Sunday Morning Smoke

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Hey Vince, if you ever need to remember your name and address, just look at one of the threads here.

I was thinking of having it engraved on my watch but then if I move I would need a new watch ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
well we made it one more week , & now it is Sunday 26 Aug 07 , Good morning to all you lovers of the leaf, not a lot going on this past week hahahaha , I took last Wed. off from the shop, my daughter had a cyst removed from her shoulder , it was between her breast & armpit, , dammmmmm thing was almost the size of a cell phone , how it got that big I will never know , its a wonder she never found it till a few weeks ago , just a fatty cyst , no danger of anything else so said the doc who removed it , she is all ready back to work & yelling at the kids , so I know she is feeling better !
we had a very warm & high humidity week, the cigars must have loved it thinking they were back in Q-ba hahahaha , I was thinking of taking a few humidors out side & letting them breath a bit of fresh air for a change , but then I knew if I did it to just a few of the humidors the rest would get ticked off so I would need to bring them all out & that just isn't going to happen, the last time I did it I had a hard time getting them back in the cabinet I keep them, & they alway come back in lighter then they were when they went out , seams like they get smoked feaster hahahaha , any way I know as soon as I go outside with a few sticks my brother will show up cigar less & mooch a few sticks as always , some one asked me what was in my humidor, well a lot of fine cigars & my brothers fingerprints , dammm punk @$$ kid brother , well he is the only Brother I have so I guess I better make the best of it cause I dont think I will get any chances to improve with the next one hahahaha , , he took after my fathers side of the family & I took after my mothers side , he is balding & as you can see from the photo I have all my own hair , & have had a full face of it since I was in the Navy . he has a cheesy little mustache but he need to hide more of his face hahahaha , well I guess that is enough about my brother, dont want him to get a swelled head reading this dribble about himself , on to more important things, like VEAL , yep thats what for supper today , I have a few nice red peppers & some vadalia onion & a little package of veal tenderloin , this thing is just going to melt in your mouth , just a quick stir fry of the veggies , a splash of white wine , plate the veggies & add the veal toss it a few times add a weeee bit of chicken stock toss back in the veggies & add just a touch of seasonings & slam it on a plate & get ready to indulge the taste buds , I might run out to the herb garden & check on the availibility of what ever is ready to pick, I think the garlic chives would go nice with this one .
we got some new product at the shop one brand called OLD SCHOOL, a 100% Equidorian puro , not a bad looking stick, but it will not replace my morning Don Carlos #3 , I though about switching to the Rocky Patel 1999 vintage but it just didnt "get to me " like the #3 ! old habbits are hard to change & if it aint broke dont try to fix it, so I will stay with the DC3 till some thing better shows up by accident or I hit the lottery & can afford to smoke contraband Monte #2 torps all day long , but then they might just become mondain so I guess I will just hold off & save them for a special occasion, like the sun came up this morning , or it got dark last night , you know the real importaint stuff in our life that we celebrate with a cigar , in my case a few time s a day is celebration time ! , but I have noticed that I have cut back on cigars this week, my daily average for the week was just 4 cigars per day , we had a lot of stuff going on at the shop, a lot of deleverys & that kept me busy pricing everything , a lot of stuff is showing up that was ordered at the RTDA show & a Zippo ligher display with all the realllllly cool new zippo designs & the new Zippo blu a first from Zippo a real gas lighter from the factory with out adding an insert , a real FLINT lighter , but I have 3 of the z plus inserts in my old Zippo ases so I dont think I will be buying one for my self, I carry all 3 so I never worry about running out of fuel when I am out !
Soon it will be back to school & the grandsons are not in good moods , they were Forsed to go the mall & try on new shoes , you would have thought they were being sold into slaverywhen there mother told them it was time to go shopping for the new school clothes, I never had that problem with her when she was growing up, she & my wife were always "going shopping " , no wonder I am so far in debpt , she still has one of my credit cards hahahaha
time for a second pot of Kona & I think I just might have a Churchill from Ashton , seams like that just might hit the taste buds with the Kona , dammmmm the local fire dept just went by , lights going sirens wailllllling , looks like smoke on the horizon , cant be a brush fire, everything is drenched from all the rain this past week , I hope its just some jerk burning trash , I hate to hear the fire alarm go off , our home had a house fire when I was still in high school, my Punk @$$ brother was building a moddle car & was trying to dry the glue faster by holding a match under it , STUPID JERK , he should have been sniffing it not setting it on fire hahaha , well the fire was contained to just his room but the smoes damage was 100% in the rest of the house, I still tease him about it , hummmm maybe thats why he likes the aroma of a good smoke , he is a fire bug at heart !
Breakfast this morning was just a strip of bacon & a Hot pepper cheese omlet , topped off with a slice of watermellon, ummmmm good , but I have noticed that the seedless watermellons dont have the flavor of the old seeded mellons , yea they are good but side by side the seeded one will win the taste test every time , & I love sitting on the back deck spitting seeds at the bird feeder , dammmm they get ticked off when the incomming seed hits the tin roof of the feeder , thet makes them all dash for the sky , dammm Birds leaving Bird $hit all over my car, cant leave the sun roof open ANYMORE ! , but the boss likes to watch the birds & listen to them churp, so what ever she wants she gets & I pretend to be happy , hey 37 years together , one of us is bound to give in ALL the time hahahahaha ( yea ME) , hey she lets me smoke in PEASE & I can go for that , now if I could just get a little more PIECE , hahahah Enjoy, Vince
Down to only four cigars a week, huh Vince? Not good. The old guy's slipping folks.

Four cigars a week.


4 a day not 4 a week ! dammmm the industry would fold up if I went to 4 a week !
Wow vince - that veal sounds phenomenal! I'm not sure what I'll be doing for dinner tonight, but there's a good chance the grill will be involved.

I had a fire call earlier this morning - burnt food on the stove. Lady was searing a roast and had too much oil. Oh well. Woke me up though!

As for a cigar, I may have to see what the humidor spits out at me - not sure what I'm in the mood for just yet.

Hope you all have a great Sunday.
The Colonel said:
I have a Bolivar Royal Corona, if this acid reflux ever subsides.

sounds like your not drinking enough to kill the pain !
OOPS, I meant four a day Vince, otherwise it wouldn't have been a laugh. Oh well, they don't call me The GREAT DUMBoni for nothing!!!

Four a day. Vince smoking four cigars a day is like me going without ice cream for a day, hee, hee, heee!!!
cybrus said:
I had a fire call earlier this morning - burnt food on the stove. Lady was searing a roast and had too much oil. Oh well. Woke me up though!

Gotta love those careless cook calls. I always feel bad for the people, they get so embarrassed!

I am working today, and we have already had 9 calls, and by the way it looks, its not gonna lighten up. But, its nice to have a steady, but busy day.

Cybrus, its good to see your sticking with the FD. Hope its treating you well.
Definitely sticking with it - going through the academy starting in two weeks.

How many of those 9 calls today were actually something? I'd love to get some statistics on our calls and what percentage are actually something besides false alarms/burnt food.

How's your lab doing? Going to get out for some hunting again this fall?
good morning, it is Sunday ,SEPT 2,, according to the caleneder we have just 3 weeks of summer left, dammmmm it sure did fly by fast, the kids are back in school & last night was the end of the Grange fair , so I know it is a closed summer soon, my wife & I used to love going to the fair & sampling all the great food, but post by pass , there isnt a lot of choices for us to eat there, so we skip the Stuffed porkchops this year & just waited till later to get the Home made pie, I had Rasin cream & she had peanutbutter , dammmmmm it was worth the 35 minute wait in line to get them ! @ 2 bucks a slice & 50 cents for the coffee zip bam boom change from a ten ! !! , I was able to skip the Barn tour this year I ran into a few cigar smokers at the entrance & by the time I was done kicking arround the BS Barb ad all ready looked at the horses, cows pigs sheep & goats saw the blue ribbon winners & placed a bid on a few of the smaller critters , dammm I sure hope she gets out bid , the freezer is full !

I was able to sleep in again this morning, so I havent had my sunday morning walk with my Kona coffee & my buddy Don Carlos III , but they are ready to go as soon as I am off the computer, , breakfast was light this morning just a grilled english muffin with some fresh cheese, there is a little minestroni soup left & that will be lunch & I have a nice ring of hot sausage to go on the grill later, some corn on the cob will also get grilled , so we are cooking out the last of summer , I know that fall will not start till the 23rd, but labor day is to me anyhow the end of summer , & it starts on memorial day , a few weeks befor the Offical start of summer , so I guess it all works out , any way it is my favorite time of the year, spring & fall are ok , & winter sucks as far as I am concerened , so why do I live in da Burgh? heaven only knows , I should find a climate that never gets above 85 & never below 55 , , BUT I dont want to cut grass all winter so I guess there is a trade off, & besides the grandsons are here so I will stay here or as close as I can till they grow up get married & move away, hopefully to a place that is no warmer than 85 & no cooler than 55 , then I can move in with them instead of them moving in with me ! hahahaha
yesterday was a GREAT day at the shop , I wasnt there ! hahahaha , dammmmm its good to get away for a little bit, I am taking today off & MONDAY as well, , a few of the young kids will open today & monday, I will check in from time to time to make sure the roof is still in one piece & the door gets locked at night , other than that i need to spend a little Vinny time with the boss, she wants to do some thing , what ever it is I know I am going to hate it , BUT I will smile & say yes dear , because I have learned if she is Happy you can pretent to be happy & everything else is just fine with the world !
To my Suprise I was checking all the humidors & consolidating a few of the more empty ones & found 2 were EMPTY , dammmmmmm I went into shock when I found the second one , I had an idea that it was getting LOW but I wasnt ready to see 2 of them BONE DRY, NO STICKS , looks like the credit card will take a big hit this month ! hahahaha , lucky for me it was the bundle box that was empty , so I can fill up on the Yard gars dog rockets with out to big a hit , looks like a job for the cigar buyer to get out the wholesale catalog & see whats on sale or close out , I have found some realllly great smokes getting closed ot, stuff left over form the boom that has ben sitting in some humidor for a number of years , now with its price slashed to less tan half of what it sold for back in the day, & I have found some real DOGROCKETS also , but isnt that what were all here for, to try a different cigar & look for the best cigar at the lowest price ? well thats about all I have today , I need to get out for my walk & morning cigar Enjoy the Labor day weekend & dont forget to donate to Jerrys Kids on the MDA telethon !
Enjoy, Vince
Sept 9 2007, it is Sunday Again & time for the Sunday morning news from the dining room table , well it has been a very quiet week here in da Burgh , with Labor day last monday we were some what slow all week, the weather was FRAND all week till Saturday then it rained & is still raining this morning, I have a soggy cigar in the ashtry on the back deck to show for it , , I now know , Dont leave a Monte Platnum out on the deck all night , it is like a sponge & will not stay lit no matter how hot you get it & then the smoke is so dammmmmmm hot you cant enjoy it , Oh well after all these years you would think I would have better sence than that but just remember whos talking here & the idea of common sence just flys out the window with me hahaha
I did have a great breakfast this morning , I got up gratted sopme potatos & made pancakes with them , the wife was suprised , a little bacon & sour cream , dammmmm I hope this is an indication of how good the food will be the rest of the day, BUT I dont think so, , we are having a cigar tasting this afternoon at the shop during the Steeler Browns game , the local Altadis rep wanted to have a place to watch the game so he told his wife he had to work, Smart man , gets out of the house & gets free Beer on top of it ! dammmmm, so I will be going to the shop for a few hours today just to "help" a little hahahaha
I have some chicken breasts , swiss cheese & a few slices of Prosutte cappacola that will get all rolled up & backed today , maybe a little fresh herbs & some olive oil to season them with, & we can finishe the left over potatoe cakes from this morning, hummmmm sounds Ok to me !
, We got up early yeaterday to go watch the #2 grandson play soccor , but with all the thunder & lightning the game was a washout so I got up early for nothing , had to be at the field at 9 but we were back home before 10, & I got a mid morning nap hahahaha
later in the day the boss & her sister went shopping & I got an afternoon nap, yep sleeping like a baby , awake every 2 hours to get up & go to the bathroom ! hahaha, dammm I hate that, , got to cut back on the coffee before bed tome, not that I cant sleep, just full of liquid & need to get ride of it !
I have an appointment with the eye doc at 8 am Monday, , it looks like it will be an all day session, , drops at 8 sit & wait, see the nurse, get more drops at 9, & see the doc by ten, hahaha, if I am lucky, lazer treatment , injection & more drops , then home to sit in the dark for a few hours & them to the shop for MONDAY night football, OH joy, like I could give a good crap about working late on Monday & then neding to open On Tuesday , I wonder who the DUMBASS was that thought up this schedual, hummmmm Oh yea that was me , dammmmm what was I thinking at the time !, must have been all the great single malt & & contraband cigars I was enjoying ! hahahaha

I got the trees trimmed in the yard, but he didnt have a tall enough ladder to top them so that is still on the adjenda & the herb garden needs to be weeded, dammm I hate that job, maybe I will just get the line trimmer out & chop it all down HUMMMMMMMM ,,just pull what is ready to dry & cut everything else down to the ground, , a lazy mans way of weeding ! hahahaha

, I just got a call from a customer , he is laying some block this morning & wants me to come open the shop so he & his helpers can get a Cigar, , dammmm I just got up an hour ago, I havent had my morning pot of kona & he wants me to get dressed & drive to the shop 11 miles one way , open up for him to get a few packs of DeNobilie & not even pay me for them till some time next week when he gets paid , hahahah, Now thats BALLLLLLLLLLLS , I think he is going to need to go to the drug store or the gas station & pay for his cigars this morning , I sure am not going to go in & open this early for no sale , NOW if he wants to spend a few hundred bucks to make it worth my time , well thats a differnt story, but to get 3 packs @2.75 per pack on credit , NO F WAY , dammm give them an inch & they want to take a mile , besides we will be open at noon providing Tim remembers he is opening today hahahahaha , thats just an hour from Now , & if I were to stop playing on the computer right now get a shower & drive to the shop it would be almost noon anyhow, so lay the block with out the cigars buddy or just WAIT tioll Noonbecause I am not making a special trip in to open early , till i have finished my Sunday morning postings & rreadmy E mail , contray to public opinion I do have a life outside the shop , now maybe if I lived upstairs from the shop & ran it myself 16 hours a day it might be different, ahahahaha, BUT dont count on it hahahaha

I think that about all I have right noe maybe more later if I find the time hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Bluegrass pioneer Bill Monroe died eleven years ago today. I have Sirius Bluegrass on, having coffee, and starting off with an Ashton VSG Belicoso.

Any kind of luck/burst of energy, I'll finish up on my refinish project of a 1908 hope chest. A lot of work to make it appear original.
Vince, a lifetime of humor and wisdom all in one post, every week. Absolutely wonderful. Spent Sunday putting the finishing touches on some apartment cleaning, also grinding through the spine and joint pain, stiffness, etc. caused by the past few days that summer has reminded me of its presence. Also moved the small bedroom around, and achieved a far better look and spatial usage.

Of course, there was lots of football to watch yesterday, but I haven't had a cigar in a while. When nightfall rolled around, about halfway through watching my Cowboys beat my best friend's* Giants, I called him and found out he nearly died of diverticulitis recently, which due to medical neglect, was neither found nor treated during a recent hospital stay, at first. He had to rip the IV's out of his arm, and threaten to walk out of the hospital with no authorization, when they told him on the third straight day that some machine vital to his tests and observation wasn't working.

Well, what do you know? Cause a scene and presto, your doctor steps in, sends you to a facility by ambulance that does have a working machine (CAT Scan, I think), discovers diverticulitis, operates and tells you it's a good thing, because you would have been dead in 48 hours. Oh, joy!!! Well, that was my Sunday.

Oh yes, and at 0304 hours this morning, technically still yesterday (hee, hee, heee!!!), I celebrated 23 years in Christ, the best decision of my life.

*Best friend in this case denotes one of seven people, all of whom I refer to as "my best friend."
Bloofington said:
.Oh yes, and at 0304 hours this morning, technically still yesterday (hee, hee, heee!!!), I celebrated 23 years in Christ, the best decision of my life.quote]

Congrats Buddy , I wish more people in this world could say the same ! , it might make this a lot better place to live, GOOD FOR YOU !

well this is Sunday Morning again , we have made it an other week on this " Third rock from the Sun" ,
not a lot going on here , with back to school & a slight chill in the air high school Football has returned to Friday Night & the traffic in the shop has slowed a lot , but it picks up after the games are over , we did have a house full this past friday night, I was a little worried as I paid the help for the week there wasnt enough left to pay myself with the cash on hand , lots of credit card sales all day , but not enough cash to make all the payroll for the day , the week was fine, I just use the cash from Friday to pay everyone for the week, well at 8 Pm I still didnt have enough to pay me & leave change in the regester for the next day , & as soon as the games were over , I was looking for places to put the cash that didnt fit in the regester, , it was like a feeding frenzy, one minute it was calm & the smooth jazz was in the background & BLAM the gun went off at the statium & the game was over, I have no idea who won let alone who was playing hahahaha , all I know we were 3 deep at the regester & soon I had enough for my pay & the rent , pluss the utilitys all in one night hahahaha, dammmm I hate friday nights hahahahaha
I have been having a little trouble with my eyes again, so if the words are missspllled a little more than usual well I am typing looking at the key board & not looking to what the screen is saying , like that would matter anyhow, hahaha, I had a small bleeder in the right eye this time, after getting the left eye to 20/60 , now the right eye that was 20/20 with the trifocals , is now under going the same treatment as the left one did & soon I will be getting the cateract removed from the left eye , , so if the words just dont look right thats the reason this week, most of the time it is sheer lazyness & not using the spell check ! hahahaha ,
the Grandsons is back playing scoccor & this time it is a mixed team Boys & girls, he is sitting on the bench a little more than before the girls are agressive players & he isnt , so they get more playing time than him, & the tream is better off for it , some of the girls should be playing in the NHL , dammmm they go at it hard, good thing they dont have sticks they would be chopping each other up hahahahaha
I was checking out the pantry last night I found a box of cake flour that had an expiration date of 06 on the box, well it was just about half full so I thought I would use it today, for Pancaks, , what the hell , flour in a plastic bag in a box , as long as there are no bugs in it , I am going to do some thing with it , so I made up a batch of pancakes , NOT BAD at all , a little blasmic viniger added to the milk to sout it , with a pinch of baking soda & baking powder added to the flout an egg & everything had a nice rise to it & a "different taste" than butter milk would have given me , well it used up a bit of the cake flour anyhow, no reason to toss it out when it can still be used dammm thats why some one invented bread pudding, waist not whatnt not , use the left overs to make some thing new , so we had a nice breakfast & since it is cool out ( the furnace ran last night ) looks like a Hunk of BEEF is in order for today BEEF , its whats for dinner ! , just need to get out the cast iron Dutch oven & get it in the oven my noon . & I have just under an hour to prep, ( I can go from the chill chest to the oven in about 6 minutes & end up with gravy tht is almost heaven ! hahaha NO brag , just fact !, lets face it I have been doing this longer that some of you guys & gals have been alive , NOT that I am old, I just started young hahahahaha
I have the Kona working right now , & I have a Java coffee mixed with a little Kenya AA ready to go on the or in the Press pot as soon as this one is empty , I am skipping the Don Carlos this morning as I have a NEW Cigar to try & I want it to be the first one of the day , a Nic araguan puro from Savanelli , so I want to try it first that way I can get a fresh tase bud to figure out if I like it or not hahahahahah , it has to be a mighy Poor smoke for me NOT to like it hahahaha , I smoke almost anything but the flavored crap & infused $hit like acid, but what is one mans trash is an other mans trasure , I dont like acid but we sell a TON of them, I make fun of some of the guys who smoke them But the few I dont ( a bunch of BIG bad Bikers ) I just tell tem HONDA riders smoke them , hahahahahaha
z almost time for me to get to the kitchen & start the prep wotk for the HUNK O BEEF , got to get the onions, celery & carrots all cut, the peppers roasted & the beef seared in bacon dripping , NO substute to PORK FAT acornding to Emeril !
Enjoy, Vince
Another great Sunday morning post by Vince. I do enjoy them. Hope all goes well with your eyes!! Enjoy the week!
A tad bit of cloud cover here, it's almost noon and only 92°. I'll be heading to Sierra Vista soon, take in the Oktoberfest experience. I'll be taking the dogs, and an Ashton VSG Belicoso.
Good morning all, it is the First day of Autumn, what a wonderful streach of weather we have had here in da Burgh, you need the A/C during the day & the furnace at night ! hahaha yep your in Pittsburgh when that happens , right now we have a layer of Fog covering the area, I just came back in from getting the sunday paper & cant see the intersection just a few hundred yards from me , thick as mushroom soup , with that slightly brown cast to it , the leaves havent started to fall & for the most part are still green, there are a few trees here & there that do have a little color to them, we are a few weeks from the great fall colors we get every year .
I am moving kind of slow this morning kind of like Uncle Joe at the shady rest hotel, havent had breakfast yet, havent even made coffee yet, dammmmmm I must be getting old orsome thing hahahahaha, I am letting the Boss sleep in , & since Mother nature & a full bladder woke me & its to chilly to sit on the back deck & look at the Sunday paper I decided tomake my Sunday Morning post before I get busy & forget to do it ! hahaha
I dont plan on cooking anything today after breakfast that is , time for the dreaded refidagator fall out, yep time to clean up the left overs , so today will be stuffed porkchops left over from Thursday,with some baked sweet potatos , then a little cococnut cream pie left over from Wensday, for desert the local Greek Church had a food fert this past week so there is a ton of Grape leaves to finish along with a good deal of pastrys , dammmm I dont know if we will be able to finish it all, well what ever we cant , the trash man will take Monday morning , I still have eyes that are bigger than my belly, , it is hard to realize I cant eat like I did before , I look at Anthoney Bourdain from the food or travel channel & with all the stuff he eats he is still "thin" , not like twiggy was at the hight of her modling carier , but no pot gut like Andrew Zimmer on Bizarre foods , of well what ever it takes to get through the day I guess I will adapt !
I did get a visitor at the shop this past week, John aka 2 Putts from Michigan stopped with a great bottle of white wine & a fine Cobiha Contraband of course some really good hard cider & a little bottle of MEAD , well I sipped a little scotch , drank a little wine , swigged a bit of cider & savored a bit of Mead , so needless to say I was feeling NO PAIN when I closed the shop friday night ! , well Saturday morning I had to go in & open for a customer who was going some place & he called to make an appointment for an early shopping trip , * 30 plus cigars & a humidor I was just about to leave & go home when a few more customers showed up , Now here I am at 9 am on a Saturday when I cant get anyone to stop that early in the morning, during the week, well it looks like we will be opening at 8 am on saturdays & not at noon like we have been doing , didnt het out of the place till after 2 am & when I got it all cleaned up, & got home it was closser to 3 , then back in at 8 dammmm makes a old fella even more tired than I should be , but when the cash regester rings I feeeeeel Gooooood !
well just as I was about to close on Saturday morning a couple came in with Coffee, Fresh roasted & ground, so I made a pot & the BS ran wide & deep, before you know it, Noon & dean is there to work his shiftdammmm the morning went by pretty fast whenthe BS & coffee are both hot there is nothing like TIME to worry about , hahahaha , this couple wants to buy or rent the building on the corner & put in a commerical coffee roasting business , all I can say is WELCOME to the Burgh !!, we dont need no stinking $tarbucks when you can get a local to make a better cup of coffee , not the $starBux is bad , JUST way to much $$$$ , I stopped at the local $tarbux & got an espresso for myself & a frozen capachino for the boss & it was almost 7 buxs !!! the local coffee shop in Rochester my regular purchase if the same order & I get change from a 5 & leave a buck tip, & 70% of what I spend there stays right here in da Burgh, what I spend at $tarbux only 20% stays local , so I like to patronize the local shops before I gp to a national franchise or chain store , keep it local & let the other small guys make a Buck ! or 2 , wallfart might have lower prices but when I need some thing that some one who is local has a shop that sells it even if its a few bucks more , thats where I spend my hard earned cash , look at it this way , sure my cigar prices are a little higher than mail order but I provide a lounge with comfortable leather chairs & a place to smoke in side out of the heat & cold I provide a big screen TV for all the games & I give the coffee away when you want it just get off you lazy @$$ & get it your self, & if I am in a great mood I might even get it for you, but you need to bring your own cream & sugar, I dont use them so I dont buy them, hey I provide the single malt scotch whisky also , I guess the lest you can do is seal a few packets of sugar & a creamer from McDonalds if your to cheep to buy your own hahahaha ! , personally the only thing I want in my morning coffee is just more coffee & maybe a weee dram of single malt hahahaha
I missed my thursday evening smoke witht he guys , my grandson had a soccoor game & I went there to watch him sit on the bench hahahah, he did get some playing time & he did have the biggest fan section there, both sets of grandparents his mother ,father & a few aunts uncles & cousins were all there a rooting section of 13 in total, on the side lines & one behind the goal (me ) the wind was blowing right down the field & I didnt want to piss off some mother with my cigar so I sat down wind of the field & all that great aroma when for naught ! no one was able to enjy the aroma , buy the end of the first half of the game I did have some company , a pipe smoker & 2 more cigar smokers, , thank God I had a few extra's hahahaha , I have no idea who won or what the score was , but we had a nice hour watching & talking to all the other fans , parents & grandparents , that about all that is happening here in the burgh this week, as far as I can remember, , maybe I should start taking note as it is easy to read than remember hahahaha
yea remember, the eye is getting a little better but not near what it was a few months ago ! OK thats all I have time for right now, I am getting hungry, the coffee is ready & the boss wants BREAKFAST ! N O W !
hahahah Enjoy, Vince
Good Sunday all! My wife left this am for a confernce in Springfield (our state capital). My 25 year old daughter is still at home working full time and 2nd job in addition to getting her MA. She will be home 2 nights, so I will cook for us..wife comes back Friday.
I went to a H. Upmann tasting on Friday, had an incredible H.Upmann signiture line, I ended up winning 3 more and buying three plus a comp...check this smoke out guys, it's incredible. A great week to all!
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