What Did You Smoke Today


I just finished a Fuente 858 Maduro. It burned a little uneven but that was because I was sitting outside listening to my building's security guard as he pointed out the crack dealers on the block :shock:
Bloof, dude, that's my girlfriend. :lol:

This is my wife ...


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Nice. Crack dealers on the block. Go inside, and conduct your business in private, and with decency, the way some other crack dealers do. I've been finding out slowly for the past ten years just how many people are "smoking rock" in this country. The number of people who work in all sorts of jobs, even with many functioning well, because somehow they are able to be "weekend" or "social" smokers is staggering. Unfortunately, the number of people effing up their lives with the stuff, and consequently, the lives of others is far greater.

Even with the few acquaintances whom I've found out about, those who hold jobs, and seem "normal" almost all the time, they look goofy, brainless, angel-dusted when they're on that stuff. I tell you, I've been saying for decades that there are right and wrong ways to get high. The "right" ways of getting high are few and far between, and even fewer seem to be able to handle those things well. Most people need to do a lot of introspection, and even more growing up before they decide to smoke or drink anything in this life.

These "functional" crackheads, along with the "Jerry Springer crackheads" though, are ridiculous. That is one WRONG way to get high, no matter who you are or how you do for a while during your forays into the world of "rock." One really STUPID way to get high. At least they could get off the street and stop shooting everyone in the back for "taking away a sale," IF they're so determined to do that stuff. You don't have to be a prick to be successful in business. If you're so determined to be a "rock" dealer or "rockhead," get the heck off the street and stop scaring grandmothers and little children who are just trying to go to the movies or buy groceries. What vermin.

:duh: :duh: :duh: :cop:

I hope that's just a place you're visiting, and not living for any length of time. PM coming your way AxeGod75, over the weekend.
Bloofington said:
I hope that's just a place you're visiting, and not living for any length of time. PM coming your way AxeGod75, over the weekend.

Nah Bloof, I'm here for a year...unless I can find another place at a grand per month in SF. Unfortunately the area around the academy is a real Sh**hole, but at least those vermin as you put it (and I compliment you on your restraint) know not to approach us. Also, they look like they sample their product to some extent and I could easily snap one of them in two. The irony is that the federal building is located around the block...I guess the authorities figure better here than near the financial district or some of the upscale sections of the city.
This area reminds me of Spanish Harlem, except with a drug problem :lol: I just feel bad for some of the younger students who are still very impressionable. I guess I'll have to introduce them to cigars so they'll never have any money for rock.
Good idea about cigars vs. rock, and hopefully, since it's near the federal building, there will be plenty of Federales around to quell any street violence. I'm still staggered at how many Americans are working in offices, grocery stores, driving taxis, etc., who smoke rock to "party." What a stupid way to get high. And I thought I was the Resident Dumb Blond(e). A friend of mine just gave it up last December, a twice to four times a month rock smoker, "socially," because his diabetes has begun to raise his blood pressure. He's glad he gave it up, even though his condition "forced" him to. I'm glad it did, too. You might as well sniff gasoline. :duh:
I was just speaking to a classmate that lives nextdoor and he made a good point...they probably don't mess with us because they are aware of the small arsenal of Wusthof knives that each of us carries to and from class every day :wink:
HIJACKERS!!!!!!!! just kidding...

An Edge Maduro Missile--they never get old

I just finished a C10 corona. How I hate myself for waiting so long... Nice and cedary with flawless construction. I bought a box cause they were on sale and then thought they might just end up in a pass or something because I might not like them but now they're MINE. Nobody is gonna get near these babies unless its in my mouth.
Yesterday I had an Edge by Rocky Patel thanks to Razorking. What a great smoke - now I know why he raves about them. Great draw and nice flavor. Well constructed cigar - looks like a good one for the golf course. Had it with a cup of coffee - that's becoming my favorite drink to go with a cigar.
Heck yea. Nothing better than sittin out on the deck and enjoying a cup of coffee and a cigar in the cool morning air.
cybrus said:
Kelvin said:
... Had it with a cup of coffee - that's becoming my favorite drink to go with a cigar.

How do you take your coffee?

Little cream and sugar - not too much when I smoke a cigar. They just seem to go together really well.
Had a Carlos Toraño Corona Grande this afternoon with a Bell's Java Stout - pretty good combo. I think I'll try the coffee with it when it starts getting a little cooler out
Not too big a fan of coffee. Unless its a drink from starbucks but then its more milk and sugar than coffee. A nice french vanilla cappucino is more my style.

Kelvin, was that a corojo or maduro edge?

I had a C10 corona on my way home from the tobacco place. While I was there I found out that their last and biggest tasting is on the 27th. Damn! But I'd rather meet you guys and the reps Thor and Mac have.
Today was a gray and chilly day in the City By The Bay, but I still managed to fit in two smokes before I shot across the bay to Berkeley to help my brother begin moving into his dorm:

SLR and a HP Robusto

The Regios came from a box dated 2003 and it still has that initial zing that I noticed from a recent production stick. Burned a little uneven but that was because I was on a pier roughly 500 feet off-shore. A nice 60 minute smoke. The Hoyo was smoked a little over an hour later while in the company of Bildo (albeit a few thousand miles away and on the phone :) I was glad to finally put a voice to the written word). The wind had died down by this point and this one was razor sharp and full of flavor. I got a kick out of all the stares from cancer-stick smokers as I happily puffed away on my fine cigar. I did however get a few comments on how good it smelled which was nice...god I love female Italian tourists :wink: :lol:
I love female Italian tourists
Man I think I need to come hang out with you, Im a huge fan of the italian ladies! Vroom! Vroooom! By the way, anybody seen that Quizno's commercial with the talking baby. That Italian Chick is HOTT! VVVVVRRRROOOOOOM! Oh, also btw, I had a quick Padron Delicias this afternoon. It was pretty good; earthy and nutty.
Speaking of Italian ladies...I walked past Lamborghini / Ferrari of San Francisco this evening and they had the new Mucielago Barchetta on display, metallic orange and sexy as hell. It made me momentarily forget the Mercedes SLR on "sale" for 675K across the street...haha, they actually wrote "on sale" on the sign...Superlotto here I come :lol:
Yesterday had a Romeo y Julieta Reseva Real. Good solid cigar, burned well, a little boring, but picked up a little at the end. My tastes run to the more full bodied smokes, but this is a good light to mild cigar.