What Did You Smoke Today

Last night I got back from boxing about 10:00 pm and was feeling pretty good. The sparring had gone well, the left was fast and I landed some rights sufficient to knock my opponent down. More importantly, I hadn't taken any shots which really hurt with the exception of a glancing blow where the cuff of my opponent's glove caught my lip and cut it a bit. You always feel kinda manly when you walk into the house and the wife swoons at the sight of your bloody shirt. (Actually, she no longer really swoons. I guess she has gotten desensitized. Now all she asks is "Is that your blood or the other guys?)

After boxing, the coach let it out that it was his birthday. My coach is a really great guy. He is an Irish priest who was the Univ. of Michigan's boxing coach for around 20 years. He is getting older, but he can still give me a run for my money. Anyway, we had to celebrate so he broke out the booze. (I know I am only furthering stereotypes here. Irish = priest, fighter, drinker. :lol: ) I couldn't stay too late cause I feel bad about leaving the wife to take care of the twins by herself while I am having a good time.

When I got home, I was really feeling like a smoke. I hate smoking by myself, so I called Russ, one of my boxing buddies, and he came over and we sat on the back porch and smoked. I tried a RP Diesel that either HighPSI or DD sent me. (I had some better smokes that I wanted to try, but I am attempting to hold off on them until they age a bit more.) It was a good smoke, and I enjoyed it. My only complaints would be that it lacked complexity and the finish was lacking. Don't think I would buy them, but when combined with good friends, good beer (guiness) and a pleasantly warm night, it was excellent. A good time was had by all.

All the best,

I'm smoking a RP Edge missle that's been sitting in my humi for three months. What a great smoke! Great construction. Even burn. I wish I bought more of these three months ago.
fargo said:
I know I am only furthering stereotypes here. Irish = priest, fighter, drinker. :lol:

Being 100% Irish, I can say that its all true :D In my family, we have a priest, a fighter, and we are all drinkers, so go figure...
I smoked a Sol Cubano Maduro. My second one, even better than the first. Next, (after lunch) A Gurkha Legend. 8)
Now, I'm smoking a RP Vintage '92 Toro. Solid, attractive construction. Even burn. Long ash. Nice draw. Inviting aroma. Excellent smoke.
Cusano Corojo 97...my kids fighting in the background ruined it though. I'll go sit on the porch later and have a 5 Vegas A Torpedo. Gosh I cant wait!
Bolivar this afternoon, accompanied by some pete's wicked strawberry blond. Excellent combo.

All the best,

Yesterday while getting over my hang over I had a Sol Cubano Maduro. Nice smoke, but a little light in the flavour department. It could have been the fact that I was still wasted from the night before and my taste buds weren't up yet.
Last night (Sunday) I partook of a Cusano 18 Double Conn that's been in the humi for three weeks or so. Very nice cigar, accompanied by some Sumatra Mandeling coffee.
I smoked a cuban Punch Corona from April '99. Excellent construction. No soft spots. The wrapper's color was a bit off. A dark tan that turns into a light tan that turns into an almost light green. Beautiful pre-light aroma (sweet like honey.) The burn was even the whole way. It kept a long solid ash (dark gray.) This was a complex smoke. It started out really nutty (and kinda strong.) At about the 1/2 way mark it was a smooth creamy smoke. It reminded me of marzapan. I hated to put the thing out. I can see now why some folks break 'em up and smoke them in a pipe! I would rate it a 90. :thumbsup:
Alex Svenson said:
I smoked a REO last night. This has to be the best Rocky blend out there. I just love the damn thing.
What size was it? I really like the Chairman.

Oh, and they're on sale at cigar.com, too!
Smoked a Monticristo VI. It was more mild then i had expected with a Camroon wrapper. Not bad though.
just had a cao brazilia, first one...very good, very balanced yet complex, many flavor changes as i smoked it...i'll be buying more of these
love those cao brazillia a great smoke today starting with a rp connecticut not bad to start with :D
I've got a tin of Cariocas to try today. See how these compare to the Exquisitos. They're cheaper too so I hope I like them.
I love the cariocas. Great little smoke. Lots of flavour. Complex too. I have to re-up my position in cariocas. I'm almost out.
I smoked an Ashton VSG Wizard today. Great smoke, nothing bad to say about it. It has a nice spice without being overpowering.
In the past few days I have smoked:

Gurkha Centurian XX
Gurhka Hansotia Blend 101 Churchill
5 Vegas 'A' Alpha
CAO Brazilia Gol
La Aurora Preferido Robusto Limited Edition