Nice. Crack dealers on the block. Go inside, and conduct your business in private, and with decency, the way some other crack dealers do. I've been finding out slowly for the past ten years just how many people are "smoking rock" in this country. The number of people who work in all sorts of jobs, even with many functioning well, because somehow they are able to be "weekend" or "social" smokers is staggering. Unfortunately, the number of people effing up their lives with the stuff, and consequently, the lives of others is far greater.
Even with the few acquaintances whom I've found out about, those who hold jobs, and seem "normal" almost all the time, they look goofy, brainless, angel-dusted when they're on that stuff. I tell you, I've been saying for decades that there are right and wrong ways to get high. The "right" ways of getting high are few and far between, and even fewer seem to be able to handle those things well. Most people need to do a lot of introspection, and even more growing up before they decide to smoke or drink anything in this life.
These "functional" crackheads, along with the "Jerry Springer crackheads" though, are ridiculous. That is one WRONG way to get high, no matter who you are or how you do for a while during your forays into the world of "rock." One really STUPID way to get high. At least they could get off the street and stop shooting everyone in the back for "taking away a sale," IF they're so determined to do that stuff. You don't have to be a prick to be successful in business. If you're so determined to be a "rock" dealer or "rockhead," get the heck off the street and stop scaring grandmothers and little children who are just trying to go to the movies or buy groceries. What vermin.
:duh: :duh: :duh: :cop:
I hope that's just a place you're visiting, and not living for any length of time. PM coming your way AxeGod75, over the weekend.