What Did You Smoke Today

Tonight I smoked a Natural by Drew Estate and hated it. I knew nothing about them and to say the least am not a fan of the flavored sticks. If you like the flavored sticks it would be a nice one. Burned great nice long ash good smoke.
"They're not flavored. They're made with exotic tobaccos." That's their claim and I find it very hard to believe. They're like smoking sugar cubes. Plus Johnathan Drew makes them and nothing against him but he doesn't use the best tobaccos. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the few I had but got sick afterwards. They're just too sweet.
I had a chance to sample the new Camacho Select blend earlier this week before the big smoke. The first look review as well as "this week in cigars" and my report from the big smoke are all updated on my blog. See below.
I smoked a Short Story tonight. What more can be said? The only problem with these is you burn your fingers as you get closer to the nub.
AF Maduro. Received in from Corojobrad. My first AF and it did not let me down. One of the best Cigars I've ever smoked hands down.

On a side note. I went out side to fire up a 5 Vegas limitada and droped it right on the driveway. Wrapper cracked! Tried to smoke it any way and it just wouldnt burn right and ended up one big mess...[img=left]http://digilander.libero.it/le.faccine/faccinea/cartelli/statici/1220.gif[/img]
I had a CAO Black last night and really enjoyed that puppy. I had a CAO Gold the day before and thought it was average, even though the burn was nice and even and the draw was good. The Black was far superior.
I smoked a camerroon label this morning and thought that it was an excellent moring smoke. Now I am smoking a cuban label and the flavor is ever so good and getting better as it goes down.
Yesterday I had a Cameroon label robusto after lunch, I've smoked these before but didn't remember it to be this tasty, if I understand the term long finish correctly this stick had it.
Last night I had a Cusano 18 (Conn. wrapper) and will it was a decent smoke but it really didn't knock my socks off in the taste dept.
I also had a Partagas spanish rosado it was my second rosado and I guess I should of smoked it first because the taste just wasn't the same as the first one I smoked.
All in all a good day, got more pallette experience under my belt.
Slow aged by Perdomo. Nice stick. Really good ash. Stuff held on tighter than a fat girls sock.
CAO Brazilia Cariocas. I haven't had much time to really enjoy larger cigars so I've been smoking these. I love them and can't wait to see what they're like after a few months.
This has been a BAD day. I had a bunch of needy clients, a hellish long day of work, a bunch of drama with friends, and I missed the Sopranos. Just to top it off I dropped my cell in the toilet!! :censored:

At this point I did what any guy in my position would do...dipped into the special occasion stash. I smoked a Toboada rolled Robusto Partagas blend from '98. It was a wonderful smoke. Nice twang, perfectly balanced flavor, super finish. These guys are up there with the best smokes I've had...period.

I like the fact that a great cigar can finish a bad day on good note. I'm off to catch that episode of Sopranos...TiVo Rules :rock:
well today just happened to be a 4 cigar day.

i started early w/ a cusano 18 after breakfast after a few hours at the track i ate a small lunch and lit up a desiel fuente(which i still have mixed feelings about)

late this afternoon after aa few on track accidents and ambulance delay i decide it was time for a 5 vegas a, which perticularly enjoyable as i sat in my lounge chair during the incident free early evening.

now to finish it off i just had gurka regent nepolese warrior which really seems to hit the spot lately.
over all i would say i had rather enjoyable day smokin some stick and watching some bikes