What Did You Smoke Today

:lol: Yeah, the old one is as 16 bottle. This one is a 50. I've also got some new trays, neon tubes, fans, thermostat, and bigger thermoelectric coolers for it too.
thor and i just finished lunch. I started with an ashton vsg round gorona gorda. HOLLY COW it was great. Finihsed with a Cusano Hermanos Vintage robusto. Always a classic in my book. These are about a year old and seem to be in a really good place aging wise. I will have to smoke the rest of the box asap.
I had a VSG Sorcerer....good smoke, althogh the Round has SOOO much more intense flavor, a reminder of the VSG's from yester year. Then an Mx2....Great flavor, but I always seem to have draw problems, I think a couple of them may have to be put in my lower RH humidor to see how they fare in a couple more months...hopefully, it will resolve my problem....
Today on the way home from work I had a nice Cusano Exclusivo Churchill size, I believe. Nice smoke, more on the milder side. Started really mild with with a woody taste. After the half way point is spiced up a little and took on more of a cedar taste. Overall a good smoke.
This evening I had a Onyx Reserver Mini Belicoso. Great smoke. Also enjoyed a couple of Yuengling Lagers with my cigar.
Camacho 11/18. Got this one at the Chicago sitdown, been sitting since then...very nice. I had to work for it, but it didn't let me down. :thumbsup:
I hit up a Jose Piedra Cazadore while doing some work in the house then wound down with a Partagas SD3 before dinner and a Monte Robusto that I just finished up and it was great. I hope they bring those back.

That's about it for today.
Exactly what you need to do Thor. I had those problems when I kept my fridgidor at 71%. Now at 66 and everything burns much nicer.
Last night on the way home from work I had a Fuente curly head. It was a little dry, (tried a new cigar shop; may be the last time I go there) but it burned evenly. Quite a mild cigar, the draw not not as easy as I like but not bad. Smooth and light on the palate with light nutty and winter spice flavors. Got a little tar taste with about one inch to go but since I was in the car and could not blow out; I had to let him go. Nice everyday cigar but I will continue my search for another everyday cigar.
Yeah, after the christmas spending period I will try a bunch of every day singles to figure out which bundle I am going to purchase.
Went out last night. I smoked a CAO Brazilia (thanks to Dbrad4d) and then a Punch Rare Corojo. Both, tasty smokes.
I had a Cohiba Red Dot Lonsdale accompanied by a Troegs Mad Elf and a Stoney Brook Vanilla Porter.
Tonight on the evening commute home from work I had a Partagas Cifuentes Blend. Great cigar. I'd say maybe between a mild and medium. Nice mellow pepper taste with some wood notes.