Sunday Morning Smoke

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I will be driving down to warmer climes to stock up every now and then. I don't plan on LIVING outdoors!!! :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :duh: :neer: :neer: :duh: :mrgreen: :sm_angel: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :pumpkin: :mrgreen: :pumpkin: :neer: :duh: :cryinlaugh:
as long as you have an internet connection & garlic , with a side of rye your good to go ! , me I guess I need the same connection, coffee, scotch & the grandsons , GARLIC & CIGARS are a way of life here !, Anything to please the taste buds ( with in reason ) & the more I think about it the further down on the list Fugo gets , at one time I wanted to taste it , but now I dont want to risk the side effects of it , to much going on to pass it up for a little bite of raw fish , no matter how good the stuff is, it cant be better than what I have now ! ENjoy, Vince
Sunday 10:24 AM, I had a wonderful evening last night & it went till early this morning , hahaha not what you thought , I wnt to bed about midnight & slept till 9 this morning, ahhhh yes an entire night with out a phone call , or a grandson wanting a drink of water , NOTHING hahahahaha it was a great night , the window was open the fan was running at a slow speed & I was snugled in & did hear a thing ! it was a needed relief . so this morning I was feeling fine, went out to the herb garden picked some Basil, chives ,organio, & rosemary, diced it all fine & dropped it on a scrambled egg, ahhhh the perfume of the fresh herbs is intoxicating, ( just what I need hahaha )
I will be making some ravioli later today , it is cool enough I dont mind cooking today , overcast 7 rain is the forecast for today, so a little pasta might be just fine today.
I have been using a dial up service ever since I got a computer, well Monday between 8 & noon the teck will be here to install High speed Internet,Enhanced Digital cable & digital Phone service , the old dial up is just to big a pain in the @$$ , they are selling memberships faster than they are installing equipment to handle the load, , I am way out in the sticks, & I have been on a satalight for the TV, No cable here to get, well that changed & now I can move into the 19 th century with a few changes, , , still 200 years behind the rest of the country !

Went to the park in Rochester Pa last night there was a live BIG BAND JAZZ concert , a 20 piece band playing all the great music from the 1940's , & the best ting about it , IT WAS FREE !!!!! the music was great, the singer was HOT !& the band could play, 2 hours of Glenn Miller, Dorsey Bros, Stan Kenton, Duke Ellington, Count Basie ,Bennie Goodman , ahhhh it was a great evening , I sat there with my wife & we sipped coffee& danced in out seats , to dammm lazy to get up & dance hahahaha

I dont know what happened to the coffee rotation this morning the Kona was not up front , so I am having a Sumatra blend( light roast) 50/50 with an espresso roast Kenya AA , I got carried away with the aroma of the coffee as I was gringing it , , but the taste didnt live up to the aroma , for some reason it seamed a little flat & lifeless to me, like I didnt put enoughcoffee in the pot, but I used 8 large scoops to 48 ounces of water ( at 195 F) in the Freedom press pot , let it sit 4 minutes & press , Oh well next pot will be better I hope, but it is the last time I mix these 2 coffees, , it finished both of them & the CostaRican Peaberry is next , it will match up well with the Diamond Crown Maximuss I have pulled out of the Humi for the morning smoke today, I havent had a cigar as of yet this morning, just getting the lazy old bone moving is a chore anymore hahahaha

I hear the clock from my wife room , playing the I love Lucy theam, that means it is 11 AM , time for me to get off the computer & get some thing constructive done , YEA who AM I KIDDING hahahaha !
Enjoy, Vince
You've been doing all THIS on the internet for the six years I've known you with DIAL-UP??

:eek:mg: :eek:mg: :eek:mg: :dunno: :dunno: :flush: :help: :help:
YEP, & for the first 3 years I had a 28.8 modem that you put the phone receiver on to it to use, , Now this one has a 56K internal modem , so much nicer, now when I get High Speed, Dammmm , what am I going to do with all the time I save , watching the screen load , no more free cell or spider solitaire waiting for the mail to come in ! hahahaha , Enjoy, Vince
Just make sure you have updated anti-everything ware, including virus, adware, spyware, malware, here a ware, there a ware, Old McWare Dog had a ware, eeeeyi, eeeeeyi, yohhhhh!!!
I hate ware. Now for my Sunday morning smoke. I enjoyed a beautiful Cusano 18. These never cease to amaze me.
I do like the 18 but they alway leave me wanting some thing stronger , maybe its just me but every one I have had have been on the mild side for me, granted they all came out of the same box, so maybe the box is just a misrepresent ion of the line, corona size , so maybe that is the problem I do like the bigger smokes , next box will be churchills or a double corona .

Enjoy, Vince
vince said:
I do like the 18 but they alway leave me wanting some thing stronger , maybe its just me but every one I have had have been on the mild side for me, granted they all came out of the same box, so maybe the box is just a misrepresent ion of the line, corona size , so maybe that is the problem I do like the bigger smokes , next box will be churchills or a double corona .

Enjoy, Vince

I have a box of the 18 churchills, PM me your addy and I'll shoot one over.
I have a box of the 18 churchills, PM me your addy and I'll shoot one over.[/quote]

Who called me a mooch??? hahahaha Pm sent !
Enjoy, Vince

Joined: 21 Feb 2004
Posts: 1250
Location: 159 Knobvue Drive Freedom Pa 15042 Da Burgh, HOME of the 5 time Super Bowl Champs
it is right in the box to the left on all my posts !
Are you kidding? It's the other way around. In case you didn't know it folks, Vince's generosity is legend. Who else is sick enough to post his home address, INCLUDING zip code :duh: :dunno: on the internet, tough enough to back it up, but also willing to cook for you, get you drunk, and get you so whacked on strong cigars you wouldn't be ABLE to pull a gun on him if you DID show up with one.

:eek:mg: :mrgreen: :cryinlaugh: :duh: :duh: :dunno: :flush:

As a matter of fact, Vince's famous quarterdeck actually has a sign on the door that says Mooch Here Now. :cryinlaugh: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :mrgreen:
And to think I typed that BEFORE Vince went in and edited his post to show his address, INCLUDING zip code :duh: :cryinlaugh: even BIGGER in the BODY of his post.

:cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :cryinlaugh: :help: :help: :flush: :giveup: :giveup:
I have never been one to hide behind my computer screen , I have lived here about 33 years & dont plan on moving anytime soon, no matter what site I post on I give my address right out in the open ,& I sign everthing I write , I never hide behind a mask , why would I need to hahahaha!!
Every one is welcome to stop for a smoke , a drink, coffee or let me cook for them, I grew up in my Grandmothers Bestro & no one ever left hungry or thursty , I learned that a LONG time ago & try to teach my grandchildren the same things I learned from my grandmother , Dammm I still miss her & both of my parents as well as the rest of the grand parents , aunts , uncles & cousins , with my grandfather being 1 of 13 I have cousins all over the place , even dated one untill we found out we were related hahahah, yes we are that close to west virginia !hahAHAhHAhaH

Enjoy, Vince
In that case, Usama Bin Laden and Iman Al Zawahiri will be over on Tuesday, along with their contingent. Please remember, no tobacco, no offers of alcohol, and no pork or shellfish.

:cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :flush: :help: :help:
No shell fish? how will I serve the raw oysters? no tobacco? no booze ,??, NO pork !!!! , that reminds me of a joke , a Rabbi & a Priest were sharing a cabin on a train & when they were talking the Priest asked the Rabbi had he ever had Pork? & the Rabbi told him since it was just the 2 of them & no one was listening he had had pork & the priest just smiles a little self serving grin & a few minutes later the Rabbi asks the priest since it was just the 2 of them & no one was listening , had he ever had relations with a woman , & the priest said , well yes he had had relations with a woman & the Rabbi said to him Hey buddy it was a lot better than PORK wasnt it !
But I digress , the binladen clan & his friends are welome here as long as they check there guns ,bombs & hate at the door . I am not a history student or a Bible scholar , but if my poor over worked scotch soaked brain remembers much of anything , some place inthe Bible , (please dont ask me ware), the story is about a man with 2 sons , Jacob maybe, one son was a Jew & the other was Muslum. , both were his sons & he loved them both , I come from a diverse family history & background on my Fathers side it is German Lutherans & Jewish roots , on my Mothers side , it is a mix of Scotch -Irish / Russia , Italy & Americn Indian( I asked my grand mother what tribe & she said no tribe, just a wondering Indian ) hahahaha
so being raised in the service industry I would try to make everyone welcome as long as I am treated with respect , they would get the same , HOWEVER do they wish to do any harm or damage , I will be more than happy to take my cane & shove it where the sun dont shine !
The coffee is ready , how do you want it , Black, cream & sugar ? I like mine with a little drop of whisky ( just for the flavor) hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Well, the guy with the two sons was Abraham, father of Isaac, the father of Jacob, and therefore, Abraham is the father of all the Israelites, including that remnant which became known as Jews. He was also the father of Ishmael, born to his servant girl, with Ishmael being the father of all those who are Arabs.

As for Bin Laden and his crew, go ahead, cook for them, I'll bring the arsenic and old lace. :sm_angel: :bolt:
I will call you when they get here , dont forget the lace hahahahaha !
Enjoy, Vince
HEY , HI SPEED internet is the $HIT , the comcast man was here last night , dammmmm the torpedos full speed ahead, , wrap drive on my command, Make it so #1
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