Good morning Cigar smokers of the world , it is Easter Sunday & it is snowing here in da Burgh, dammmmm last Monday I was getting sunburned & it was 80F , just a few days later it was cold as a well diggers behind in January , & it hasnt warmed up since .
We have a light coating of snow today with little spots of grass showing here & there the cows are in the field keeping the grass down to a manageable clip, BUT I dont want them in the yard, I just dont want to clean up the cow crap OR smell it ! Since today is Easter Sunday I have a ham ready to go in the oven , I wanted Lamb but was over ruled by my wife daughter & mother in law, my son in law didnt care one way or the other he likes both & since he was getting a home cooked meal he didnt care one way or the other , looks like he gets a dog rocket after we eat !!! hahaha
I had to stop at the grocery store last night to grab a few things we were out of like Milk & sour cream, & I was walking through the produce section & saw some sweet onions , 8 onions in a bag & it was over 10 pounds , them is some big onions ! , yes i brought them home & made an onion , Garlic, Hot pepper , & cheese omlet for breakfast ,& I think it will all hit about supper time hahahaha, Whats that smell??? hahahahaha
We had an Oliva tasting Friday night , huge turnout lots of cigars were smoked in the name of science & compairison, we voted & the best cigar of the night was a tie , all the free cigars were much better than the ones we were charging for ! Hummmmm I wonder
how that happened hahahaha , to be honest I like the serie G as wall as the special S & for the $10.00 difference in price well I will be smoking 3 G's before I smoke 1 S , Unless I hit the lottery , then I will be smoking Davidoffs from the Pre embargo days , hahaha yea right like I have a snow balls chance in H3ll , got to remember to get in line for a ticket, , BUT I did hit for 10 bucks this past week, one trip to starbucks & poof it was gone one large black coffee for my self, a capachino for the wife ,a hot chocolate for the grandson & a frozen what ever for the other grandson & a slice of pound cake each for the 3 of them & I had a scone , 17 bongo bucks & change , dammmm I GIVE the dammmm coffee away at the shop , well from now one coffee is 50 cents a cup , since they can charge all that $$$$ for a cup of coffee so can I , BUT I am not allowd to smoke there , but they can drink coffee in my shop , dammmm yuppies & tree huggers , they got the montecristo lounge removed from the ball park in da Burgh so no more baseball games for me this year , , it is to cold to smoke at the steeler games with the wind comming off the 3 rivers swirling in the statium, I would rather sit in my WARM, Comfortable Qtr.Deck with a cigar in hand , hot coffee at my side with a snifter of single malt at the ready , sound on the TV OFF & Miles , Coltrain , Brubeck & the like in the background
I didnt have my Don Carlos this morning , since it is a Holiday I went with a nice ISOM #2 torpwhat a fantastic way to start the day my taste buds are doing back flips right now, I have a MUG of espresso , I should be WIRED all day hahahaha , maybe later I will break out the malt whisky , just to calm my self down a weeeee dram shouldnt hurt hahahaha
well it is about time for me to jump in the shower, & get my self moving for the day, lots to do with a house full comming later & I want to be ready !
Happy Easter to all !!
Enjoy, Vince