Good morning everyone it is Sunday ,15 April 2007, it is 3 years since my by pass & I am down to or up to 227 I did get down to 215 from my all time high of 417 , but now I find I can eat things I wasn't able to eat before , like a small amount of bread, which before would make me sick , but now I can handle it, wish that never happened, before I just ate to do some thing, now I eat to stay alive, but the taste buds are still working & instead of allllllllll the food I was consuming now I drink more coffee if thats possable, sip a little scotch & smoke a fuller body cigar more than the light & medium body smokes , I still enjoy a Don Carlos III in the morning with coffee , but I have found that a Camacho SLR in the afternoon is one fine smoke , I have been savoring for a Camacho Select , & that is coming up this afternoon.
My wife & I went to see "Cats" last night , we have a New High school in the county devoted to the Arts, it is the Lincoln school for preforming arts , in Midland Pa , & what a fine place it is , a 4 story high atrium ( Dammmm fine place to smoke a cigar BUT NOT ALLOWED ) in front of the 750 seat Theater , a MAGNIFICENT performance by the students , a few future "American Idols" in this bunch & a few "sanjays & william hong's " also but they have the guts to get out there & do it ! , the dancing was great & the entire production was Broadway worthy , including the sanjays & william hungs, great comic relief ,I would willing to pay twice as much for my ticket to see it again, it was a great show ! ( I did get the tickets for free, my brother picked them up for me & I still haven't paid him for the tickets hahahaha ) BUT I will not pay him double !
We did a pod cast Friday night from King Beaver cigars , it should be up on the net at some time today if it isn't all ready up, just click the link to the POD casts & listen at any & all of the 30/35 we have in the can all ready, they are all at lest an hour in length , good stuff to listen to with a cigar in hand !
the BUS is FULL for the cigar crawl, a sell out , looks like next year we will need 2 busses , I kind of liked it when we had a 55 seat bus & only 25/30 people went, you could SPREAD out & get shit faced , now you might need to crawl over some one to get to the bathroom , well I plan on fining the smallest person on the bus to share a seat with, , , who ever it is I will not let them smoke Flavored cigars , , dammmmm what an abomination , we sell a lot of acid cigars & a lot of flavored Philly blunts , but most of the people who smoke them Dont smoke them in the shop for obvious reasons on the blunts anyhow !
Yesterday was the first game of the spring Soccer season for the grandsons, & Jonas ( the 9 year old ) took on ball right to the head, he went down like a stack of playing cards , BAMMMMM , he is going to wake up this morning with a great shiner , I told him to block the kick with his hands not his head ! , a little ice & now he has a great story to tell !
we have been working on leftovers from Easter all week now , today I clean out the freezer & we finish it all & what ever is left over , is SOUP ! , ham & grits soup hummmm call it ham & polenta & I can charge twice the price hahahaha
I got my car back from the body shop & still dont have any turn signals, the E flasher still works & all the bulbds are fine , replaced the fuse & it worked fine till I stepped on the brake with the trn signals on & popped the fuse again, something isnt quite right ! , they gut at the body shop thinks its the turn signal switch, I think it is a pinched wire in one of the tail lights he replaced , well its going to an electrical shop on Tuesday .
we dodged a late winter storm of the century according to the local weather man at first he was calling for 10/20 inches of snow for the Burgh & more to the east of the city , well the temp stayed up & we are getting RAIN, Thank GOD , you dont need to shovel rain !!
its about time for me to head to the Qtr.Deck with a pot of Kona & a Cigar, I have some jazz to listen to & a bottle of Spayburn to finish , cant open a new one till this one is gone , I should be opening the new one about 4PM ! , Come on over if you can !
Enjoy, Vince