It was Feb 2004when this thread started, now we are up to 61 pages , I didnt count to see how many different posters we have had but there have been a few , some of the best times are reading the posts here.People come & go ,,,& I look Fwd. to the storys of Fu, Blooly & the rest of the crew, it is nice to know that with all the different back grounds , incomes, locations & ages that we all have cigars ,coffee & whisky in common , it is nice to know that we are all brothers of the Bean, leaf & still, it is a great life, we have been though a lot in the past year, , make that 2 years I forgot this is 06 ! dammm the time sure flew by . the sun is setting on a fine day here in the Burgh, Football season is over THANK GOD
Soon Baseball will start, there is a new Montecristo Club at PNC park home of the often meligned Pittsburgh Pirates , but with the addition of the Montecristo club I will be at a few more games this year than I was last year, if you get a season pass to all the home games in the Monte club you get your own humidor in the club house & they fill it for you as part of the season ticket package, Dammmm tempting , Dammmm tempting, but I must show RESTRAINT , would some one please knock me out so I dont bite through my bottom lip & call in my CC number ! dammmmm this is tuff to pass on , I am not a big sports fan , but I sure could enjoy a few games in the Monte club !!!!!!!
Holstiens , yea that sounds good to me , big brown & white cows, , the retired old mail man down the road has Swiss dairy cows, all are sort of an off white color & have strange shaped shoulders, , these look more like the ones you see in the stampeed in the old cowboy movies with out the long horns .
I am on the third pot of coffee for the day , started with Kona went to the Peaberry ( BTW It was the coffee I was drinking for the first post in this thread 2 years ago ) this pot is 8 o'clock decafe made in the press pot with 7 scoops of coffee & 12 cups of water ( 6 ounce cups ) , steep for 4 minutes & plunge, damm fine coffee even for decalf
The wind has picked up & we are getting some blowing snow, still nothing to shovel, just broom, Huge flakes , the size of a quarter , light & fluffy, the kind that you like to stand outside & catch in your mouth as long as there are no birds flying over hahahaha ! the Bird feeder in my yard has been verry busy the last few days , the Bluejays are fighting with each other , the cardinals get out when the jays are there, the wrens & chicadees come & go all the time & the red tail hawk sits high in a tree across the road looking for supper !We had some wild turkeys in the yard this week, & yesterday I saw a turkey buzzard flying across the road about 20 feet off the ground , went right in front of me & he /she had at lest a 6 foot wing spand , it is so nice to live out in the country & still be 25 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh. When I was working in the city I would watch the Parigrin Falcons take pigions( rats with wings) for a quick snack, All in all it is a great place to life even if it gets COLD here ! Enjoy, Vince