Joined Feb 2004
3K Posts | 42+
159 Knobvue Drive Freedom Pa 15042
Good Morning , it is Sunday 9/29/13 , a wonderful autumn morning , the sun is out , the sky is blue & it is 59° F here in da Burgh. A bit of a sad note this morning & a smoke one for Jeff Kim , who passed away , I had never met jeff face to face , but we talked on the phone a few times & via e mail & this Sunday rant , even before I ended up here on Cigar Forums with this rant I post almost every Sunday, it started one Sunday morning a long time ago on a different forum but stuff on the internet gets sold & thing change & I have been here for a long time , Made a lot of new friends & Jeff Kim was one of them , he had a lot of health problems & it all caught up to him, ,,, so SMOKE a Fine old Cigar , & make it for Jeff. . Thanks
OK on to todays BS, Bacon & eggs with a side of red grapes was breakfast, & I have ribs on the Q should be ready about 4PM , there will be baked potato with sliced onions & a baked peach, just like a peach pie with out the crust , & some cheese bread made fresh later today, , haven't decided if they will be dropped or rolled out & cut, ,I can make up my mind when its time to put them in the oven.
Don't for get today is coffee give away day at most of the national coffee shops , so plan on heading to Dunkin , $tarbu¢k$ & any shops that will be giving away free coffee , hey if its just an espresso size shot of coffee , so what , its Free, & isn't that what every one wants FREE stuff paid for by some one else & y don't need to pay for anything , lets get more like the Utopia that Nikita Kruschef said we would have when he banged his shoe on the podium at the UN , you will all live under Communisium , maybe not all at once but given a little taste here & there soon you will be reciting out of Mayo's little red book. ............ the roll of the government is to PROTECT the people not run their lives, What the house & senate are doing is killing the USA , kicking the can down the street, bouncing the bills back & forth with changes & re-voting on the tiny change , taking up time never attempting to start the pumps as the ship of state takes on water,, its like the committee appointed to buy a flee & tick repellent for the dog was voted down , by the flees & ticks ....... it is a SAD time here in the USA , once the greatest country in the world, it looks like we will be fallowing in the foot steps of the Roman empire, the rule of Kahn, the Ming Dinisety, the age of the Inca & Myans ,the Sun never setting on the British empire , we will be heading for the scrap heap of history & from being the bread basket to the world we will be looking for hand outs ourselves ..... have any of you seen photos of Detroit or was it Afganastan? , hard to tell in many of the photos, Michigan is home to more Muslims than any other state & we Paid to help them Move here with our tax dollars, I guess the unions needed help getting the government to up the ante on the free stuff from the state, so they imported democratic voters, from Pakastan , dammm I thought you had to be a citizen to vote how did they become citizens so dammmm fast? Right now I am so DISPLEASED with our government...
The tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants & patriots from time to time , I don't remember who said it , Madison , Jefferson , Monroe, Franklin ? ( right now I am to dammm lazy to look it up to see who said it) ,I wonder if its Time again ? I don't have the conviction at this time to do much more than "BITCH" about the state of the union , I have worked a LONG had time to get where I am today , I don't want to have to defend what I have , but if push comes to shove ....... ,I am to old & slow to fist fight , But my trigger finger works, the eye sight isn't as good as it should be , But a shotgun only needs to be pointed in the general direction ..... add to the to do list ... get a extended loading tube for the 12Ga., or a nice drum magazine shot gun... hummmmm.
dammmm lets get back on track , todays coffee was a Sumatra roasted to a first crack mixed with a darker roast of the same coffee , about a 50/50 mix, , the kona is in the press pot & will be getting its hot water shortly
yesterday we went to a Mexican Diner on the out skirts of Youngstown Ohio , the food was wonderful , & I was STUFFED , no one was able to finish what was on the plates , & the Margaretta wasn't shabby ,,,,, caught a quick buzz & sat back & enjoyed the meal, about an hour after we stopped eating had plenty of coffee & a few sweets we went to a local cigar shop that I have been to many times in the past , got to enjoy the idea of being waited on & not being the waiter , it was nice, picked up a few sticks I didn't have & there was a special on Oliva , buy 10 get 5 free.......... , I wanted to get the Oliva "O" maduro perfecto , but all they had was the natural, so I did get a few of them & some maduro Robustos , a few pitite Conn. Coronas & got 5 free Conn. Torpedos , no complaints here , & topped it off with a few Zino low riders & a set of VSG'S, belicosa . it was a nice day , ....
Now its time for the hot water to meet the kona & I have a cigar to clip & light .... Enjoy, Vince
OK on to todays BS, Bacon & eggs with a side of red grapes was breakfast, & I have ribs on the Q should be ready about 4PM , there will be baked potato with sliced onions & a baked peach, just like a peach pie with out the crust , & some cheese bread made fresh later today, , haven't decided if they will be dropped or rolled out & cut, ,I can make up my mind when its time to put them in the oven.
Don't for get today is coffee give away day at most of the national coffee shops , so plan on heading to Dunkin , $tarbu¢k$ & any shops that will be giving away free coffee , hey if its just an espresso size shot of coffee , so what , its Free, & isn't that what every one wants FREE stuff paid for by some one else & y don't need to pay for anything , lets get more like the Utopia that Nikita Kruschef said we would have when he banged his shoe on the podium at the UN , you will all live under Communisium , maybe not all at once but given a little taste here & there soon you will be reciting out of Mayo's little red book. ............ the roll of the government is to PROTECT the people not run their lives, What the house & senate are doing is killing the USA , kicking the can down the street, bouncing the bills back & forth with changes & re-voting on the tiny change , taking up time never attempting to start the pumps as the ship of state takes on water,, its like the committee appointed to buy a flee & tick repellent for the dog was voted down , by the flees & ticks ....... it is a SAD time here in the USA , once the greatest country in the world, it looks like we will be fallowing in the foot steps of the Roman empire, the rule of Kahn, the Ming Dinisety, the age of the Inca & Myans ,the Sun never setting on the British empire , we will be heading for the scrap heap of history & from being the bread basket to the world we will be looking for hand outs ourselves ..... have any of you seen photos of Detroit or was it Afganastan? , hard to tell in many of the photos, Michigan is home to more Muslims than any other state & we Paid to help them Move here with our tax dollars, I guess the unions needed help getting the government to up the ante on the free stuff from the state, so they imported democratic voters, from Pakastan , dammm I thought you had to be a citizen to vote how did they become citizens so dammmm fast? Right now I am so DISPLEASED with our government...
The tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants & patriots from time to time , I don't remember who said it , Madison , Jefferson , Monroe, Franklin ? ( right now I am to dammm lazy to look it up to see who said it) ,I wonder if its Time again ? I don't have the conviction at this time to do much more than "BITCH" about the state of the union , I have worked a LONG had time to get where I am today , I don't want to have to defend what I have , but if push comes to shove ....... ,I am to old & slow to fist fight , But my trigger finger works, the eye sight isn't as good as it should be , But a shotgun only needs to be pointed in the general direction ..... add to the to do list ... get a extended loading tube for the 12Ga., or a nice drum magazine shot gun... hummmmm.
dammmm lets get back on track , todays coffee was a Sumatra roasted to a first crack mixed with a darker roast of the same coffee , about a 50/50 mix, , the kona is in the press pot & will be getting its hot water shortly
yesterday we went to a Mexican Diner on the out skirts of Youngstown Ohio , the food was wonderful , & I was STUFFED , no one was able to finish what was on the plates , & the Margaretta wasn't shabby ,,,,, caught a quick buzz & sat back & enjoyed the meal, about an hour after we stopped eating had plenty of coffee & a few sweets we went to a local cigar shop that I have been to many times in the past , got to enjoy the idea of being waited on & not being the waiter , it was nice, picked up a few sticks I didn't have & there was a special on Oliva , buy 10 get 5 free.......... , I wanted to get the Oliva "O" maduro perfecto , but all they had was the natural, so I did get a few of them & some maduro Robustos , a few pitite Conn. Coronas & got 5 free Conn. Torpedos , no complaints here , & topped it off with a few Zino low riders & a set of VSG'S, belicosa . it was a nice day , ....
Now its time for the hot water to meet the kona & I have a cigar to clip & light .... Enjoy, Vince