GOOD MORNING !!! it is Sunday 17 Sept.06 , the bacon , eggs & coffee are finished for this morning & I am enjoying a pot of mayorgia coffee , I have a mayorgia Hi Octane orginal release corona ready to fire up when I get off the computer, it will be my second cigar of the day, I did have a "little" Kona at 6 am ,along with a Don Carlos III , it was dammmmm chilly this morning & damp, lots of overnight Fog & heavy mist , it is now 10:30AM & it is still less than 1/10th of a mile visibility , heavy pea soup looking morning, but the Qtr.Deck always has that problem, 6 guys all puffing away , you can loose site of the wall behind you ! hahahaha
The shop is getting closer , we are going into the after construction cleaning mode in the morning, not all the work is done but we need to catch up with some of the cleaning , the outside trim is painted but not up yet, but thats outside & we dont need trim on the windows to open, BUT a working bathroom is a MUST !!!! still no phone, the cable is in but the local cable company cant sell us phone service , & the local phone company cant sell us cable service , dammmm I wish we could get it all from one sorce , lot less trouble , but no compitition means high prices, dammmmm that great since we are the only cigar shop in Town, the sky is the limit hahahahahaha !
it is quite cool here today , & I have a small hunk of beef to put in the cast iron Dutch oven along with some onion & potatos , give it a slow braise & make an onion gravy , that I can do in my sleep & over the years most likely have done it in my sleep !
The grandson is playing scocer ( what the euro's call football ) but that is an outher story all together. he is the smallest & thinest on his team, , the team photo he looks like a P.O.W. , with his head shaved & the shorts with the knees sox & shin guards & the toothpick thin legs he is a hoot, the reason his head is shaved , being an 8 year old & his 10 year old brother thought they could give each other hair cuts & save the trip to the barber hahahaha
dammm they look good hahahahaha ,
the next POD cast should be up some time today if it didnt get posted yeaterday I havent checked as of yet, , check it out
click the link to the pod cast & dont forget to check out the rumble in the bundle & vote for your pick of the week.
we have a NEW BULL in the pasture a young boy not as big as some of the cows yet , but that hasnt stopped him from trying hahahahaha , I dont know if this one is the replacement for ole Angus McStudd or if he will be going to the auction block like the last one did .
IT HAS HAPPENED < YES MY FIRST RIPE Tomato of the year, !!, I dont know what happend to the plants this year, I moved them about 20 feet to the east from where I had them before , & got TONS of tomatos from 3 or 4 plants, well this year I put in 4 plants & lost one , & have 3 tomatos grownig , that all ! & we ate the first one of, (OH well there is always next summer ) the year last night ,, it was small & the skin split & it was just pink, not that deep full body red I wanted, one more should be ready to pick this week & then there will be 2 little green ping pong ball sized fruits to watch before I pull the plants for the fall, I have some buddys who have all ready pulled all there tomato plants & I didnt even get a red on till yesterday !
it is about time for that little Mayorgia corona & some more coffee the Kona at 6 am was a little bitter this morning for some reason, I might have added to much coffee ( well how could that be , I can drink a single cup that was made with a POUND of coffee , & I dont think I let it brew to long , dammm I drink it later in the day leaving the coffee still in the press pot for a few hours & it is still drinkable to me anyhow, but then I have a few snifters of whisky before hand & I might just not be able to taste it BUT I Doubt it !
Off to the QTR.DECK, coffee & a cigar , scotch later today !!
Enjoy, Vince