Sunday Morning Smoke

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As always an excellent post, Vince. What a way to end 06 and start 07. BTW,, listening to the new podcast right now. I always get a chuckle out of when you clear you throat and say you're just glad to be there.

:D :D :D

Finally figured out how to use this system. I met you mid-December in Pgh. It was a pleasure. Glad to hear your holidays were good! Take care.
Hi Honey I'm Home ,hahahaha, wanted to say that for a long time !! , glad you were able to find this thread , if you have a few hours you can go back & read the last few years ! , Enjoy, Vince
Funny guy. My friend keeps telling me about your Sunday morning chats. I'm glad I can now also enjoy them. Want to learn more about cigars and single malt scotch...very much a newbe. Also, like to shoot the bull!? Thanks for the welcome.
No, he didn't shoot the bull. Ol' Angus McStudd used to help himself to some of Vince's cigars, but Vince was too nice a guy to shoot him.
hahaha, as a new one Honey you just better go back & read what the village wise man is saying !
Well here it is Sunday Jan 7 , 2007 , a Verrry merrrry Christmas to our Serbian , Russian & Greek friends who Celebrate Christmas using the Julian Calender ( or is it the rest of us that use the Julian Calender ) , well what ever Merry Christmas to you !
I need to get this holiday season behind me & get back to my diet, I haven't felt well all last month , way to much sugar in my diet, dammm cookies & cakes & CANDY , I never had much of a sweet tooth I would rather have a second t bone than have desert , but now I lean to the sweet side of life & it is getting to me , I went up to 226 from my 215 goal , back at 219 I have a lot of work in front of me to get back to 215 & keep it there , OR Even a few pounds less !!!! a far cry from my all time high of 417 ! , Dammmm what a fat ass i was , dont want to go back to that , I can see my feet in the shower now hahahaha

the new shop is kicking ass & taking names,, I am having the time of my life there , we have a few "JERKS" but then every shop must have a mascot, & we have ours , I want to charge him rent on his seat but I was out voted , he buys one CHEEP cigar & will sit all day & sponge off every one who comes in , never shuts his pie hole & will even have lunch delivered to him but never asks do we want him to order anything for the rest of us , he just sits there in his own little world , blasting the TV when we all are tiring to listen to music, I have even Un plugged the TV & pulled out the cable connection , he just hooks it back up , what a pain in the ass , But he is our pain & it could be worse, he has a shower every day so he isn't stinky , But at times he just talks to hear him self talk , SHUT THE F UP is all I want to say at times , he is an expert on EVERYTHING , our answer to Cheers Cliff , but Cliff had a job, this guy is a disability, he is Depressed , he lives with his Mommy & Daddy( in their basement ) , 40 yeas old separated from his wife ( who had enough & went back to Germany ) , no kids THANK GOD ! But he is Ours & it could be worse, I dont know how but I guess it could !

the Freeeky weather is starting to get to me , so far we have had less than one inch of snow , a high in the 60's near 70 for Jan. in Pittsburgh is Freekey to be sure , My grass needs cut ! But it will wait till April at lest

I am not cooking today & declared a day off for my self, today it is Leftovers, defrost & reheat , the freezer is getting full, so I am taking the day off !!

I guess that about it for now, I have a Don Carlos 3 calling my name & a pot of Kona waiting for me to hit the button . I finished my last bottle of Lagavulin 16 YO last night & will be restocking asap , so it looks like I will be sipping a bit of Spayburn today , unless I go for the Irish REDBREAST single malt , dammmm such decisions to be made before noon , dammmm I dont work well under pressure hahahahaha
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning eveyone it is Sunday , Jan 14 2007, today is grandson #2's Birthday he is 9 , Jonas is his name , & he is a dancer like his mother, ( I will admit not as good as his mother was but he is still out on the stage being the center of attention as he is the only boy in the class, he loves that part , little pervert he is hahahaha ) , I see this past week has been slow here on the net, not much action on the website, I guess every one is watching the weather channel to see how much more snow Denver is going to get ! dammmm I feel sorry for them, here in the Burgh we havent had any snow to speak of , a flurry here & there but less than an inch in total , lots of rain & I love that , you dont need to shovel the rain !
the shop had a slow week I guess its the after Holidays let down, all the regulars were in got there dailys but the new faces have slowed a good deal, looks like we better advertise a ladys night , we had 2 great looking ladys smoking BIG cigars this past Friday night , ahhhh yes nothing better than having a few LADYS in the shop to clean up the talk ! , it was a great night !!
I am finishing up the Holiday blend coffee , it will be good to get back to the full flavor coffees I love, but since today is Sunday it is a KONA day , the Qtr.Deck will be full this afternoon , & if not I will be there alone , dammm what a way to spend a Sunday afternoon, I will get the beef roast in the oven & start the rice pudding , then it will be just me Don Carlos III & a press pot of Kona, with a weeee dram of Old Pulteney, a 12 YO single malt , I havent pulled the cork on this one yet but I am looking Fwd. for the POP of the cork , the tasting notes on the box gave it a salty smokey note , so I am hoping for a Laugavulin style taste at half the price , I dont mind spending the money on the Laugavulin but when some one pickes up the glass & acts like its corbys & shoots it down makes a face that would stop a train, well "NO SOUP FOR YOU" , time to give them what they want, a cheep shot for the buzz, & not a LONG slow sip for the taste , I am in no hurry to get to the Buzz on booze , I drink for the taste & enjoyment NOT the buzz , yeas ago when I was a young man I enjoyed a quick beer buzz at 7 am , knowing that 7 am was in the middle of my work day & I would soon be hammering out more plates for breakfast & soon lunch would be there to deal with the second shift of hungry golfers at the Country Club, 2 of my happiest days there were the first day & the last day ! hahahaha
I did get a new bed this week, the frame broke on the old one , a weld cracked a few years ago & I drilled & bolted the frame , but all the action of the movement snapped the bolts , NOW BEFGORE you think I am bragging let me tell you it is a Single Size adjustable bed , , the same type you find in a hospital, I like sleeping with my head raised a few inches, & a pillow gave me a stiff neck, & when I was heavy I had trouble breathing so sitting up to sleep became the norm. , & had a problem with swelling in the lower legs & feet also , so I would elevate my feet, this took care of the swelling, , so I got an adjustable bed, worked great till a weld broke & worked great thill the bolt broke , so I replaced it , thew new one is so QUIET , no loud moters, or turning screws, just a quiet slide of the ram pushing against a rocker arm & up the head goes, same for the feet, QUIET !!!
thats about all I have this week, time to go start the beef roast & rice pudding for the day , have a great Sunday every one !
Enjoy, Vince
we made an other week here on planet Earth & did blow it up yet ! it is Sunday Jan 21 2007, dammmm where is the time going ? seams just like yesterday I was having a Christmas drink & smoke & now it is almost time for the Valentines day smoke & drink ! hahaha
I am sipping a coffee from a hotel in Boloxie Miss. a buddy who is a dealer at one of the casinos down there sent me a little house blend regular & some decaf, , tasty little dram of coffee , , my wife is grinding a little Tasmanian Pea berry right now , back to the real coffees now , no more of the "Holiday Blends " with a touch of ginger or some other spice that shouldn't be in coffee , the Sunday Morning Kona is brewing & the heat is on in the Qtr.Deck & I will be headed there soon , I have a Don Carlos III to start off the festivity's , a new CD that I burned from Lime wire down loads a bunch of old & some new Jazz , Miles, Duke & the Count, a little Bob James . & the Blue man Group !!
this past week at the shop was good, we hired a few new sales people , got rid of one pain in the @$$!! amen !! , so now I dont need to be putting in all the hours I was , I can get out of the place before 6 pm almost every day , but Friday I am off in the morning & work till 9 or 10 , just a relaxing evening at the shop . dammmm I get paid to smoke cigars drink coffee & sip single malt scotch, , the ONLY draw back to this is I supply my own !!!
well its not all that bad , I do get good whisky, if some one else was buying they might cut back the quality hahahaha
I will be doing some chicken today , I haven't thought about how as yet, but the boneless skinless breasts are defrosted & waiting to be transformed into something wonderful, I feel a little Asian influence in my creeky old bones today , so it looks like a bit of chicken & rice is in order today or should it be a cheese sauce , hummmm I will toss a coin when I get to the kitchen ! hahaha
Winter has hit the burgh, it is COLD & there is a coating of snow , so far this season we have had verrrrrry little snow , & right now I can see the grass still shooting up in places but there is a definite whitening of the ground , glad I am NOT in Denver ! ,

I havent seen much action on the thread the past few weeks
I have been busy at work & havent had a chance to post other than Sunday Mornings , with the new help at the shop I hope to have more time to spend on line & find out whats going on in your world ! , time for that Sunday Morning Don Carlos & Kona !

Enjoy, Vince
Hired a few new employees, ehhhh Vince? :sm_angel: Hey folks, Vince is already figuring out how to put in a ten hour week.

GOOD MORNING, MR. ROCKEFELLER!!! :sm_angel: :sm_angel:

Don't forget to tell the rollers down in your little factory in Honduras to take great care making those Bloofy Blend Churchills.

Don't forget to stop by the shop every now and then Vince. New employees, any employees for that matter, have to be watched VERRRRRRRRYYYYY carefully. When the cat's away, . . .

the mice WILL play. Gotta keep that Boss's Meow in the foreground, otherwise one day you'll stop by the shop and find no cigars in the case and no cash in the register.

Having my first Freedom Press of the day, Colombian Supremo from Oren's, waiting on The Championship Games, going to try to do some straightening out and packing up here. This boll weevil's lookin' for a home, gotta have a home. Hey Axegod75, I'm goin' back to Queens, know of any two-bedroom apartments? :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :mrgreen:

Hey folks, as of yesterday, Dubya has two more years in office. Like him or not, here's the deal. Strap yourselves in, because the end is near. The one that's going to make 911 look like a rehearsal is not far off. In the meantime, I'm havin' fun. For those not enjoying that purely American sport of oblongball later today, have fun doing whatever you're doing. As for me, the first game doesn't start until 1500 hours, so I'm going back to Thursday's episode of All My Children. :rock: :rock: :rock:
Going Back to Queens ? shit man I didn't know you were like that hahahahaha , will Doug & Carrie be in your area? , just be careful when you get a packaged delivered by him, if there is any food on the table kiss it good by ! Keep us posted on the move ! dammmmm there goes my vacation in New York, I have been to Queens, Brooklyn,Bronx& Statin Island as well as Manhattan !, I was hoping to get up state a little one day, ,,,, Oh well maybe next time.
as far as watching the mice play when the cats away, No problem , closed circuit TV ! hahahaha, the cash register is covered , as well as both doors & the humidors have 100% coverage , the only place there isn't surveillance is the bathroom , & I think thats a NO NO !!!!! hahahaha
Enjoy, Vince
Nice! Glad to hear some of the headaches from the shop may be easing up - gotta love new sales people. Who knows - when my little rugrat finally comes along in July, I may be looking for a night job - let me know if you need someone else to run things a bit. I'm not a cigar encyclopedia, but I can run a register and shoot the breeze!

Got some beef and mushroom stew cooking up in the crock pot. House smells good! Haven't had my coffee yet today (where's my head at!?!) but I think to Taz Peaberry might just hit the spot.

Don't know if I'll get a cigar in today or not but I'm keeping my hopes up!
Yes Vince, I lost the house. Too little, too late. Something may have been able to be worked out, but the mortgage company would not grant any more delays, or accept any partials. Things are also not good with my father. He is going to give me the money to get re-started back in NYC, and I am also getting some money off the foreclosure sale. I guess the bidding went high enough so that all the hands in the till got their fee, and there's still something left over. Hopefully enough for a can of sardines.

I also have to take over my father's life completely, which is a heck of a lot easier to do from Queens, where life will be WAY less expensive than up here. I needed an income of a minimum of $70,000 or the take-home equivalent when I moved up here, and I only earned that much in the first of the seven years I've been here. Those seven years, especially the last six, have been the worst years of my life. I've taken a never ending pounding of budget cuts, outsourcing, 911-effects and after-effects to the job market, asthma difficulties, four serious injuries from accidents, family difficulties, and it hasn't stopped. My income throughout that time has averaged only $45-50,000.

I don't really get that kind of paycheck, because I've had as many as two or three jobs during that time, as usual, each part time, some freelance with mostly cash business, but the annual equivalent of such a salary. However, I knew when I moved up here that making the equivalent of $70k would soon have to become $80-90k. Every time I've gotten off the deck, I've been knocked back down, and I went down swinging, but the house is off.

I am needed in Puerto Rico as soon as possible to take over my father's life completely. Those of you who know NYC, especially the additions to the transportation system, know that Puerto Rico from Queens is basically like the last stop on a very long subway ride. :mrgreen: :pumpkin: :mrgreen:

Sooooooooooooo, let's review, life will be cheaper, life will be way simpler, Puerto Rico at least once a month for three, four days, and hopefully getting The Family Circus finally straightened out, after the mess my well-intentioned grandmother left nearly 21 years ago when she died. I'm not going to let my father leave me a mess if I can help it, and after three recent injuries, two falls and a cinder block falling on his foot because of his playful dog, rescued from uncaring hands, he needs me to watch over his health and everything else in his life.

The plan is to end the soap opera regarding the land, get his piece accurately measured (the house, a few smaller buildings, presumably 16 acres, should be, not too far off the mark at worst), get it sold for the right price in the midst of the Guatemalan conditions in his area of Puerto Rico, and get him the heck out of there. In the meantime, I'll have gotten funds for a six month head start in a new apartment in Queens. I'll upgrade my system, XP, new Microsoft Office Suite, some study materials and buckle down at long last for some serious study. Take two or three months off to get settled, get down to Puerto Rico two or three times and get that party started.

Shuttling back and forth at least once a month to Puerto Rico, studying for a changed work place, skills which will open a multitude of new doors in the job market, and taking care of my Dad. If and when we get him up here, with the farm sold, THEN we keep the apartment as our hotel in the city, and move WAY the heck out in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking at a radius surrounding areas in upstate New York, New Hampshire, and Maine. Later on, hopefully a small getaway area in Canada. The areas in the states are all 300 miles+ from NYC. The idea is to be over 300, but not more than 400 miles from NYC in the States.

FIRST, get out of here as quickly as possible, make a smooth, quick transition back to Queens, get set up quick and get down to Puerto Rico. It's pretty much a flashing yellow, just about red alert down there for me. And THAT Vince, is the story behind the boll weevil heading back to Queens. :mrgreen: :cryinlaugh:
Bloof, I am truely sorry to hear about all of your trials and tribulations, but it sounds like you have a good game plan and will be standing tall in no time. I do sincerly wish you the best and will be praying for you and your father to get through all of this with the best. Some times we have to go through the sh&% to get the gold and it sounds as if you have been through the worst of it and the path will be smoother now. Keep your head up and eye on the prize for you will find your paradise.
Thank you. It's God's Will. I've been preparing for this time for over six years, since things first started going wrong for me, and the onset of my father's diabetes, as well as a bad foot injury he sustained, all at about the same time. It's time to lead a very simple life, which I've actually led here, but life back in NYC will be way cheaper than being the single and very short paycheck in a house where your transportation bill alone is $900 a month when you're working full time.

I've always been frugal, led a simple life, but no more huge transportation bill, 4 1/2-5 hour round trip commute to work, no average $250/mo. for utilities, and Puerto Rico virtually around the corner from Queens, and very cheap on JetBlue. I know how to have a good time and maintain mental health while handling business, and this is the right thing to do right now.

I've watched friends of mine do this going back decades, and at 50, it's fortunate I've had to wait this long. If I do this right, I'd not only be paying tribute to a father who's been better than seven fathers to me, but it could turn out very well for the rest of my life, financially speaking. If this isn't handled well, a disastrous soap opera started in the summer of '86 by my grandmother's will, will just keep on playing out. Not going to happen if I can help it.
WOW buddy you got your hands full for sure, here I sit in my Qtr.deck with out a worry in the world to be sure, just where will the next cigar delevery come from ( & thats the end of my stress) & that is the no BS truth, sure I still have the wife ,daughter & grandsons to cause a lot of worry but nothing the scale you have been in the past few years , one good thing about going back to queens, Doc Barry will be close for a smoke & a Saturday night martini , with some olives cheese & peperoni !
Cybrus , Congrats on the new baby, I have a box of cigars ready for you, BOY or Girl ??
The qtr.deck is a little on the cool side today, 55F , glad I have a heated seat out there , evry one else is sitting on the cold sofa or the rocking chair , I am snug as a bug a little vibration & heat to the seat all is well, I sipped a weeee dram of old Putentey today, as I see it , I have nothing to complain about , I got my chocolate fix with a piece of 80% cacao dark chocolate & a mug of Italian roast coffee a big Fat 60 ring CAO black label X 6 inch & since I just finished supper (chicken & rice ) I will be heading back to the Qtr.deck with a Mambacho torp & a big mug of coffee , we have a winter advisory here till 6 am so i dont know if I will get my Sunday night cigar drive in tonight or not, I will get the cigar just not the ride ! , I hope every one will keep the chin up & the nose to the grind stone, Monday will be here to soon & it is back to work for some of you, but it is back to play for me hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Bloof, it is great that you can keep such a positive spirit about all that is happening, it sounds like things are turning the corner for you, and I wish you all the best brother.

It seems that we have sent winter south for a while, and my fair city is in the middle of a warm spell for a while, it makes it a lot nicer when I have to go out to the shed for a smoke, let me tell you that.

I wish everyone a great day, and a great week ahead!!
Bloof - good luck with Queens - sounds like it's a step in a better direction. If you're interested hg, Pittsburgh is only 370 miles from NYC - maybe someplace between Pittsburgh and Erie - maybe around Butler PA - that would put you fairly close to a few of us but far enough away that you won't have to worry about us showing up randomly!

Vince - I didn't know your chair was heated! I'm jealous. Have you heard from Steve at all lately? If he's available, maybe a visit to the Qtr Deck could be arranged. I'm planning on swinging by your shop on Friday if this week goes as planned. And as for the Boy/Girl question - we don't know! My wife isn't even sure she wants to find out ahead of time - I'll have to keep working on that.

I'm about 20 minutes away from serving the beef stew - my stomach is letting me know that is about 20 minutes too late!

Have a great evening everyone - stay warm!
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