What Did You Smoke Today

I am hung up on the rare corojo magnum. I tried the el doble thinking it would quickly become a favorite but I found that the ring guage was too much for me to handle. It fealt awksard to smoke.
Had a Padron Fuma on the way to work this morning. Not too bad for a $1.90. Had a better burn than some of the more expensive sticks I've had lately.
Just had my first padron 2000 the other day.
Wow..I really like it.
On my list of top smokes...kind of a coffeebean cooco taste...easy draw and good smoke.
Macallan said:
I am hung up on the rare corojo magnum. I tried the el doble thinking it would quickly become a favorite but I found that the ring guage was too much for me to handle. It fealt awksard to smoke.

It's an intimidating beast, isn't it? :)
La Gloria Cubano Series R #4
Wrapper was rigid and wavy, but burned perfect. Almost a 3" ash that was dark gray and tight.
Great draw with big smoke.
Good full bodied peppery all the way thru. Alittle hot at the end, maybe because of the draw.
I can't really rate them yet but I enjoyed it and will have another.
blech...something didn't agree with me last night...I ended up throwing up my dinner on my bedroom floor at about 11:45. :bigpuke:

I dunno if it was what I ate or if the smoke was just too strong for me. :?
I feel a lot better now. Whatever was bugging me ended up on the floor. :p

I smoked on a Litto Gomez Diez Chisel, and for dinner I had a frozen microwavable chicken pot pie. I only smoked about two thirds of the cigar...wouldn't stay lit and I started to feel really weak about halfway through.

I didn't smoke anything today, but I ate a lot of shrimp. I loves me some shrimp. :thumbsup:
I'm gonna get flamed for this but a cohiba red dot corona. Was like smoking an ashtray through a paper tube. Not the worst yet but pretty bad. Then tonight I had a CAO extreme tubo. nice leathery tones too it.
It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing milkbone drawers.

I smoked a couple of sticks from a cheap bundle called Caridad.

Later today I'm going to smoke a Hemmingway Classic since it's my 15th anniversary.

15 years and 9 months ago I found myself divorced with custody of a 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter.
15 years and 4 months ago I met the lady that became my wife at church, thanks to one of those meddling little old ladies that think everyone needs to be fixed up. I asked her out and to my surprise she said yes. From that first date until the day we were married we saw each other every day. Four months later we were married and haven't spent more than a couple of nights apart at a time in 15 years. She has helped me raise those two kids (now 21 and 19) and the two we have had since are now 13 and 12. It's been a very good 15 years. Not all roses mind you, but overall I can't complain. I have to say I've gotten the best end of the deal. Still not sure what made her say yes to that first date with a single dad with two kids. Glad she did.

Sorry to ramble on.
great story especially when wolfdaddy is about to propose. CC do you like the fuente sungrowns... they sit in the top of my humidors.

Had a fuente sungrown last night in fact.
Stressful day so I snuck out of the office into the parking lot to have a Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild - didn't have enough time to enjoy it properly though. Oh well, better than not having a stick today - it's gonna be a long weekend without one.