Todays lesson comes from the Book of Mark, woops wrong forum, its Feb 4 2007, Superbowl Sunday , I hope all you gamblers have the bets in place as the bookies I called had taken all the action they can afford , I have 2 bets , one for the Colts for a cigar & one on the Bears for a cigar , so I know I will be winning one cigar for sure today , No matter who wins hahahah, it is Bitter cold here in da Burgh the coldest temps we have seen in a few years , my computer weather bug tells me it is 5F right now with a wind chill of MINUS 7 F , dammmmmm its to late to bring in the brass monkey
things are moving well at the shop, we had a good January sales wise , the mild temps had a lot to do with that for sure, but now we are in the Deep freeze & I dont think it is going to be a banner month for sales , but the coffee consumption is way up, I guess we should start charging for the coffee !!! The lockers are finished & ready to be rented , Just what I need more places to keep cigars & whisky hahahahaha
We went to New Willmington last night to Lords Tobacco shop , did a pod cast there, it should be up & running by Monday if Rob gets it all cut & edidetted , dammmm I think that is miss spelled , but you know wht I am trying to say anyhow !
I down loaded the new Internet explorer for the windows, my wife didnt like it so I took it out & am back to the old system, she didnt like the changes , so it is out with the new & back in with the old , kind of like our sex life , nothing new here , just get er done hahahaha
looks like the winter wonderland we have been looking for is here, a nice blanket of snow has covered the ground & the wind chills are below zero F , who was the Dumb $hit who wanted this crap anyhow, Globial warming my formerly fat @$$, I Dont LIKE IT AT ALL !, its way to cold to go to the Qtr.Deck , I havent been there for a cigar since last Thursday , it just takes to long to get warm & it cost way to much to keep it warm 24/7, the electric rate has gone way up since I built it & the base board electric heat was about 10 bucks a month when I built it , now it is almost an extra 80 bucks a month on my electric bill to keep it at 65F 24/7, I dont know about you, but 80 bucks a month will get me a lot of cigars & gasoline to jump in the car & drive to the shop for a smoke , when the temp gets back above freezing the Qtr.Deck is OK to heat , it is good down to about 25F , any colder than that it is a little pricy to heat, to many windows & the un insulated exaust fan look like they are on fire when you look at them with an infered lens, dammmm what a mass of heat loss , I dont want to pay to heat the outside , then I will get charged with this dammmm globel warming crap, , hey the earth gets hot , then it gets cool, then Cold, , how did we warm up from the last ice age? did the cave men have to many fires in the caves , did the cows all fart to much & create methane in the air, , when I was a kid the scientists were talking about globial cooling, found out there were no takers to fund any "Programs" so the switched sides to the warming & got funding from the Nanny state liberals , dammmm some ones had is in my pocket & its not my wife, daugher, or grandsons , just good old Uncle Sam , & if hillary gets in she is going to change that to aunt samantha , a few years ago some of the big hollywood stars we going to leave the USA if Bush was re elected, well if hillary gets in I will bring down my American Flag like I did when bill was in the white house , with hillarys last "broad"cast she said she would TAKE yes TAKE Exxons Profit & place all the PROFIT MONEY in a stratgic fund to explore diferent forms of replacement energy for oil, yea thats just great tax the guy who makes money right out of business , we dont have to worry about communisum form the outside , no mass invasion of millarary, just a few well placed political left wing liberals & Pooof, democracy is gone replaced by the nanny state, "WE" know whats best for you !, Hello George Orwell , Big Sister is watching !
dammm thats enough of a political rant to last me a few weeks I hope
I picked up a new CD's this week Willie Nelson , The great American Songbook, great old standards like "Gorgia on my mind" & my favorite Willie Nelson song "Stardust ", I am not a big C&W fan but some Willie is good to have in a music collection in my humble opinion , I tend to listen to more Bach, Beethoven , Count Basie , Duke Ellinington, Weather Report , Spyro Gyro , Miles Davis
& almost anything on a Windom Hill recording , hey I like the Blue man group for a little background music with a big spicy cigar & a snifter of scotch , whats not to like about that !
So here we are Super bowl Sunday, the shop will be open at 2 today , festivits to start when the door is opened, I dont plan on going any place today , to dammmmmmm cold , I dint go for my Sunday morning walk with my good friend Don Carlos III nor do I plan on doing it anytime soon, I did make a pot of Kona & am enjoying it right now, maybe this afternoon I might go out & start the car just to keep it warm , hahahaha, & have a cigar when it is running , but I just might save it for a cigar ride tonight , Time for me to head to the kitchen & see what defrosted & what I will be cooking today ! have a great Sunday , Enjoy, Vince