Sunday 10:24 AM, I had a wonderful evening last night & it went till early this morning , hahaha not what you thought , I wnt to bed about midnight & slept till 9 this morning, ahhhh yes an entire night with out a phone call , or a grandson wanting a drink of water , NOTHING hahahahaha it was a great night , the window was open the fan was running at a slow speed & I was snugled in & did hear a thing ! it was a needed relief . so this morning I was feeling fine, went out to the herb garden picked some Basil, chives ,organio, & rosemary, diced it all fine & dropped it on a scrambled egg, ahhhh the perfume of the fresh herbs is intoxicating, ( just what I need hahaha )
I will be making some ravioli later today , it is cool enough I dont mind cooking today , overcast 7 rain is the forecast for today, so a little pasta might be just fine today.
I have been using a dial up service ever since I got a computer, well Monday between 8 & noon the teck will be here to install High speed Internet,Enhanced Digital cable & digital Phone service , the old dial up is just to big a pain in the @$$ , they are selling memberships faster than they are installing equipment to handle the load, , I am way out in the sticks, & I have been on a satalight for the TV, No cable here to get, well that changed & now I can move into the 19 th century with a few changes, , , still 200 years behind the rest of the country !
Went to the park in Rochester Pa last night there was a live BIG BAND JAZZ concert , a 20 piece band playing all the great music from the 1940's , & the best ting about it , IT WAS FREE !!!!! the music was great, the singer was HOT !& the band could play, 2 hours of Glenn Miller, Dorsey Bros, Stan Kenton, Duke Ellington, Count Basie ,Bennie Goodman , ahhhh it was a great evening , I sat there with my wife & we sipped coffee& danced in out seats , to dammm lazy to get up & dance hahahaha
I dont know what happened to the coffee rotation this morning the Kona was not up front , so I am having a Sumatra blend( light roast) 50/50 with an espresso roast Kenya AA , I got carried away with the aroma of the coffee as I was gringing it , , but the taste didnt live up to the aroma , for some reason it seamed a little flat & lifeless to me, like I didnt put enoughcoffee in the pot, but I used 8 large scoops to 48 ounces of water ( at 195 F) in the Freedom press pot , let it sit 4 minutes & press , Oh well next pot will be better I hope, but it is the last time I mix these 2 coffees, , it finished both of them & the CostaRican Peaberry is next , it will match up well with the Diamond Crown Maximuss I have pulled out of the Humi for the morning smoke today, I havent had a cigar as of yet this morning, just getting the lazy old bone moving is a chore anymore hahahaha
I hear the clock from my wife room , playing the I love Lucy theam, that means it is 11 AM , time for me to get off the computer & get some thing constructive done , YEA who AM I KIDDING hahahaha !
Enjoy, Vince