Sunday Morning Smoke

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Im currently in the DEP for the Air Force. Ill be shipping out on the first of the year if everything goes to plan. Right now my plan is to do at least 20 years active duty, but I plan on using the CCAF to earn my bach. and transfer to being an officer. Im extremely excited about it, I cant wait to start my adult life!

Im really just a supporter of our military period. My mom served 20 years in the Army, dad 20 years in the Navy, and my grandfather served 24 years in the Navy. The service history goes back very very far in my family, so I somewhat have to keep the family tradition going.
If Im every in the area, Ill definatly have to hit you up.
Good luck to you Syntax.

I have a friend in the Air Force, she is currently stationed in Germany and has her own show on the AAFES radio station.
Good luck to you Syntax. I've been in the Navy for about 3 years and plan to stay in the Navy for a while. I've got a lot of buddies from college that are in Iraq. Don't forget to "hurry up and wait." God bless.
Thanks, all of you guys!
Its great to see support for the military from you guys.
Im a big computer nerd...and 99.999% of them are hardcore lefty's, so when I mentioned to my friends that I had enlisted...Well, shit hit the fan with a very loud noise lol.
:D Well this thread started a long time ago & now we are up to 40 pages, at first it was just Bloof & myself sort of shooting the $hit, now we have a ton of posters & a great deal of new friends ,glad you all made it to the party, a lot of food has been eaten & a lot of booze has been drank, a lot of cigars have been smoked & a LOT OF BS has passed this way , AINT IT JUST GREAT hahahaha

Enjoy, Vince

Syntax said:
Im a big computer nerd...and 99.999% of them are hardcore lefty's, so when I mentioned to my friends that I had enlisted...Well, s*** hit the fan with a very loud noise lol.

I'm one of those "leftys" :wink: . Maybe, your friends just want to make sure your choices are not done in haste.

"It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it."
Robert E. Lee
war is Never good , but when you have been hit over & over again it is time to defend your self, & we all know the best defence is a great offence !

Enjoy, Vince

Go Navy
15 days till the surgery , no cigars now since the 14th of Oct, havent killed anyone yet, but I haveno finger nails left, all 10 digets are sore I keep biting them, dammmm I better get this over with fast, now the toes are next hahahaha , Yea I wish !
Enjoy, Vince
Dear Airman Syntax,

We maybe hardcore "Lefties" but that does not mean we do not support the "Victoms" of this war. We support the Troops. Don't forget that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom , I wish I could explain that to a lady down the street, her
husband was in the Normandy Invasion & she is totally committed to cindy shehan , has no idea that we must support the troops & still be able to say NO war , she thinks that if congress cuts the funds & all the G.I.'s will come home, but to many of them will get hit when the money drys up before they get out of town, she was all for WWII, & protested everything since, , she is anti Bush, & was anti clinton, anti Reagen, anti Kennedy, anti Johnson, anti Nixon, anti Ford, , I dont think she has been happy since FDR !!!

Enjoy, Vince
Hello all,
This is my first post in this thread .
It's 8:30 here in northern Indiana. I just had my coffee/cream/rum Sunday morning combo, smoking a Cusano 18
This is my second C18....ok I'm hooked. I think I will be ordering some more soon.
My friend Rob will be calling soon to let me know his Fighting Irish won big time yesterday. I will be watching the NASCAR race at Texas routing for the BUDWIESER car and watching the Dolphins shut down Atlanta today.

Have a good Sunday all and "smokem if ya gotem"
Im sitting here with a hot cup of Peet's Holiday Blend (not that great this year). I have a well aged diploma and Im getting ready to light. Unfortunatly this will be the only free time for me today. I have to go over and paint a living room for my mom. Her fiance was working on it, but unfortunatly he cut the back of his knuckle off on his left thumb... He is going in for surgery on monday because he severed the flexor tendon somehow. I guess the cut rotated under his thumb and sliced it. I looked at it last night and the tendon is hanging out a little bit. Usually in this sort of situation they spring back into the wrist or forarm. The doc at the ER told him there is a very good chance they will not be able to fix the knuckle because of the damage to it...
So that means I get to finish the trim, and paint the place. Not a big deal, but life is stressfull at the momment with all the police testing im doing. So for the next hour im going to sit here and spend this time thinking about not a god damn thing except for the great cigar and sorta great coffee im consuming.

Hope all of you guys have a unproductive, lazy, and enjoyable sunday! (unless of course you have crap to do like me)
I'm going to have a Maximus Diamond Crown robusto that my local cigar guy gave me to celebrate my daughters birth.

Hope everything goes well with your mom's fiance, Rory!
smoking a excalibur no.1 while watching tampa bay get thier butt kicked again. oh well the cigar is good and i got a h upmann and a ryj to go yet sundays are good.
well better late than never, the power went out at 9:20 this morning & it just came back on , so I am a little late with my Sunday morning post,
After a fine breakfast of Tofu & eggs & headed out to the Qtr.deck with a mug of kona , & NO DON CARLOS III , just the coffee, no scotch at 8:30 am , well not yet anyhow, it is a warm & windy day here in the Burgh , there were some gusts that had to be 50 mph or better, I mean a lot of damage to the trees & a lot of wires down,, my 2 maples are almost naked, & the yard is almost full of leaves, but if the wind keeps up I might not need to rake them, the wind is blowing from the SW & taking the leaves right out of the yard, ,,, BLOW WIND BLOW !!
I have a gas stove so I was able to get supper started, made pork madallions with pasta in a garlic tomato sauce, added a few carrots to add some sweetness to the sauce, turned out just fine & the wife enjoyed it so that was a load off my mind, she is a picky eater & she like it , so I am safe for a little wile longer , I was sitting in the Qtr.deck listening to the radio , (glad I had batterys) & my daughter shows up, , we had a nice conversation & I made her a Ruben sandwich for lunch, about 1/1:30 or so , I am not sure of the time , she is alway looking for me to cook some thing for her, I have tryed to teach her to cook, her first husband tryed, her second husband has tryed, & I guess her next one will try( if there is a next one ) but she is a defrost & let some one else do the cooking kind of girl, she makes great reservations & take out !,
No cigar since Oct 14, today is , Nov. 6, I held a lit cigar in my hand last Thursday night for a photo, but didnt take a puff, I did have a BIG sniff of the burning stick, it was wonderful but so far so good I havent killed anyone YET !
Right now I am sipping a Columbian Supermo , not bad, not great, not the flavor of the kona , but I did have the end of the batch this morning, I will pick up a new batch in the comming week, , just isnt Sunday with out Kona, & a Don CarlosIII, but so far I have abstained . Dammm its no fun at all !!!!
Lots of catching up to do, have a good Sunday
Enjoy, Vince
all most forgot, welcome to the thread for the new posters ! , enjoy, Vince
Halloween is an event at my house (my 10 and 8 year old girls see to that) and this year FuManChu got into the act. Le Madame also thinks Halloween is a wonderful American custom and participates by dressing up (this year in an Elvira, Mistress of Darkness costume that she found in a store on St. Thomas). I wear my every day clothes since I take my kids out in the neighborhood to trick-or-treat (I don’t dress up -- looking silly enough with a big cigar stuck in my face, shorts, NY Yankees baseball cap and a t-shirt with a Garfield the Cat quote: “My I.Q. is so low you can't test it, you have to dig for it.” (the t-shirt was a gift from Le Madame on my last birthday). Fu did his part (although he did whine nervously and waived his tail alot). The girls dressed him in a cut-down striped tiger costume with reindeer antlers (alternately glowing purple and green) secured to his head (when my wife stopped laughing at the two of us, Fu and I mustered all the dignity we could and took the girls out to terrorize the neighborhood.

Dinner today was a party in honor of the folks whose wedding we attended in Paris. The first course was a crab, mango and fresh cucumber salad, followed by carmelized bay scallops (a Caribbean specialty) with cauliflower, Saupiquet de Jambon, (ham in cream and herb sauce which is from Burgundy), a platter of paupiette of sea bass in a barolo sauce. The cheese dish was Camembert (made from cow’s milk; tasting better when creamy, so let it outside of the fridge for a few hours before serving so that it becomes softer); several bottles of 2001 Chateau Mission Haut Brion Bordeaux (that I dug up from the wine cellar). Dessert was Chocolate Crepes with Plums & Port (crepes filled with simmered fresh plums and topped with chocolate cream sauce).

After dinner (my wife did not allow me to sneak seconds on anything) all of the men plopped in my office where we opened a 150-year-old bottle of Grand Marnier and cut cigars. Being a Cohiba fan and this being a special occasion (the groom married an alpha female, and being wed to one myself we can share a level of experience that other men can only guess at – as Homer Simpson would say: “Please don't eat me! I have a wife and kids. Eat them!”)

The Cohiba: Esplendido (vitola is Julieta). This is a cigar that must be smoked to be believed. The legend of Cuban cigars was probably born or added to as a result of this smoke. The fruity, honeyed and earth notes that flow out of this stick are purely amazing. I am biased of course, but IMO this cigar has no equal (an hour and a half smoke). The stick has a fine wrapper, silky and creamy, which is a characteristic of the Partidos region. The second half of the cigar tasted of vanilla, hints of cacao and spices. A powerful cigar.

After a while, Le Madame brought in a tray of hot coffee to go with the Grand Marnier and cigars. The room was filled with smoke since I had not bothered to turn on the ceiling fan. Adrienne tut-tut a few times, waved her hand as if to cut through the fog we were creating and exited the room. We all laughed (once we figured she was a safe distance and away) and poured another round of Grand Marnier. As Henny Youngman once said: “I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps finding her way back.”

Vince – Hang in there. Imagine how good the sticks will taste when you can resume.

Bloofington – you and Vince are the phrase masters. All of us that are faithful readers only ask that you post more.

Cian, after reading your discription of the food & cigars, all I can say ,,,, ORGASMATIC, dammm I got a chill just thinking about all the great stuff I cant have ! dammmm, but it is the price you pay for not taking care of your self when your young , soon it will be all over & I will be able to have anything I want alll over again , just not in the Quanitys I did , the Quality has always been there, I just had a problem say no to seconds, thirds & forths , till it was all gone, , like a good Russian I toss the top when I open a bottle of Vodka, & I did the same with food , eat it all NOW, dont save any for later, you might be dead, you can make more, if your not, well I have learned that isnt the way to do things, & here I am sitting at 245 pounds, I have put on a few , about 2.5 pounds since I stopped the cigars, , every one told me stuff would taste better, boy were they wrong, the coffee sucked & the whisky was flat, the only thing that had a good taste to it was the tabasco !
so it has been a few weeks now & the coffee is tasting better , the whisky has its body & smoothness back, I just had to adjust the amount of water in the whisky, ( went from 3 drops to 2) , & with the coffee I still use the same amount of water but added an extra scoop of coffee to the Freedom Press pot, plus a shot of Starbucks liquor helps a little hahahaha !
Gas has dropped to $2.17 a gallon, but today with out any power for most of the day I never got dressed , so no "cigar " ride tonight , I just find it to distracting to drive the country side looking for whitetail deer with out a cigar to go with the coffee, I keep reaching for the ashtray looking for the butt ! I am missing my favorite radio show, Echoes , on NPR , great music, new age, ambiant, electronic, great interviews with musical artists & singers, you can listen live in the net every Sunday night 9 to 11 Pm , Eastern time, at , it is 90.5 FM if your looking for it on the dial, but you need to be in the Pittsburgh area to pick it up that way.
well it is time for me to get off the computer I do have a lot of stuff that needs done, dont know if I will get to it tonight or not, looks like Not but I will try to get it started hahaha, more coffee , more single malt is more like it, Good night ! Enjoy, Vince
Cian, all I can say is thank God for your participation on this thread. I have to echo what Vince said about your post. I would also say that I have to agree with you on every point about the Cohiba Esplendido. It may be the most special cigar I've ever smoked. I've got a couple that I've aged almost a year. One is going to someone else, and the other will be smoked before the end of football season.
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