What Did You Smoke Today

I tried my HARDEST not to smoke a cigar until the Big Smoke, but I couldn't wait any longer.

Last night was my first cigar in about 3 weeks. Long story short, it was a Tatuaje Miami Regios. I can't say enough about this cigar. It was great with Mount Gay Rum on the rocks. A review will be in the near furture.
CAO Brazilia Gol while listening to the latest Blowin' Smoke. If you haven't listened to the show yet, you've gotta do so. The cigar I bought yesterday and normally don't smoke my cigars so fresh from the shop but this was actually pretty good. It had a nice construction, with lots of veins, and a little bit of an oily sheen to it. It started out a little loose for my liking but that quickly disappeared. It was rather one dimensional and lacking in the body until the last 2 inches or so with a strong leather and kind of grassy flavor. On the finish is when it came to life. Very full with hints of what I picked out as macadamia nut. I smoked it to less than an inch. I hope with some rest the finish flavors will even out in the rest of the cigar.
Cusano 18 from last weeks robusto special. Complimented with some fine German beer and good friends, it was eminently enjoyable.

Happy Easter,

Monte White.

What can I say? I love them!!!!

I am almost out of them.

The wife won't let me order more of them.

Time to start saving!!!
Edge by Rocky Patel. What an outstanding smoke! I will definitely get more of these.
Ashton VSG Belicosa, or cigar similarly shaped. I can never remember all the names they have given the VSG line. Very good smoke, but not as "powerful" as I thought it would be based on all the reviews that I have read about them.
Picked up a La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Maduro Chisel on a recommendation from somebody around here. The flavor was fantastic, the burn was slightly uneven as it got to about 1/2, but for some reason I started feeling a little queasy toward the end. The flavor kept getting better, but I had to put it out at about an inch and a half, where I usually smoke cigars that keep improving until they burn my fingers. I had just eaten and I don't usually have that problem even on an empty stomach. I'm certainly not going to write this one off, I think I'll just make sure I smoke the next one under different circumstances.
indian tabac super fuerte robusto, first one i've had and was very impressed...good till my fingers burned holding it
My first c.com cameroon label torpedo. I had it with a glass of Grand Marnier and really enjoyed it at first, but about half way through the draw got really bad and I could barely get any smoke. Anyone know why that might have been? It started out with a pretty nice draw...
Big Cat, Sometimes you just get a cigar that the tars build up and get caught in one place and kills the draw. Sometimes you can try to roll the cigar between your fingers and loosen up the tight spot to get a better draw, or you can clip the cigar and try and relight it.

Yesterday I had a CAO CX2 toro. It was very smooth with a nice and easy draw, but almost a little too easy. the burn was pretty good and strayed pretty even for most of the stick. Lots of great billowing smoke. The flavour of this cigar was quite subtle. Hints of toasted herbs and burning leaves. Some florals notes as well. Maybe a touch lightly roasted nuts and winter spices, but very subtle. You can only pick this up if blowing out throught your nose. It was a relaxing smoke, but I would have prefered something more in the flavour department.
Finally had a H.Upmann Cameroon that I had been saving for a few months. I see why Capt likes his Cameroons. Nice smooth stick - sweet taste of the Cameroon wrapper. Smoked that baby to the nub.

After having a week off of smoking (which followed my full week of smoking) - it was a nice stick to have today!
Bigcat said:
My first c.com cameroon label torpedo. I had it with a glass of Grand Marnier and really enjoyed it at first, but about half way through the draw got really bad and I could barely get any smoke. Anyone know why that might have been? It started out with a pretty nice draw...

I don't know if it could have had a plug, since they are medium filler and the aren't rolled tight. Was the cigar tunneling? Sometimes if it has been a while since I smoked one, I tend to huff the thing down since I like them so much. That leads to a bad burn, and once the cigar builds up moisture, it won't produce alot of smoke.
Man, its been awhile since I had a glass of GM neat and a Cameroon Label. May have to do that tomorrow. Bigcat, thanks for the reminder!!!
It wasn't tunneling at all. The burn was nice and even and then it just stopped drawing. I might have been puffing on it a little fast since it turned out to be colder outside than I thought it was when I went out there. One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post though was that just before it started to go dead on me there was kind of a weird popping noise when I took a draw. Any good reason for this? The temp in my humi has been a pretty steady 68 so I don't think I had a beatle in there. Anyway, the nice thing is that as cheap as they are I can afford to buy many more and give them another shot. It was really good until it stopped. And it went really well with the GM. They complemented each other nicely. Enjoy!
Yesterday was a firepit cigar day.

I smoked a Perdomo Exclusive Pyramid that was gifted to me in a PIF quite some time ago.

Very nice cigar with a rather unusuall shape, started nice and mild, then the flavor just kept building and building - spicy, smokey and hot - loved every minute and smoked it down to the last half inch. One hour of pure relaxation.

991 posts and counting.
phisherman said:
Yesterday I had a CAO CX2 toro. quote]

Very good smoke. They needed more time IMO though last time I smoked one. I'll have to smoke one soon--see how they're doing.

When I was at the CAO event last week, I asked why they were so expensive. I had a pretty cood guess that it was the region but wanted to know. I was right--he said because of the conflicts in the area, they have to fly everything and everyone in and out in helicopters. He said if they trucked everything, nothing would get through because of bandits. So sometimes a cigar's price has a little more to it than the tobacco.