Sunday Morning Smoke

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I picked up my 23 year old "New" Honda tonight , a 750 shaft drive V4 , took it to my daughters to put it in the garage till I get a place ready to keep it here at home , looks like I will have a great summer when it isnt raining !!!! , it need a little work & it will be tip top , I guess I need to get my hands a little dirty , YUCK! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Well good morning all it is a windy cool day here in da burgh but the sun is out & the sky is blue , & I am Black & blue, I got home from work last night & when I was parking the bike I lost my footing in the driveway & the bike & myself went over , dammmmmmmm , broke the windshield & jammed my left shoulder , How ever , I didnt mess up the egg plant parm, I brought home for the Boss , it was still in the container & didnt spill a drop of the sauce , But Dammmmmmm am I sore this morning hahahaha , who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks , well the hardest part was staning the bike back up ! ( now my groin hurts hahaha ) , well it is off to the shop to have the faring put on sice the windshield is broken , no reason not to put the faring & new windshield back on , dammmm I am rambling this morning, ha=ving trouble hitting the right keys & keeping my thoughts going , must be the meds hahaha & maybe the scotch I used to wash down the perks , dammmm I was able to do that back in the 60's with out any problemswith my motor skills , but dammmm when you get old , everything starts to fall appart !
I was up early yesterday to go to the scoccor field for an 8 am game , my grandson is a dancer/ scoccor player, he is just 9 years old & hasnt made up his mind what he is going to do, so now he is enjoying the arts as well as sports , my daughter was a dancer till the arthritus hit & she retired from dance , but he loves to dance so we encourage him to do both damce & sports , Lynn Swann #88 ,wide reciever of the World champion Pittsburgh Steelers was a damcer , so my grandson get all bent out of shape when you tell him he is a sissy boy , he now has a T shirt that tells you he is a dancer & will kick your behind if you tease him about it , dammmm he is so much like his mother it scares me !!!!OH NO NOT AN OTHER ONE LIKE HER !!! hahahaha
the Cigar shop was kicking @$$ & taking names this past week, Monday & tuesday were so slow I could have phoned it in , but Thursday & Friday I almost had to call some one in to help out , it was BUSY !
I was able to smoke the new 100TH. anniv. Trinadad this week, nothing GREAT about it IMHO , but a good smoke none the less, but I was hopong for a realllllllly different smoke for a 100 Anniv. cigar but I guess there is only so much of the Great tobacco sitting in storage barns to last the next 20 years hahahaha, yea sure that wrapper on the Partagas 150 was "LOST" for 18 years, & I am a blue eyed blond 18 years old ! hahahahaha .

I have a small Pork roast to do today , havent thought much about the way I wiull do it , be it with pineapple , or Orange , maybe apple & prune , could be BBQ, or I might just make a stew out of it , I just dont know what else is in he pantry to go with it , I havent cooked all that much this past week so I need to get to the kitchen soon & see what here ! , BUT I need a second pot of Coffee & a cigar before I do anything else , the first pot of Kona was just fine , but I want some thing a tad to the bold style now
I might just brew up a POT of espresso , a BIG pot a 12 cupper , not that little 2 cup brewer of espresso, BUT a BOLD FULL BODY pot of Italian roast espresso , a few drips of Sambuca & a BIG FAT DARK Lamperia Cigar , saving the single malt for later today , after the pork is done !!

well I guess that about all I have this week, if anything happens that is note worthy I will let you know asap !

Enjoy, Vince
He gets the bike home from the shop and nearly wrecks it again. You sure you're not 18, Vince, hee, hee, heee!!! Sounds like a teenaged move to ME!!! Glad you and the food were okay. Can't ruin the bosses food, y'know!!! Yeah, there's a bunch of things wrong with the story about the Partagas 150 wrapper, aren't there? Well, at least one thing really wrong with it, but who am I talk, right?

Have a great day everyone, especially Vince, the host of my favorite thread on AmBack, perhaps the whole net. Enjoy Willie Mays' 76th birthday folks, and remember, tomorrow is the 29th anniversary of the car accident that ruined a possible pro-bodybuilding career for me. Oh well, if I had taken steroids and all that other crap after that, the career probably would have worked out anyway, so it's really my fault. Oh wait, it was really my fault anyway.


Oh well, I am due to see my chiropractor tomorrow, and am VERY much looking forward to it, as I am truly beat up from the move, the hardest move that I and the two guys who did it with me have ever done. It was accomplished on the 17th and 20th of April, with the part on the 20th being the hardest move in and of itself. The third guy was "only" there for the one on the 20th, and he said it was the hardest move he'd ever done. Yeah, "only" there for the part on the 20th!!!

Moving sucks, but you do what you have to do, and I'm still attempting to claim square footage in my new apartment, as the sorting out, throwing out, and putting of even more stuff in to storage hasn't been finished yet. Oh yes, I haven't done the laundry or shaved since right before the move. Today, the shave, tomorrow, . . .

the WORLD!!! Hee, hee, heee!!!
No shave since the move wowoooow , I havent shaved sice Oct. 1970 ! trimed it a few dozen times in the past 30+ years but havent shaved regularly since then ! , I just comb my face in the shower hahahaha
Yes, Sr. Bloofington, this is also my favorite thread on all of the Forums I visit on a regular basis. I am glad to hear that you are somewhat settled. I still have several boxes in the attick from the move into this house 20 yrs ago.
Yesterday was the oldest grandson's 3rd birthday. We held the party on the new deck and back yard at my daughters house. We finished the deck Thursday evening, just in the knick of time. There must have been 10 or 15 toddlers and older kids bouncing about the backyard for 3 hrs. I, of course, was sitting in a very cosie corner of the deck, sipping on a bottle of my favorite "Two Buck Chuck" and smoking a Perdomo with the father of my new grandsons father. Are we related? Anyway we both enjoy a glass of wine,or two, and a cigar. All in all it has been a pretty good weekend.
Sounds like you had a good old time, but since your oldest grandson is 3 , & my Youngest grandson is 9 , dammmm that makes you just a KID ! hahahahaha

Bloof, I hope you get settled & get your life in order, come next May I want you both to be here for the Cigar crawl , we are sold out this year & will be crawling on the 19th of may, check out the website
Enjoy, Vince
Mr Vince you got any of the new RyJ's in your shop? I just smoked my first tonight and was duly impressed. The only problem is that they are "Boxed Pressed" if my mouth was square instead of round it would have been "Faboulous"
I just smoked the R&J maduro Anniv. or was it the Vintage, mine was a Toro but round not pressed, I did like it , I dont know when we will get them, I did get the 100TH anniv. Trinadad , now thats a CIGAR !
Oh YEAAAAAAAAA, I just finished a box of the RyJ Anniversery's,Maduro churchills and am looking for more. I bought them the last time I was in JR's in NC. It took me a while to pick between the AVO #3 Maduro's and the RyJ Anniv's. I made a good pick.
I scored the RyJ Viejo's from cigarbid. Broke them out last night for a trial run. They were solidly into the medium range unlike most of the RyJ's that are mild to medium. I had some burn problems but they were fresh out of shipping. Once they settle out in the humi I expect much better performance. As I said before, The extreem box press is the only thing I didn't like about the cigar. You should give them a try.
I did have the one toro but it was Round not pressed I like the 100th anniv Trinadad better IMHO anyway
I am going starting to making the "Sunday Morning Smoke" a ritual as long as I can. The last 3 weeks I have been able to sit out on the porch with the Sunday paper, a pot of coffee, my Golden Retriever(Shelby,my smoking buddy) - and what I happen to pull out from one of my humi's. I'm able to get a good hour or so before the kids and wife get up to read, drink,smoke and pet the dog. After a crazy week of work, little league, , chauffering kids, yardwork etc etc etc it's VERY relaxing!!
Good morning to all you Mothers out there it is Mothersday & my Birthday today , ( I was born on a Friday the 13th just in time for Mothers day ) hahahahaha way back in the 18th. century , well the body feels like it anyway !
it has been a very busy week here in da burgh between soccor , dancing & piano for the grandsons there is this thing called work dammmmm I dont have time for everything hahahaha , beside work & brewing coffee distilling wine & smoking cigars I dont have time to collect my birthday "Present" from my wife, we are both getting to tired to stay up all night , & 30 years ago thats all we did , hahahahaha , but now when I look at her , I still get that same old feeling , BUT it never lasts as long anymore Dammmmm , Oh well at lest it still works, maybe not as well as it did when we were young , but I still havent had a Viagra or anything in that family of medication, But I think I might want to try it some time in the future , but with my luck we will get company about 20 minutes after I take it , or the grandsons will call & want to come over ,or a few of my cigar buddies will stop by the Qtr.Deck for a smoke & a scotch, , them well I can tell them get the H3ll out I just took a viagra , but its hard to explain that to a 9 year old hahahaha !
Barb got 2 dozen roses from me for mothers day & I got 2 boxes of cigars , a bottle of Craigenmore & a bottle of Tallamore Due Irish whisky & a Weather Report DVD /CD set ( they play jazz)
so I have a great day planned , I will be grilling a nice set of thick cut rib steaks ( that have been in a marinade all night ) some corn on the cob, a tossed salad & I might just open a Bottle of wine with dinner , maybe a nice Italian red , I dont know for sure as yet , mabe a a beer to go with the beef, I havent had much beer since the by pass so maybe a beer will hit thet taste budsa better than a bottle of wine , hey maybe BOTH hahahaha with a scotch night cap I should be doing just fine !
I stopped to see an old friend I havent seen in years , he hadent seen me since I lost all the weight & at first didnt know who the H3ll I was but the hair on the face & the voice were the dead giveaway , he was my eye doc many years ago but he moved his office to a bigger location & & my old eye doc moved to a closer one to me so I switched back to the orginal one , just a mass of confusion trying to juggle doctor apointments kids & daily life so I just go to the one who is closest & has the longest hours to fit us all in . speaking of all in , I did just that in a holdem tournment on the first had Blind , bet my @$$ off with out looking , had a pair of 3's in the hole & didnt look , got a 3 on the river & beat a pair of kings , went all in with out looking on the next hand & didnt get Jack high , oh well it was a fund raiser so I got to play 2 hands, one more than the guy with the pair of Kings got to play ! hahaha , it was fun anyhow
the bike is back in my daughters garage , I need to get the windshield fixed, the duct tape is holding but it is realllllly tacky looking , so it will be going to the shop this week I hope & have the old windshield removed & the frame mounted faring
re- installed , I have no idea why they guy took it off in the first place , oh well that life !
I just found out that an old buddy from Cigar afficanado forum , King Kong had a stroke & his doc told him NO MORE CIGARS , personally I would find an other doc but Jeff is sening me his humidor & cigars for safe keeping hahahahah , Poor guy , the doc screws him by cutting off his cigars & now he is trusting ME with his cigars , dammmmmmm I feel sorry for the poor guy , some one remind me to get a check out for him for the small fire that will envelope a few of the cigars when they get here !!! after all I do need to check them & make sure they were not damaged in transit !!
well the first pot of Kona is now history & it is the last cup of coffee in my Cusesta Rey travel mug, I am retiring it it after to many years of being dropped, chipped & the lid being burnt by wayward cigars , so it is time to put it on the shelf & let it serve as a reminder of Great cigars & great coffee , I found a NEW "old " Cuesta Ray mug in my closet , still in the plastic bag it came in , dammmmm how lucky can you get , the logo is old & faded on the old cup from repeated trips through the dish washers hands
( Barb's ) so Now I have the same cup, no dents chips or burn marks & a nice shinny logo , dammmmm to be young agian hahahaha
Hark I hear the timer going off , the second Freedom Press pot of Kona is ready & that Maduro masterpiece is calling my name , time for me to get off the computer, & head out to the Qtr.Deck for a sip of Craigenmore & some smoked salmon with cream cheese on a toasted bagle with some vadalia onion & tomatoes , & thats all foir today folks , time to CELEBRATE !
hahahaha Enjoy, Vince
Again Vince, Happy Birthday. As for "celebrating" the birthday with your wife, you should remind her that is the birthday week that counts..... :lol:

To celebrate the day and the fact that this is the most number of days in a row that I have not had to be in some way too uncomfortable airline seat, I started with a breakfast scrambled eggs, bacon, homefries, and homemade biscuits. The coffee was the last of the house blend from a shop in Portland that I had found in my travels.

The topper was the Montecristo White that volunteered for "duty" this morning. Hopefully, there will be others in the humidor that will volunteer later today. :)
a Monte white is a great morning smoke I do enjoy the corona from time to time ( like when I dont feel like opening a brand new box of Don Carlos #3's , hahaha fat chance of that happening ! , & I have had a few or the R&J Reaserve Reals , an other good morning smoke as is the Santia Demina , the Nicaro from Tabacaleria Tropical, & Butera Vintage , all great morning smokes
IMHO , plus there are a lot more that I have smoked first thing in the morning & one that comes to mind that isnt a great Morning smoke but a fantastic evening smoke is the Manbacho , just way to strong for an early morning smoke, but if you havent gone to bed yet come sun up it is a wonderful nightcap smoke hahahaha ! Enjoy, Vince
Cyclist, I like that idea, birthday week. As a matter of fact, for the past year I've not only been encouraging friends of mine to celebrate their birthday week, but to just go ahead and make it a birthday month!!!

And is Vince still trying that 18th Century stuff out on you guys? Let me tell you something. Vince tries to pass himself off as an old Navy cook, and everyone thinks that means he served Uncle Sam in Nam.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Vince was cooking on board Leif Ericson's flagship, and that was WAYYYYY before the 18th Century, hee, hee, heee!!!

As for cigars, I actually had my Sunday morning cigar before heading to bed. At 0530 hours, I lit a cigar Vince had actually sent me when I was living in Fishkill, perhaps a year, year and a half ago. This cigar was called Beethoven Serie, and it has a picture of the famous composer right on the band. It was 5 3/8x52, a torpedo, and lasted for only 24 minutes, because I took an early morning walk to the ATM, and then headed over to Pathmark before bed this morning, which came around 0730 hours. A stiff breeze blowing in a cool front after a couple days of above normal temperatures with extra humidity cut down on the smoke time of this cigar, which burned pretty quickly once I got outside.

The cigar had a strong charred flavor, with some sweetness to it as well. Very interesting combination of the charred, smoky cigar interspersed with the sweetness that I really enjoy. I think it was the light Connecticut Shade wrapper that gave the sweetness. Very intriguing cigar, would definitely smoke another, and the draw was beautiful, no problems whatsoever.

It's a quiet, peaceful day, overlooking 34th Avenue in Astoria this afternoon. I've been up for close to an hour and a half, and am finishing my first Freedom Press of the day. Happy Birthday to Vince, The Lord's blessings upon him and his household, and upon you all. I'm off to make another Freedom Press. I have four different coffees in the house, and haven't kept track of which I'm drinking, because I've just been measuring out the beans six pots at a time, putting the beans into little glass jars, and forgetting which coffee I put in which jar. Have a great day, everyone!!! I'll be here in the Bloofy Chair, on this tranquil, sunshine filled day in Astoria
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday Dearest Vince,
Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

And my wify tells me I can't sing, What does she Know !!!!!!!!!!
Sounded good to me. By the way folks, with the nights dipping into the low 50's, and perhaps even upper 40's here in the Northeast over the next couple days at least, allow me to remind you that it's still bourbon season here. Yes folks, Virginny Gemmin's favorite libation, bourbon, is still in season, as we cruise through another beautiful, true spring day here in NYC. Just when you thought Global Warming had ruined the seasons for us all, here we've been having a wonderful, true spring week all last week, and The Lord has blessed us with another great day. Tonight, perhaps The Lord will bless Bloofy with Baker's.

Hmmmmmmm, could make a poem out of that one. Perhaps Virginny Gemmin could hum a few bars.

Bless Bloofy with Baker's,
Bless Bloofy with Baker's.

Hee, hee, heee!!!
Happy Birthday Vince! I used to live in Youngstown and visited Pittsburgh regulary (I actually prefer to say I'm from the 'burgh... Ytown is an embarassment at best lol).

I don't do a morning smoke but I'm currently having an after lunch 5 Vegas Classic. Always a good cigar IMHO. Not sure what's on deck tonite. Yesterday it was a Gurkha dos capos after lunch and a Series 55 Sun Grown. The latter could have been better. I think I'll let the rest age a bit before trying them again.
5 Vegas are very consistent, and a solid performer. I have received a number of these through the years, mostly through Michaelsean, who introduced me to them.
Happy Birthday Vince and Happy Mothers Day to your wife.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Vince was cooking on board Leif Ericson's flagship, and that was WAYYYYY before the 18th Century, hee, hee, heee!!!

LOL! Better than Noahs ark I suppose.

Bloof, that Beethoven was made by Armando Ramos right? I tried one of the barber pole sticks a while ago and in the spirit of not saying anything unless I have something good to say I will shut up.

Thanks for the entertainment on Sundays Vince and once again, Happy Birthday.

Btw: Where those rib steaks beef or Brontosaurus? :lol:
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