What Did You Smoke Today

A morning short story. Kind of got cut short when I rear-ended somebody though. The woman and I are ok and so is my car. Hell so is her car except for some scratches but now I gotta go through insurance hassels and all.
Damn, that's a helluva way to start the morning. Glad to hear you're alright though.

Started off the morning with a Short Story. A nice 40 minute smoke which delivered some great flavor. After lunch I had a Diploma which didn't disappoint at all. Now I'm about to fire up a La Aurora Cien Años Robusto.
axegod75 said:
After lunch I had a Diploma which didn't disappoint at all.

I have a question for people. The only thing that annoys me about the Diploma is I have a hard time getting it lit and keeping it lit. Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem? If I set it done on the ashtray for more than 15 seconds it tends to go out. Unfortunately, this means I am spending a lot of my time blowing and coaxing it to stay lit. I cannott deny the great body and flavor but the other thing drives me crazy.
Just like an Opus, Diplomas require one's full attention. When I first tried Diplomas I was having serious burn issues. Since storing them at around 62% I seem to have more success.
as with most cigars that wont stay lit, try slightly lower humidity.
I've also gotten into the habit (when I remember) of taking cigars with thicker wrappers out of the humidor several hours prior to lighting.
axegod75 said:
Just like an Opus, Diplomas require one's full attention. When I first tried Diplomas I was having serious burn issues. Since storing them at around 62% I seem to have more success.

I actually have mine kept at about 63-65% and I usually pull one out in the morning and smoke it in the afternoon or at night and still have a lot of problems with it. Maybe I just shouldn't be doing anything else at all while I smoke one, but heck, sometimes if I stop to take a breath it goes out :D . Oh well, it's worth it since it's so good. I just keep my lighter handy.
Bob..or is it Big Pussy! (love the avatar)

A few weeks ago I smoked an edge and a camacho corojo back to back. Warning...I didn't eat right before I did it and I got alittle dizzy after finishing the second smoke...but...the different tastes were pretty amazing...the corojo tasted great and was really a contrast to the edge. I'll be trying that again... So...if you dare... :D
Bobberrific said:
Thanks quag. They're the robusto's. Eh, a bit longer than robusto, but same ring I think. Definately not the torpedos. The corojo has just been sentenced to be smoked. She will be taking the faithful walk down dead man's row this evening.

OK Bob, Morning after! How did you make out with the Edge Corojo?
I've been smoking maduro torpedo's. Solid and strong. Starts out full and gets fuller. Lays on your palate long after you part company with it. And plenty of smoke!
I had an Ashton Cabinet Pyramid today, courtesy of Capt. Thank you, sir :)

I still owe you a Scotch. I have not forgotten yet. :cheerschug:
Tonight I smoked a La Gloria Serie R #4 and was rudely interrupted by some dumb@$$ that decided he wanted to catch his whole yard on fire. But, when I got back in the station, I proceeded directly to the picnic table out back and still had more than 3/4 to go. Relight wasn't even that bad!!!
Bobberrific said:
The Edge corojo will be smoked thursday night watching the meteor shower.

Nice...another night owl who will watch the dust dance across the heavens. For the second year in a row it should be great since the moon will set early. Let's hope we see some nice fireballs this year. 8)

As for me, just one cigar this evening after a long day...Opus X xXx. At 2 years old this one was awesome.
Actually the missile is a new size different from the torpedo. It must be a newer and stronger blend in the same year because the best thing I can compare it to is a diploma maduro. Different, but same punch.

axegod75 said:
Bobberrific said:
The Edge corojo will be smoked thursday night watching the meteor shower.

Nice...another night owl who will watch the dust dance across the heavens. For the second year in a row it should be great since the moon will set early. Let's hope we see some nice fireballs this year. 8)

As for me, just one cigar this evening after a long day...Opus X xXx. At 2 years old this one was awesome.

I'm pumped guys!
I will be sailing off the the coast of Maine in Casco Bay on Friday night which should be prime time for the sky show!
last night i had a cao mx2. i had forgotten how good those things are! and my oh my was it oily!
Had a Sol Cubano Churchill this afternoon on the deck doing some paperwork at home. Nice draw and great heavy smoke hanging in the air. I had to relight halfway through the stick though. Not too bad altogether.
I couldn't enjoy one today as I worked 16 hours. I did light up around noon, a CAO gold, but got too many dirty looks to enjoy it. Had to go back in 15 minutes later. I am also working 16 hours tomorrow, so I won't be able to enjoy one until Friday when I watch the Jets pre season game! Thank God I go on vacation soon!
Yesterday had a La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 on the way home from work. Great smoke, burned kinda uneven till 1/2 way, but all in all a great smoke. Almost burned my fingers but not quite. Today probably go to the local shop and try one of those Short Stories I've heard so much about.