Good morning , it is Sunday the 24th day of March 2013 , the first Sunday In "spring" & we are getting ready for a 4 to 6 inch snow fall starting later today,, will some one PLEASE shoot that Groundhog !!!,,,
well the weather has been so bad this winter, sales at the shop are way down from last year, the stock in the shop is way up as the orders placed last year for future shipments are comming in BUT not going out, ,, after 5 years of keeping detailed sales records , I thought the computer program for ordering would be good for the priceing & being able to project future sales, with 5 years of daily sales records, ,,,,,, BUT we didnt include the weather , so all that work went for NOTHING as the weather tossed a wrench into the works & we came up with S. H. I . T. , stupid human interaction technoligy, now all I need is a spell check that works ,,,,,,,, now its back to the drawing boards 7 an other 5 years of record keeping , with a subroot featuring the weather & political news & every dammmm varriable I can think of ,,, its going to take a MUCH better mind than mine to make it work, some 12 year old kid can most likely do it in a few hours instead of 5 years & get better data than I did ..... I guess you cant teach an OLD DOG new tricks ,& I am old & dogged,in so many ways i cant count them!!!!!
I broke down dipped in to the saving & bought a remote starter for the Escape & with all the snow comming it was just in time, ,,, the last 5 cars have had them & with out a garage & the car getting covered all the time with & buy the elements this is the best I can do ,,, never had a garage for the car, sure the Motorcycle always had a cover & stored in the shed for the winter, but no room for the car !!!, before I got it installed at the local shop I called the dealer & priced it through them ,,,,,, OVER TWICE what I paid for it a an independent little shop & got the same unit , the same installer who did the last 5 cars,keep the money LOCAL, & with indepently owned small MOM &POP shops ,,,, Just like cigar shop, go for the little MOM & POP stores & stay away from the big chains, , & that is for Pizza shops as well, Nothing better than supporting the buddy you grew up with ,,, why go to Pizza hut , when you can go to a local shop & get the guys Grandmothers home made recipe Pizza,,,,,,
welll so much for today's totally off the wall rant about local vs national,
now here is a trivia question,,who is the owner of the the licence plate
PDL 257 ,,, there is only one logical answer to that question.... I might be asking to much for some of you faithful readers, but I am looking for feedback & answers to the age old question like why do I do this every Sunday morning , why am I driven to share the BS & bore you all the the BS comming out of my scotch soaked brain at 10 AM , dulited with a few cups (so far 0f of great coffee ) this morings pot is a Malibar blend of a few different roasts from India , the Kona is in the press pot & the water is heating all ready, , I forgot to do it last night , I do a cold water long extraction when I remember , some times its great some times good, I havent got the science down pat for that one, maybe I shoulkd keep better records & results on paper in in the computer other that storing it in the gray matter ontop of my shoulders ,,, that has a faulty recovery system,,, ( CANT REMEMBER $HIT)
I have a set of bacon wrapped beef tenderloins going on the grill this afternoon, baked Yukon gold spuds with a big dollop of sour cream & mixed green salad,,, should be ready about 4 Pm , in the mean time i plan on a few more mugs of coffee a few cigars, starting with old faithful Don Carlos III, I have a Partigus series D#4 contraband with a dark roast coffee all set for after lunch , after that I have no idea, I have to figure that out & see how much time I have before I need to get the grill fired up for the tenderloins
The shop & the grandsons are all Ok nothing to tell you about, & in the word of smoeone a lot smarter than I ever hope to be,,,, NO news is good news , as most news is Bad news & I dont like BAD news , thats why I never read the local paper very much , on the other hand my wife reads it front to back, top to bottom , inside out, I just read what she shows me !!!, & of course the funnies every Sunday ........
I have a prime rib all set for Easter Sunday , i didnt want to do a ham again, , the wife isnt a lamb fan & she loves beef, so I will make her a hunk of beef just not the pot roast she like every sunday, dammm that will be 2 Sundays in a row with out her pot roast, I wonder what trouble that will bring ??????
Time to make the kona , get a shower & get the heat on in the Qtr.Deck it is 35F out right now & thats just a little to cool to be comfortable in the Qtr.deck , even with a wool shirt , my hands will get cold hahahaha , damm My hands are cold at 65F ,,,, it is
H3LL getting old but I guess it beats the altenative !
Enjoy, Vince