Sunday Morning Smoke

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3 different guys took photos with there cell phones, if I ever get them to send me one I will post it !!
Yeah, save one for Hitlary, too, good thinking. She can keep it in her . . .

Oval Office when she redecorates. Heyyyyy, it'll be the second time she's done that at La Casablanca.
time to move to Mexico , I was thinking of Canada , but I dont like the snow, well maybe British Columbia , Vancouver , naaaa some place warm, Tijuana , yea maybe I can find the same girl I had back in the 60's hahahaha
Good Monday morning Vince,
It is going to be a warm, muggy week down in ole Virginia. The humidity is high and getting higher. I normally drive to work with the windows down, since at 0500 it is fairly cool outside. Not this morming. The RH was way up there this morning. I think I will transfer some of my favorite cigars into the wine friges today. I don't want the little buggies to hatch and start eating my cheep cigars.
The weather Guessers are talking about Thunder bumpers every evening this week. The fans on the screened in porch just don't hack it when its 90 - 90 outside. I am going to have to find a nice cool cigar friendly bar to have my evening smoke.
Most of the family was over yesterday for dinner. Our fireman had to work so he was excused. The menu was grilled scallops wrapped in bacon, steamed Snow crab legs, grilled tuna loin, corn on the cob, greek salad and a Virginia Vidal blanc wine. It was made in the Greek style, aged in pitch lined barrels so it had the aftertaste of retsina only dryer. I t was really to hot and humid to have an after dinner cigar.
I just don't understand why you don't ride your bike with shorts, a tee shirt and tennis shoes, like the crazys down here like to do. You are never going to crash are you ?
Have a nice week. I will put in a good word with Hillary for you the next time I talk to her so you wont have to move out of the country in 2008.
553 days until the G.W.Bush is gone.
I will be glad to see W go , but I would rather see Obama or even McCain than the carpet bagger from NY , beingb married to the second president to face impeachment procedings has got to tarnish her image, as well as the work she did as a laywer who cant remember or recall anything about the cattle futures or the billing records for the Rose law firm, , Arkansas, what a great place , in the hall of dignatarys at the capital rotunda each state has a statue of a great person from that state, a past president or a founding father of the country, but Arkansas has the one & only founder of the Rose law firm, dammmm no one better from the state than a lawyer from the civil war?????
Obama? Oy Mama, I think I need to go lay down. Even the RINO, Maverick John McCain would be better than a guy with two years experience in the Senate, and whom nobody knows his policies on!!!
anyone but Hillary, Fred Thompson of Tenn. is MY hands down choice , but I dont think he has any chance of getting the Nomination , RUDY ! I can Vote for him, even pretty boy edwards , I think this country had enough of the liberal hillary when Bill was in office
Yes, except for The Breck Girl, no way Jose, especially with the Demmicans holding Congress. We need to keep the White House in the hand of The Republicrats.
I believe you got your impeachment prodeedings count wrong. Johnson, A.; Nixon, DICK;Clinton,Bill. I have a hard time believing that any republicrat can get into the White House next election. The last thing this country is another dictator akter G.W. The selection isn't great so far but another Actor, god help us. Senator Biden of Del. is giving some straight answers to some hard questions. I guess that gives him no chance at all. At least he has been at it for a while.
Johnson & clinton were the only ones who went into impeachment proceedings, Nixon resigned before the Senate had a chance to make a move , I am sure he was told to drop back 10 & punt or face impeachment & like a good roman soldier he fell on his own sword.
vince said:
anyone but Hillary, Fred Thompson of Tenn. is MY hands down choice , but I dont think he has any chance of getting the Nomination , RUDY ! I can Vote for him, even pretty boy edwards , I think this country had enough of the liberal hillary when Bill was in office

i agree with this statement 100%

however, i try to keep out of political discussion on most boards. They have a tendency to work people up. I know that this board has a tendency to lean to the right and so im not in hostle territory but id rather keep the convo here light.

im now going to contradict what i just said.

there is a theory going around that Cheny will have to have surgery some time in august. This means that W. will have to "replace" him (at least on a temporary basis). Rumor says it will be Fred Thompson so he can run as an "incumbant"

Ive been out of the news for about a week or so, this means that im not up on if he put his hat in the ring yet. if he hasnt, this may explain why.
... just a thought.
I to support Mr Thompson as a good future president, but would like to hear his position on a number of different issues before giving him my total support. He seems to have his head on straight, and if he is anything like the characters he portrays, would make a great president.

At least he would be a long shot better than Hillary Clinton!!!!
That opens a whole new list of camdidates for the right wingers to get behind. Rambo (Sly Stalone), John McCain of Die Hard Fame, Ole Tom Selleck, several of the James Bond guys, Wesily Snipes man the list is endless.
I'm with Vince! It appears that all the Dems running for President stand for 2 things: Raising taxes and losing wars.
Or maybe for paying our bills(reverse deficiet spending) and getting out of a situation we never should have been in the first place.
vince said:
A.B.C. anyone but clinton

Yup! Life is a B!tch; don't vote for one.

I kinda like Rudy. He fits what I am looking for in a politician. Socially liberal; fiscally conservative. No true politicans liek either of those views; they want to control your money and your life.

I would also suggest that we try to keep this thread as non political as possible. There is a foum for that and I don't want to have to look there to read my sunday paper from Vince. Vince keep up the good job. I appreciate it.
phisherman said:
vince said:
A.B.C. anyone but clinton

Yup! Life is a B!tch; don't vote for one.

I kinda like Rudy. He fits what I am looking for in a politician. Socially liberal; fiscally conservative. No true politicans liek either of those views; they want to control your money and your life.

I would also suggest that we try to keep this thread as non political as possible. There is a foum for that and I don't want to have to look there to read my sunday paper from Vince. Vince keep up the good job. I appreciate it.

I never intended to get political , it just happed, more on the life & times will be up Sunday morning !
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