what are you reading?

dinoa2 said:
it sounds like you or someone in the family is going into the noble practice of law. Try the John Grisham book The Innocent Man. I know: Grisham?? but it is non fiction about a guy on death row and is pretty good.

I used to read his books but got away from it. I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!
acharpe said:
Finished Law School Confidential late last night. It's a primer on getting ready for law school and what to do when you're there.

Today, I started and finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Dusty sent it to me in a bomb a while back. I wanted a book to tide me over a few days before another shipment of books came from Amazon. I couldn't put it down. Not exactly an uplifting book, but very good.

Glad you enjoyed the book, Aubs. A very sad read.

Just read Randy Pausch's book last night. Fast, easy, unbelievably great. After my wife read it, she cried. I didn't cry, but I sure did breathe hard and had a big lump in my throat.

Our five kids are all grown, and we have grandkids now. My wife noticed that Pausch was just about the present age of our youngest son.

Read it.

Put it down, and think about it, and you.

Then go and change your life.
Dustinl said:
Excellent, Aubs!!!!

I am stuck on Tolkien and the Great War. It is painfully slow. Maybe I should do what Dubya would say and "cut and run".


I finally finished this book last night! Its not I'm a slow reader, I have read other books since starting this one. Unless you are a die hard Tolkien fan, I would not recommend this book. The book just doesn't get into the trench warfare like I thought it would.

I shall start something good tonight!

I just started an interesting book a few nights ago. "Troubled Troubador, The Life and Near Death of Steve Earle". As the title indicates, the book is about STeve Earle's life and his addiction to drugs. Starting out pretty good. Hope to be done by this weekend.

Dustinl said:
I just started an interesting book a few nights ago. "Troubled Troubador, The Life and Near Death of Steve Earle". As the title indicates, the book is about STeve Earle's life and his addiction to drugs. Starting out pretty good. Hope to be done by this weekend.


Finished this book last night. An excellent read! Steve Earle nearly paid the ultimate price for his drug addiction. His life. He eventually went to rehab and cleaned up and was able to restart his lost career in the music business.

I'll start something over the weekend.

Last night I started reading "Winner Take Nothing" by Ernest Hemingway.

It seems like it's a collection of short stories. I really like Hemingway's style of writing. In the past on this thread I have recommended a couple of titles by him. My favorite being For "Whom the Bells Toil" and "Islands in the Stream". Islands probably being my favorite all time book.

I'll let you know how it goes! Happy Reading!!!

Dustinl said:
Last night I started reading "Winner Take Nothing" by Ernest Hemingway.

It seems like it's a collection of short stories. I really like Hemingway's style of writing. In the past on this thread I have recommended a couple of titles by him. My favorite being For "Whom the Bells Toil" and "Islands in the Stream". Islands probably being my favorite all time book.

I'll let you know how it goes! Happy Reading!!!


Finished this book a few nights ago. Last night I started "Brave New World" by Auldous Huxley.

I'm reading Watership Down by Richard Adams. Even if you're not into rabbits, it's a great book.
I had forgotten about this thread, and thought I would update my reading list. I finished "The King of Tortes" last week, and then started "A Painted House", both by John Grisham. That one is a very good story about the hard life in Arkansas during the early 1950's. Read it, and you will apreciate how good we have it today.

I am now going to start reading "The Shape Shifter" by Tony Hillerman. If you love detective storys with a different kind of outlook check out Hillerman, he has written several good books all located in the "Four Corners" area of the Southwest.

Maybe we should start a book review thread and then I could fill you in on Hillerman, who by the way died earlier this week.
Last night i finished "Brave New World". A thought provoking book about the future. I really don't know what I'll take off the bookshelf tonight.

Currently reading "Exodus From the Alamo". A good book about an alternate theory regarding the "last stand" of the Battle of the Alamo.

Got two series going.
Book 3 of the Hunger Games "Mocking Jay"
And Book 1 of The Song of Fire and ICe. "Game of Thrown's"

Both ate great in their own right!
I've been revisiting a lot of books from the past - reading some great Vonnegut lately. Just remembered that there is a kindle sale on Vonnegut this month - got to pick some up in the next day or two.
Read this book!!!!!

The Patriots

James Wesley Rawles.

I have been reading a lot of Clive Cussler as of late. Working through the three Fargo series books right now. Still like the Dirk Pit series better but they are pretty good so far.