & fire up some thing & finish the Kona before I make a Pot of Columbian mixed light & dark roast coffee...... &it just might be time for a weee dram , just to get the chill off the bones ! hahaha
Enjoy, Vince
God morning it is Sunday 10/20/13 a chilly clear day here in da Burgh, the frost is on the pumpkin & the hunk O beef is in the oven , I need to get out & get moving early today & will make this short ,, everything seams to be fine here, But you never know, what will turn up at the bend,,,
The Government should be embarrassed all to H3LL , they all $uck , No one is looking out for the country , they are ALL looking out for them selves.......
, My Private pay health care is going up so much next year I don't think I can afford it , , My deductible is going from 1500 a year to 5000 , I might just drop all my coverage & pay the fine.... ,,,, Pay the fine for NOT BUYING some thing that is over priced & mandatory, I thought freedom ment you run the government not the government running you .

They all $UCK
Dammm I am getting old & forgetful, the Sunday morning smoke was as always a Fuente Don Carlos #3 & the coffee was Kona, later in the day I did make a pot of Sumatra had a weee dram of Ardbegh & a 3 year old Opus X super belicoso ,after supper we went for a cigar ride & stopped at $tarbu¢k$, for her pumpkin spice latte ,,, out of pumpkin spice ? how can that be , like a breakfast with out Bacon , a coffee shop with out the flavor of the season? well it didn't matter to me I got a DBL espresso & I was happy she got some caramel fufu drink of some sort, & I had a nice drive with the radio playing oldies from the late 50's Early 60's & I smoked a fine old ISOM Partagas series D #4... it was a good ride ! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning campers, it is Sunday the 27th of Oct. 2013 a cool clear day here in da Burgh., we had a few frosty nights this past week & I hope the stink bugs are gone for the season, but I have seen the news reports that a cousin of the pest , now they bite is heading north & will be in Pa. in a year or so ,,,, maybe when it hits Washington DC some one will NUKE the city & kill all the Bugs , & get rid of all the BS in the congress, , I guess the saying all power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely is so dammm true it is scarry, , I don't think this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind, , IT IS TIME TO TRIM THE FAT , & for Gods sake pass a balanced Budget, pass any budget , a continuing resulation is a stop gap policy that should be done away with , in the words of Larry the cable guy, "GET ER DUN ",I am sick & tired of all the infighting & back stabbing, I never thought I would be living in a FREE country that has so many restrictions , , we have the 10 Commandments, the Constitution, Bill of rights , & some traffic laws just to keep things flowing, & what else do we need? there are far to many LAWS , you cant do this you cant do that, well I was born a free man & I intend to stay that way , if I get feed up enough I will move off the grid , & go some place warm, No a/c, no gas heat , no car, No electricity, ... dammm that might be a problem, I do like my lights & a few other things powered by the flow of electricity ,like the blender for making milk shakes , but I guess I could get over that hahaha
with the weather getting colder I have a pork roast with yams all set for today & the cigars are all picked out & ready , starting off will be the Sunday Morning smoke , a Don Carlos #3 with a pot of Kona , & with the cheese & hot pepper scrambled eggs for breakfast there was a pot of Moka Java, some how it was a bit watered down , not enough coffee or to much water I don't know , but it was "THIN" , I will add an extra scoop of Kona , to make up for it ,,,,, , I have a nice selection of cigars for the rest of the day a few from AJ FERNANDEZ, Rocky ,Dunhill, & if I have time a night cap of God of Fire maduro with a scotch before bed ,I should sleep like a baby ...... up every 2 hour with a wet bottom & empty stomach hahahaha , I will be getting the heat on in the Qtr.Deck soon & be heading out for a nice long day of relaxation & staying out of the Bosses sight, she might find some thing for me to do ..... & all I want to do is SIP , SMOKE & listen to the music ,,,,,,,,,
Grandson #1 turned 18 last week , he is in Columbia SA going to school, , having a wonderful time , Grandson #2 will be driving in Jan. he will be 16 , dammmmmm I feel
O L D .,
time for me to get going a lot to do & a short time to get it done ! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday the third day of November 2013 a cool gray day here in da BURGH , the trees are starting to show some color but a lot have dropped there leaves & the roads are slick with wet leaves , TONS O FUN, Last night I was at a men's night at a local church hall, prime rib, cigars & beer,, lots of fun , today I am heading for the South side of town to the Dapper Dan fund raiser & sports BS dinner & the Steeler game at the IBEW union hall , should be a lot of fun, don't know or care who they are playing , I will be drinking & smoking ,, My Brother is driving & not drinking so today is MY DAY OFF, No cooking for the wife, but I did make breakfast, a cheese & hot pepper with bacon scrambled egg ...... she made the toast ! , I will bring her a Subway bacon chicken ranch sub on a toasted oat bun. ,, I have no idea what I will get at the dapper dan, , some sort of buffet .....
The cigars last night were like match sticks filling up the ashtrays , I don't think I used my lighter more than lighting the first cigar , & after that it was like a chain smoker, lighting the next one off the butt of the last one , ..... a few pots of coffee & all was right with the world , I started out with a Don Carlos #4 this morning instead of the #3 don't know why but it was sitting in the humi & I thought its been a long time since I had a #4 so today was the day ......
Well the Sun is out & the sky has gone BLUE from the gray it started out with.... Might turn out better that it looked , with the time change last night & all the coffee I drank , I had a hard time staying awake last night , well not quite , staying awake , but I just didn't get comfortable & had a hard time staying in bed , I was tired but not sleepy ....... I still need to change my wrist watch to the new time, ,,,, just let the time alone, pick a time zone & stay with it !
not much happening with the grandsons or the shop, . So that's about all the BS I have today, Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday Nov.10 ,2013 a Cold windy day here in da Burgh ,we were in the upper 20's last night & the guy on TV said we might not get to the 50's today, so I will be passing on the bacon wrapped tenderloin on the grill today & will be going with a HUNK o Chuck roast , with , celery & carrots , a dash of red wine & a little tomato some garlic , onions & Yukon Gold potato's ,should be ready about 4 .

Breakfast was a Bacon, cheese & hot pepper omelet with Pumpernickel toast & a pot of Kona to start the morning, I will be heading out to the Qtr. Deck later to turn on the heat , & get my Don Carlos #3 & a second pot of Kona & relax the rest of the afternoon , or until the wife finds some thing for me to do !
The grandsons are both fine, I got to face time with #1 in Columbia SA , & take #2 to school when he missed the bus , nothing beats spending time with the grandchildren, it is as good as spending time with you child when they were young, now that my daughter is going to be 41 next month, she is turning into her mother & Lord knows I don't need that hahahahaha
The shop has been slow all week , the weather has every one hold up at home , just got to get the blood thickened up for winter , get the anti freeze flowing thru the system , switch from the shorts & T Shirts to flannel shirts & jeans with jackets & gloves .
I don't have any plans for the week, & I like it that way a week with out anything to do but show up at the shop & smoke cigars , sip coffee & filter a little scotch thru my kidneys , I picked up a Bottle of Laphroaig Qtr.Cask & a bottle of Frangelicia , it adds a bit of warmth to a late night cup of coffee , or a morning coffee hahaha a little bit of Tia Maria , & a shot of Sabra , dammmm no room in the cup for the coffee hahaha
I have a switch to todays line up , in my lead off position I have a Rocky Patel 1992 corona ,a La travitia corona & then the DC3 ..... , by then the honk o beef should be ready & after the beef is a Partagas , ISOM , a gift from a "Friend"
I picked up an electric blanket for the bed & used it last night , dammmmmm that was OK the bed was so warm when I got in , I shut offthe blanket then , all I needed it to do was get the sheets warm 7 it did that , I was able to keep the bed warm the rest of the night , but getting in on cold sheets isn't as much fun as it was when I was a LOT younger , the OLD joints just need a little help !
if it wasn't for coffee & booze to oil my joints I might be a mean old S.O.B. like the wife hahahaha
OK now lets get on with the political non PC rant......... obummer care is the law of the land, upheld by the Subprime Court OK if that's what they want lets give it to them , Dump the entire mess in there laps, here it is you want it now you make it work...... you have had 2 years to get it going , if you cant fix it , & make it right , you forfeit your pentions & dammm I bet the thing with fly with out wings , right to the old depression of the 29 stock market crash, I am converting all my cash into small gold & silver coins , who knows if they will be worth anything, I am not a doomsday prepper , But I think some of them are on the right track, , I am not stock pilling ammo, but I do have a little stashed away for the .38 & if push comes to shove I can use them in the .357 ,,,, I saw a .45 revolver & leaver action rifle that used the same ammo,,,, not a bad idea, as much as I like the 357 nothing would make me a happy camper more that a long gun that would use the same ammo as my pistol ,,, is there a 357 rifle out there? , that might save me the price of a new pistol , or I could just go with an AR with a short barrel & forget about the revolver all together , BUT that will be tuff to give up.
I think the tuff times are ahead & as history repeats it self over & over again , it is evident that some of the people in charge are out for them selves & not the country,,,,, Oh they say its for OUR best, BUT I am a FREE man & I don't want anyone to take care of me I can & will do it my self, I am not so feeble I cant go to bathroom on my own, , I am a RETIRED VET & long ago I wrote out a check to the USA , for payment up to & including my life , & what do I get back ....... RED TAPE cost of my health care going up & the monthly payments are now getting into my "danger" zone but my deductible went from 1500 a year To 5000 that's just not right ,,,,, I will stay off obummer care as long as I can , I will pay the rate & bitch about it But I will hold there feet to the fire to make it" AFFORDABLE " &that's the real name of this BS Fubar pile of Dung, the affordable health care act... what a Joke
Ok that is enough for me *& I need more coffee & a cigar NOW . Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday11/17/13 a wet cool morning here in da Burgh , most of the trees have given up their leaves for the year & everything is a dull brown , not my favorite time of the year, the big jackets & coats are out & the cleavage gets hidden till spring ,,,, No wonder I love the warmer months !!!
It was a slow week at the shop , as slow as it gets when your sitting there most of the day waiting for customers, good for the back & legs, Bad for the bottom line & running specials seams to go no ware , I put stuff out drop the price & every one looks but buys what they want ....... so I will start letting the customers pick the special of the day 7 it will change with each customer, sort of the revolving special & what ever you buy will be the deal of the day ,I hope that will increase sticks & boxes going out the door, I am a little top heavy in Inventory with more coming in every day, running out of room & I need new chairs in the lounge, they are 7 years old & look like left overs from Sherman's march to the sea,, so I need to convert cigars into sales & buy chairs instead of adding to the stock. we opened 7 years ago with 20K in inventory, now we are at 200K in inventory, I am running out of room to put stuff !!!!!

I made French Toast this morning & them remembered we were out of syrup, so a jar of jam went into a pot , a little water to thin it out a bit of heat & bingo , we had F R O G syrup FIG, Raspberry, Orange & Ginger ,the morning pot of coffee was from Zimbobway, a medium dark roast, it will be fallowed up with the SUNDAY MORNING DON CARLOS #3 & A POT OF KONA , ...... a taste bud stimulator for sure, for some reason that combo just WORKS for me
we are in a severe weather advisory for rain & high winds later today a cold front is coming thru & the national weather service is telling us to be ready for 45 to 60 MPH winds , yesterday I put up some of the Christmas lights , I will be taking them Down soon, & putting them back up after the front passes .......
No news from the grandsons Both are busssssssy , But you would think they could spare the old man a few minutes ........ hahahaha
I have a nice bacon wrapped tenderloin to go on the grill later today but I have a feeling it will be done inside today , as the weather will not give its blessings on my plans to cook outside !
No political rant this week I am just sick of the government & all the BS they are putting out so SCREW THEM ALL , election day I am not voting for any incumbent, dump them all !
ok it was a mini rant
That's about all the BS I can think of right now , see you all again next week or sooner if anything comes up & at my age nothing has been coming UP for a long time hahahaha ! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 11/24/13 a cold clear day here in da Burgh. right now it is 27F with a 10 MPH wind from the west& a clear blue sky a Dusting of snow last night but otherwise a bright day ahead , I hope , haven't checked the weather station to see what they have in store for us .
Last night I made the short road trip up the Slippery Rock cigars for the Big @$$ birthday bash for the Blowen' smoke pod casts , year #8, had a few drams drank some coffee ate a bit of 3 bean chili &smoke a cigar or 2 lots of BS was flying around & the Birthday cake was a salted caramel sheet cake , decorated like a box of cigars , it looked great & TASTED better
Friday Evening at the shop we had our spirits TASTING , I came away with 2 fine bottles of scotch & a few sips of Tequila , you know it pared well with the cigars , I don't think I want it in the winter as a regular dram with the cigars but the anjhio & repesardo both had a savory finish that left my taste buds wanting salt........
as soon as the Qtr.Deck gets a bit warmer I will be heading out for the Sunday Morning Don Carlos #3 & a pot of Kona, it was 30F inside when I went out to turn on the heat. BURRRRR
We have some of our Christmas lights strung up but we haven't plugged them in sans the check when we first put them up, light up night will be after Thanksgiving ... I don't want to RUSH the Christmas holiday any more than it needs , Personally I think there is to much priority on Christmas & not enough on EASTER , every religion has a "profit or LORD" but only the Christians have a Resurrection & I think that is more important than a Birth,,,,, there are Births all the time BUT I only know of one resurrection ... Christmas has gone commerce to the max ..... all the retailers no matter there religious affiliation all sing "What a friend we have in Jesus" ..... I think the people have lost there way. its all down the $$$$$$$
I picked up some slab bacon & had a weeee bit this morning , just 2 slices but it took about 20 minutes to cook as it was so thick. , like a Pork Chop ! , a cheese omelet & a slice of 12 grain toast ....... GREAT way to start the day... Since it is so chilly this morning I have a chuck roast ready to go in the oven soon, yep it is that Hunk O beef that my wife wants all the time , I wish she would ask for the Vinny sausage a lot more often ! hhahahahaha
Nothing new from the grandsons, busy being teenagers !
I will be heading out to the Qtr.Deck asap as that Don Carlos is Calling me !
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday Dec. 1,2013 a cold snow covered day here in da Burgh, Thanksgiving was a BIG hit here & since it was so good we have an encore planed for today,,,, LEFTOVERS , so I don't have to cook that Hunk o Beef for the boss, But I did make her a cheese filled egg & bacon cup with whole wheat toast &a pot of Columbian Estate coffee from so estate I never heard of before, , some single little coffee farmer some place in the mountains ,grows a few hundred pounds of coffee a year, gets almost nothing from the broker for his harvest , & we pay BIG bucks for the Privalege of drinking the exiler made from all his hard work .
Even with the big meal & big Friday sales at the shop it was NOT a good day , the BIG Dog, Kingston , was put down by the vet, all 204 pounds of slobber & fur a grand old man of a Mastiff, 11 years of fun & cleaning up PILES of $hit, , no hidden land mines from this Giant, they were all BIG Bombs , easy to see ..... , my grandson stayed with him to the end, , a Brave child witnessed the passing of a great friend, well he isn't a child anymore he will be 16 just after the first of the year , so I guess he is a young man now ....... so I have just over a half a 50 pound box of milk bones for LARGE dogs, it will be going to the local shelter & so I don't bring back a new addition to the house , I will get some one else to deliver them.....

I have been "sampling a few single malt scotches " this week & I haven't found anything to beat any ISLAY made dram they, sure there are great Highland, Spayside, Campbell Town & Lowland drams & some of the other Islands make fine drams as well But I want an ISLAY , this time of the year Laphroaig Qtr.Cask, is my favorite I can get at the local state run monopoly on booze store , BUT I have had a few Private Bottlers from Scotland who "finish" aging some fine spirits in different wine casks , with only 3100 bottles made I came across a Lapgroaig finished in a Margquoe cask ,,,,,, I got all the guy had , 5 bottles , right now I am down to one & a half bottles & hope I can make it till next time I see him to get what ever he gets to replace this FINE DRAM.
Right now I have 9 different single malts sitting on the shelf, waiting to be opened, a 1.75 liter Glenfiddich finished in a French Columbard cask, But that will wait for late spring early summer , way to light a dram for this time of the year.
the wife just came in from turning on the heat in the Qtr. Deck, it was 38° F , so I will be holding off that Sunday morning some a few hours to let it get a wee bit warmer , the Kona will wait & the Don Carlos #3 will be happy when it gets paired with the coffee&what ever scotch I happen to open..... like its a hard choice ,,,, LAPHROAIG, but which one that is the tuff problem ! , BUT there is a bottle of 16YO Laguvullin, & that complicates the choice , & a 12YO cask strength sitting right beside it, dammmm to many to pick from, ,,, maybe I will just write all the names on a slip of paper, Drop them in a hat & pick the winner........ ....... ,,,,,,,,.........,,,,,,,,,...... the winner is Qtr. Cask , I don't think there is a Looser in the bunch , so they were all winners .
We got all the outside lights up & lit yesterday , everything is Battery powered, they all are on timers & with the rechargeable batterys & solar chargers , all I need is the sun & the lights will be on as long as the power lasts, & they all come on at 6PM , it is so much easyer to go with the battery powered lights, no extention cords , just string them out & set the timers , I have the light on my American Flag on a photo cell & it comes on when it is needed & it is Plugged in with the walkway lights & the light house at the end of the driveway .... we are ready to start the inside of the house, to get it ready for Christmas ........ I hope she takes care of it when I am at work hahahaha, I will set up the tree & she can go crazy getting the fire place set for Santa hahahaha
that's about all I have today , enjoy Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday the 8th day of December 2013 a COLD clear morning here in da Burgh 16° F here right now at 10:48 AM,,,,, BURRRRRRRR is all I can say , we got a little snow on the ground Friday but you can see the grass here & there , the thick blanket we had melted under the sun yesterday but it makes it easy to track the deer, a lot of shooting was heard all day Saturday, & a few were taken out of the woods not far from me . I didn't even apply for a hunting tag this year , I am getting to old to run around in the woods let alone try to drag a dead deer out , these old bones just don't have the get up & go they had ..... you shoot it , clean it , I'll cook it .
We had a 3 cheese ,bacon , onion, garlic ,celery, tomato, rosemary , parsley , omelet
, what cheese it was I have no idea , 2 were chunks left over from some thing I made last week, one was a Colby & the other I think was a jack cheese of some sort, the last cheese a ground fine hard cheese , might have been a Romano, hard to tell , there was a hunk of Parmigiano as well , but I only used one of the chunks , so I have no idea what it was , the early morning is not a great time for me to think about what I am doing , it is all automatic, until that first pot of coffee is done I am on auto pilot ... the hunk o beef is in the oven & I am getting ready to head to the Qtr. Deck, the wife turned on the heat , when she went out to get the Sunday paper this morning at 6:45 AM , I was still between the sheets & enjoying the" QUIET " & comfort of my own snoring , hahaha.
Friday My baby girl turned 41 ,,,,, dammmmmm where did the time go ,,,,,, 41 years old where did the time go ? I know I am no different than all the rest of you , we get older day by day , but the years just seam to fly by, I remember playing in the yard knowing it was the last day of summer vacation & I had to go back to school the next day, & that was back in the 1950's & I still remember it like it was yesterday, at lest I Think I remember it hahahaha , what ever it is , I enjoy the thought .
No news from Columbia SA , Grandson #1 is there & Grandson #2 is here & he has a lot less to say since HIS Dog was put down at Thanksgiving , he is taking it hard, he has been by his side for 11 years & the kid is only 15 , like loosing a parent or a brother ....... I try to take him out & do stuff but he is "busy " with school work & this & that, I will give him some time to get over the sadness & maybe a trip to the local pet shelter but I will leave it up to him., When he is ready he will let me know., he turns 16 next month & driving just might come first..... only time will tell.
I will be heading out to the Qtr. Deck & taking a Don Carlos #4 today I seam to have an abundance of very old #4's a box from the Christmas of 1999 , so I think I will be lighting one up today . the coffee will be a Christmas blend , some dark Sumatra mixed with a touch of Hazelnut flavored brandy ,,,,, might put a candy cane next to the pot just for looks hahah
The tree is up the inside lights are done, the outside is done , & I am ready to cook the Christmas Ham & turkey , & what ever else the boss thinks she wants , if we are having ham & that's what she wants so we will have ham, but instead of Turkey I thought the Cornish hens would be great , small & tasty, , stuffed like a big turkey , But I think I will be over ruled, what else is new hahahaha
the shop is holding , the Holiday sales haven't been what I would like to see , a bit low so far, Black Friday was OK but this past Friday was good. not GREAT..... I want GREAT , our Christmas party is the 20th. of Dec. the Gurkha rep will be at the shop that night,,, Come on down , the more the marrier, I will be the drunk behind the counter hahahaha
Enjoy, Vince
My little girl turned 40 earlier this year and none of us are getting any youmger. I wish you were closer so I could make that Dec.20 Christmas party.
since you cant get to the burgh for the party I will just have a drink & a cigar for you , anything special you would like me to smoke for you ? hahaha
Good morning , it is Sunday 15th of Dec. 2013 a cold snow covered day here in da burgh, we got about 5 inches of fresh heavy snow yesterday, a good bit of rain mixed in & the snow is extra heavy , the slush is piled up at the end of the drive way & will be freezing soon as the temps are dropping & the wind direction is shifting from the SW to the NW , bringing in the cold Artic air across the lake & the snow it will be bringing with it , OH JOY ! , 10 days till Christmas & the buying season has started at the shop, lots of new faces , lots of lady's & first timesr's , telling me they KNOW NOTHING about cigars & then ask is it good, dammmmmm lady I don't sell any junk, it is ALL hand rolled long filler cigars , NO machine made, NO cut filler, & then they say that means nothing to me but are they Good ,,,,, dammm I just want to toss them out & become the cigar Natzi , but I say sorry I didn't mean to use words you didn't understand, to put it in simpilier terms yes they are all Good ones & none is any better than the next it is all personal taste, & my taste might be & is different than some one elses, that's why there are 600 different sizes, shapes & colors of cigars , just get a dollar amount in your head, pick out the cigars till you hit the amount you want to spend, & if the person dosent like them I will exchange them for what ever they want as long as they are kept in the humi bag & still in the cellophane & the bar codes are in tact ..... , if you want , I can fix you a mixed bag with all mild cigars or all full body kick you in the balls strong stuff , or a little of both & some medium ones along with it or you can step up to the plate & buy a Box of Pre Embargo Cubans & I can arrange a second mortagage for you hahahaha
coffee this morning is a "Christmas blend" that my wife & the owner of the local coffee roaster thought up, a base of medium roast Americana with a dash of Chocolate , cinnamon, hazelnut & some thing else that didn't tell me I have to figure it out for my self the 3 flavors I mentioned were up front & easy to pick out but there is some thing else in it that I cant pick out, & since she is also drinking it I can pass on that it is NOT Rat poison hahahahaha
I am not a big fan of flavoried coffees but this stuff is OK , I will be brewing up a press pot of Kona soon , a little hair of the dog in the form of a 16 YO, Laugavulin & a Don Carlos #4 this morning , seams like I have an abundance of #4's & am running low on the #3's , looks like an after Christmas stocking will be needed to keep pace with the rest of 2014 !
there was a local bar crawl last night & I had to pick up my daughter & her Husband & take them Home as none of them were able to stand let alone drive, so I had the sun roof open since I was smoking a San Lotono maduro Oval & they all stunk from Booze & cigeretts , & with the snow on the roof , it all slid in when I stopped at a red light & we got covered in slush, dammmmm it was cold & wet, what a mess, but its my own dam fault , never thought of it sliding fwd, & filling the front seat with the sloppy mess .
the hunk O beef is in the oven, the gravy will be a mix of beef & chicken stock, I had some frozen stock but I defrosted the last of the chicken stock to add to the beef stock & I don't think the wife will notice , I will brown the rue to thicken it a bit darker to cover up the lightness of the chicken stock,
I might make a little mac & cheese since the oven is on & I have a lot of cheese that needs used , we can have the mac & cheese Monday , & save the left over beef for an other day , She loves left over Mac & cheese, fry it in butter & get it crispy on the edges ,a little ham or bacon mixed in , ahhh yes the devine swine .
not much else going on , I am getting the water on & have the press pot full of Kona ready to go, time to fire up the DC4 this morning ! , Enjoy, Vince
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