Sunday Morning Smoke

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Unblievable that the bodyshop would send your car to the highschool to be worked on. What reason could they have to even remotely justify doing that without your permission or being aware of a move like that. I would'nt even pay for any of it. I am not saying that the kids could not to a great job or anything to take away the ability of schools program but where does that shop even get the idea to send a custormers vehicle out to any other shop of any nature without the owners permission. CRAZY.
I hear you on the Nanny state, Vince. Guess I won't be going out to patronize the local restaurants as much as I used to - that was one of the few places I could smoke during the winter or if the weather didn't cooperate. Oh well - we're in the handbasket and we're on our way down already.

Got dinner working right now - a huge pork loin from costco. Cut into three one-pound sections, rubbed with Stubbs Herbal Mustard Spice Rub, seared on all sides, and now bathing in crock pot in a nice bath of dark beer, a bit of vinegar, garlic, and crushed red pepper.

Going to shred it up tonight and make pork tacos!
hotplantbill said:
Unblievable that the bodyshop would send your car to the highschool to be worked on. What reason could they have to even remotely justify doing that without your permission or being aware of a move like that. I would'nt even pay for any of it. I am not saying that the kids could not to a great job or anything to take away the ability of schools program but where does that shop even get the idea to send a custormers vehicle out to any other shop of any nature without the owners permission. CRAZY.
I can understand the shop sending it to a frame shop or a speciality shop for interior , or what ever , but to farm out the job , dammmmm I dont like it at all, the job that should take a body shop 2 days max has been an entire week & I still dont have my car ,the school will do a great job, the instructor will not let a half assed job out but since they only get a few hours a day to work on it , I am stuck with a crappy rental instead on MY crappy car with a sun roof & ashtrays !!!
cybrus said:
Got dinner working right now - a huge pork loin from costco. Cut into three one-pound sections, rubbed with Stubbs Herbal Mustard Spice Rub, seared on all sides, and now bathing in crock pot in a nice bath of dark beer, a bit of vinegar, garlic, and crushed red pepper.

Going to shred it up tonight and make pork tacos!

Dammmm that sounds great, maken me Hungry
I LIKE TO STUFF bananna peppers with hot Itialian Sausage.

VaGentleman said:
I LIKE TO STUFF bananna peppers with hot Itialian Sausage.


Me also, I like to add a bit of onion & lots of garlic to the sauce , BIG cloves of Garlic, just dont stand behind me the next day ! hahahaha
Good morning Cigar smokers of the world , it is Easter Sunday & it is snowing here in da Burgh, dammmmm last Monday I was getting sunburned & it was 80F , just a few days later it was cold as a well diggers behind in January , & it hasnt warmed up since .
We have a light coating of snow today with little spots of grass showing here & there the cows are in the field keeping the grass down to a manageable clip, BUT I dont want them in the yard, I just dont want to clean up the cow crap OR smell it ! Since today is Easter Sunday I have a ham ready to go in the oven , I wanted Lamb but was over ruled by my wife daughter & mother in law, my son in law didnt care one way or the other he likes both & since he was getting a home cooked meal he didnt care one way or the other , looks like he gets a dog rocket after we eat !!! hahaha
I had to stop at the grocery store last night to grab a few things we were out of like Milk & sour cream, & I was walking through the produce section & saw some sweet onions , 8 onions in a bag & it was over 10 pounds , them is some big onions ! , yes i brought them home & made an onion , Garlic, Hot pepper , & cheese omlet for breakfast ,& I think it will all hit about supper time hahahaha, Whats that smell??? hahahahaha
We had an Oliva tasting Friday night , huge turnout lots of cigars were smoked in the name of science & compairison, we voted & the best cigar of the night was a tie , all the free cigars were much better than the ones we were charging for ! Hummmmm I wonder
how that happened hahahaha , to be honest I like the serie G as wall as the special S & for the $10.00 difference in price well I will be smoking 3 G's before I smoke 1 S , Unless I hit the lottery , then I will be smoking Davidoffs from the Pre embargo days , hahaha yea right like I have a snow balls chance in H3ll , got to remember to get in line for a ticket, , BUT I did hit for 10 bucks this past week, one trip to starbucks & poof it was gone one large black coffee for my self, a capachino for the wife ,a hot chocolate for the grandson & a frozen what ever for the other grandson & a slice of pound cake each for the 3 of them & I had a scone , 17 bongo bucks & change , dammmm I GIVE the dammmm coffee away at the shop , well from now one coffee is 50 cents a cup , since they can charge all that $$$$ for a cup of coffee so can I , BUT I am not allowd to smoke there , but they can drink coffee in my shop , dammmm yuppies & tree huggers , they got the montecristo lounge removed from the ball park in da Burgh so no more baseball games for me this year , , it is to cold to smoke at the steeler games with the wind comming off the 3 rivers swirling in the statium, I would rather sit in my WARM, Comfortable Qtr.Deck with a cigar in hand , hot coffee at my side with a snifter of single malt at the ready , sound on the TV OFF & Miles , Coltrain , Brubeck & the like in the background
I didnt have my Don Carlos this morning , since it is a Holiday I went with a nice ISOM #2 torpwhat a fantastic way to start the day my taste buds are doing back flips right now, I have a MUG of espresso , I should be WIRED all day hahahaha , maybe later I will break out the malt whisky , just to calm my self down a weeeee dram shouldnt hurt hahahaha
well it is about time for me to jump in the shower, & get my self moving for the day, lots to do with a house full comming later & I want to be ready !
Happy Easter to all !!
Enjoy, Vince
Agreed Vince - I wouldn't want the cows in the yard either - with that omelet you made, you don't need the competition!

I slept in this morning and then made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. A pot of Cafe Cubano rounded out breakfast. I see another pot or two of that in the near future. Ham ready to go in the oven and I wish it was warmer out so I could fire up a nice cigar. Oh well, got my wife and my dog nearby, that's not a bad consolation prize!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Be excellent to each on dudes!
Have a great one, Vince. Getting ready for my first Freedom Press of the day, continuing my apartment search in my quest to get Bak Thieu Queenz. Still have barely smoked any cigars over the past two years, have to get the nerves and health a bit more under control, seem to have lost my taste for a fine cigar, at least for a while, but then again, with the way my life has been over the past two years in particular, it's a wonder I'm alive. Hey, if Vince can live through all his crap, I guess I can slog through mine.

Thanks for the warning about no sound on the TV when you watch Steelers games. If I ever make it out there to the quarterdeck, I'll have to make sure not to look away from the screen. It's like those Super Bowl parties where everyone's talking so loud, or like the one I went to in February, where this guy's kids, cute kids at that, were all over the place like the Flying Wallendas. Hard to concentrate on the game. All I know is that Peyton finally got his ring, couldn't tell you much else, hee, hee, heee!!!
Happy Easter everyone! Still lots of snow on the ground and it is not all that warm (0 degrees Celsius – 32 degrees Fahrenheit). I am on holidays for a week and unable to golf because of the weather, where the heck is that global warming everyone is talking about? I went to Tim Horton’s to get a cup of coffee to have with my cigar but the lineup was too long so went to McDonalds, not bad coffee. I know it is not up to your guys standards but I do not have access to the beans you guys do. I had a Cuvée Grand Lancero and thoroughly enjoyed the cigar and coffee, the cigar was medium to full body with a full flavor taste.
I'm just curious. Is it cost prohibitive to order high quality coffee up where you are? Mail order's not so bad, and there are plenty of places here in the states with the good coffee beans that ship all over. Also, didn't you know, abnormal cold spells are a by product of global warming, hee, hee, heee!!! Seriously, I have friends who will tell you that, and then rip your eyes out for not believing them. Ahhhh, the New York Democrats, nothing like 'em. (Massive rolling of eyes throughout the stadium)
Bloofington said:
What do you guys have against cows?

Anyhow? It's a nice, sweet smell!!!
yes when they are on the plate done rare with some frys & baked beans on the side with a little green salad & a cold tall beer to wash it all down with , ahhhh yes that the way i like my cows, ON A PLATE ,NOT on the hoof hahahaha , Happy Easter to all of you
golfcigarjunkie said:
Happy Easter everyone! Still lots of snow on the ground and it is not all that warm (0 degrees Celsius – 32 degrees Fahrenheit). I am on holidays for a week and unable to golf because of the weather, where the heck is that global warming everyone is talking about? I went to Tim Horton’s to get a cup of coffee to have with my cigar but the lineup was too long so went to McDonalds, not bad coffee. I know it is not up to your guys standards but I do not have access to the beans you guys do. I had a Cuvée Grand Lancero and thoroughly enjoyed the cigar and coffee, the cigar was medium to full body with a full flavor taste.

You can get beans mail order from a lot of different places , I get mine from Orleans coffee & I know the great Domboni likes Peets or Orans , maybe both, I am now getting my coffee from torcordor coffee, a buddy Rob , who is in charge of the Cigar crawl & the man behind the pod casts Blowen smoke has a new coffee distribution & roasting service , I have 3 of the 5 coffees he has all great so far, I dont know if he has a link on the web site to his coffee site yet, dammm I should find out what the coffee site is, , BUT I hate to post a wrong address , but I know the will get you some place close , its up to him to add the link !

Tim Hortons has better coffee than McD onalds , IMHO , I was never a fan of McCoffee or $tarbuck$ , I like my own !!!
Well, if we're naming names here, I'd go with Oren's, Green Mountain or Uncle Beans, who is also an HCF member. He's got some great stuff, gave me some of his "Negrita" blend a while back, and it was superb. He specializes in some off beat items that are unfamiliar to most of the top name roasters, as a result you'll get a real interesting twist to what you're familiar with, if you order from him.

As for cows, I've been around plenty of cows, love to get up close when I'm down on my Dad's farm in Puerto Rico. Never had a problem with the smell.
Bloofington said:
. Never had a problem with the smell.
I Love the aroma of a great hunk of beef on a plate , the key word being PLATE !

I took the time to check on Robs web site , it is still under construction , but you can get an idea anyhow, very good coffee from a fellow cigar smoker ! Enjoy, Vince
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