Good morning it is Sunday11/30/14 a somewhat warm day here in da Burgh 56 F already the weather man said a high of 50 F ,,, well he missed it & it is only 10:30 AM , when I went to bed last night it was 54 F .... looks like rain anytime . we have had a years worth of weather this week, warm sunny one day snow the next , freezing rain & sunny sky's ,,,, BUT I am glad I don't live in the Buffalo NY area , they got it shoved up the POOP SHOOT ,,,,,, a years worth of snow in one storm...... time to move to Hawaii...... & dodge the lava flows...... But Christmas with out snow........ yea I could do that ! hahaha
Breakfast was a Cheese blintz with sour cream & my Christmas blend Coffee ,,, a base of Columbian medium dark roast , a bit of cinninnomn stick, some roasted hazel nuts & a vanilla pod ,,,, all ground up in the coffee, brewed in the press pot ...... I am not a flavored coffee fan , but the wife likes it so I drink it .... keep my mouth shut & smile.... it isn't bad at all , , it might benefit from some added pastacio , & maybe a bit of dark cherry,,,,, sounds like a good pipe tobacco hahahaha
Thanksgiving was a QUIET day here , just me & the boss, I made a 10 pound bird , some stuffing , & mashed Yukon gold spuds , ...... we went to her sisters & every one there was sick......... now the boss has a sore throat & I have been sneezing all day ,,,,, , BUT that just clears the head to enjoy the cigar & whisky .....
We had our CHRISTMAS LIGHT UP LAST NIGHT , not holiday or sparkle season , a Christmas light up ! . the baskets & globes are all on timers as well as the lights on the railings , the walkway is studded with red & green lights & the doors all have a wreath but the best part is the green LAZER , with a diffuser to split the light into thousands of tiny spots all over the house , & up in the trees from the drive way to the tool shed , , looks great , but a bit hard on the eyes if you look directly into the beam hahahaha ,
we had a fair week at the shop , a lot of new faces , getting the turkey day celebration smoke 's & the Christmas gifts are all ready starting to move ,,, I hope the sales pick up as our Black Friday sales were OK but not much more than a regular Friday ,, we do have a limited slice of the population , NOT everyone is a cigar smoker , , , one guy came in with a paper tube filled with cut tabacco , & when I told him NO Cigarettes he got pissed off ,,,,,, his loss , but dropping the butt on the floor & & grinding out with the heal of the shoe ,,, caused him a bit of embarrassment when I handed him the broom & dust pan & told him to clean it up or get his ass kicked ,,,, do you put out your smokes at home like that ? No.... well clean up my Home you slob .... , show a little respect , , didn't you have a mother who taught you some manners .... & while your at it ... PULL UP YOUR PANTS , get a belt....... unless you are looking for an other GUY , then this is not the place for you , I am not anti gay nor am I pro gay, ,,, what you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you , but I don't want to see to men kissing in the shop, a hug & a kiss on the cheek is Ok ... hey us Italians are a loving people , , a deep throat on the lips is a bit much ....
Now that I have offened the gay population , lets get over to Ferigison ,,,,, sad sad sad that's all I can say,,,,, a life was lost ,,,, a city is burnt & looted, sure that's just what the white community did when OJ was turned loose , sure I got a 40 inch TV & and & a Vershacci bag for the wife ,,,, all" fo fre" ,,,, yes its time to BURN down the town,,,,, torch the police cars, & be the PUNK you are protesting the killing of.... what we need is MORE PUNKS ,,, MLK would be so sad with the turn of events & with out the race batters sharpton & jackson things might be a little calmer.....
OK now I have the Gay & the Race card played , its time to talk about Cigars ,,,,,, a little more , , today will start with a CUBAN Partagas Corona , & a press pot of Kona,,,, & some time after the Fish fry is over there will be a snifter of 33 YO Brundahabhaine
yes FISH today, I have some cod in the milk bath all ready , there will be fresh cut chips to go with the fish,,,,,, ,,,,, there is a lot of turkey in the fridge BUT I need a break, no hunk o beef, & it is warm enough to fire up the grill & do a bacon wrapped tenderloin, BUT I just don't want red meat right now...... & the boss is OK with it ..... you notice I said OK , Not happy But OK ......
the grandsons were visiting the other side of the family this Thanksgiving...... so nothing new there / here / any ware.
I picked up a few OPUS X / A's , at a shop not to be named but I just wasn't able to pass them up..... there on the shelf at $26.50 each,,, But I was able to get a Small discount , I don't know why I did that but dammmmm an Opus X "A" ,,,, HYPE be dammed , I cant afford a Rolls Royce , But I can spend a few bucks on a cigar ! Live Large & in charge, BUT don't over extend the pocket book, live with in your means , & live as well as you can..... EMBRACE LIFE , we only get one time on this third rock from the sun..... LOVE your fellow man & stop killing each other, Christians , Jews, Muslims, Buddist , Hindu, agnostic & athiests ,,, we are all HUMAN , race has no meaning we all bleed red.......
dammm I better get off the soap box & get the party started , its TIME FOR A SUNDAY MORNING SMOKE
Enjoy, Vince